! { dg-do run } ! ! Test finalization on intrinsic assignment (F2018 ( ! module testmode implicit none type :: simple integer :: ind contains final :: destructor1, destructor2 end type simple type, extends(simple) :: complicated real :: rind contains final :: destructor3, destructor4 end type complicated integer :: check_scalar integer :: check_array(4) real :: check_real real :: check_rarray(4) integer :: final_count = 0 contains subroutine destructor1(self) type(simple), intent(inout) :: self check_scalar = self%ind check_array = 0 final_count = final_count + 1 end subroutine destructor1 subroutine destructor2(self) type(simple), intent(inout) :: self(:) check_scalar = 0 check_array(1:size(self, 1)) = self%ind final_count = final_count + 1 end subroutine destructor2 subroutine destructor3(self) type(complicated), intent(inout) :: self check_real = self%rind check_array = 0.0 final_count = final_count + 1 end subroutine destructor3 subroutine destructor4(self) type(complicated), intent(inout) :: self(:) check_real = 0.0 check_rarray(1:size(self, 1)) = self%rind final_count = final_count + 1 end subroutine destructor4 function constructor1(ind) result(res) type(simple), allocatable :: res integer, intent(in) :: ind allocate (res, source = simple (ind)) end function constructor1 function constructor2(ind, rind) result(res) class(simple), allocatable :: res(:) integer, intent(in) :: ind(:) real, intent(in), optional :: rind(:) type(complicated), allocatable :: src(:) integer :: sz integer :: i if (present (rind)) then sz = min (size (ind, 1), size (rind, 1)) src = [(complicated (ind(i), rind(i)), i = 1, sz)] allocate (res, source = src) else sz = size (ind, 1) allocate (res, source = [(simple (ind(i)), i = 1, sz)]) end if end function constructor2 subroutine test (cnt, scalar, array, off, rind, rarray) integer :: cnt integer :: scalar integer :: array(:) integer :: off real, optional :: rind real, optional :: rarray(:) if (final_count .ne. cnt) print *, 1 + off, final_count, cnt if (check_scalar .ne. scalar) print *, 2 + off, check_scalar, scalar if (any (check_array(1:size (array, 1)) .ne. array)) print *, 3 + off, & check_array(1:size (array, 1)), "|", array if (present (rind)) then if (check_real .ne. rind) print *, 4+off, check_real, rind end if if (present (rarray)) then if (any (check_rarray(1:size (rarray, 1)) .ne. rarray)) print *, 5 + off, & check_rarray(1:size (rarray, 1)), "|", rarray end if end subroutine test end module testmode program test_final use testmode implicit none type(simple), allocatable :: MyType, MyType2 type(simple), allocatable :: MyTypeArray(:) type(simple) :: ThyType = simple(21), ThyType2 = simple(22) class(simple), allocatable :: MyClass class(simple), allocatable :: MyClassArray(:) ! ************************ ! Derived type assignments ! ************************ ! The original PR - one finalization of 'var' before (re)allocation. MyType = ThyType call test(1, 0, [0,0], 0) if (.not. allocated(MyType)) allocate(MyType) allocate(MyType2) MyType%ind = 1 MyType2%ind = 2 ! This should result in a final call with self = simple(1). MyType = MyType2 call test(2, 1, [0,0], 10) allocate(MyTypeArray(2)) MyTypeArray%ind = [42, 43] ! This should result in a final call with self = [simple(42),simple(43)]. MyTypeArray = [ThyType, ThyType2] call test(3, 0, [42,43], 20) ! This should result in a final call with self = initialization = simple(22). ThyType2 = simple(99) call test(4, 22, [0,0], 30) ! This should result in a final call with self = simple(22). ThyType = ThyType2 call test(5, 21, [0,0], 40) ! This should result in two final calls; the last is for self2 = simple(2). deallocate (MyType, MyType2) call test(7, 2, [0,0], 50) ! This should result in one final call; MyTypeArray = [simple(21),simple(22)]. deallocate (MyTypeArray) call test(8, 0, [21,22], 60) ! Check that rhs function expressions do not interfere with finalization. ! The lhs is finalized before assignment. ! The function result is finalized after the assignment. allocate (MyType, source = simple (11)) MyType = constructor1 (99) call test(10, 99, [0,0], 70) deallocate (MyType) ! ***************** ! Class assignments ! ***************** final_count = 0 allocate (MyClass, source = simple (3)) ! This should result in a final call with the allocated value. MyClass = simple (4) call test(1, 3, [0,0], 100) ! This should result in a final call with the assigned value. deallocate (MyClass) call test(2, 4, [0,0], 110) allocate (MyClassArray, source = [simple (5), simple (6)]) ! Make sure that there is no final call. call test(2, 4, [0,0], 120) MyClassArray = [simple (7), simple (8)] ! The final call should return the value before the assignment. call test(2, 4, [0,0], 130) ! This should result in a final call with the assigned value. deallocate (MyClassArray) call test(3, 0, [7,8], 140) ! This should produce no final calls. allocate (MyClassArray, source = [complicated(1, 2.0),complicated(3, 4.0)]) ! This should produce calls to destructor4 then destructor2. deallocate (MyClassArray) ! F2018 "If the entity is of extended type and the parent type is ! finalizable, the parent component is finalized. call test(5, 0, [1, 3], 150, rarray = [2.0, 4.0]) ! Since 'constructor2; must finalize 'src' after the finalization of ! 'MyClassArray', the result in 'check_array' should be [10,20]. MyClassArray = constructor2 ([10,20], [10.0,20.0]) call test(9, 0, [10,20], 160, rarray = [10.0,20.0]) deallocate (MyClassArray) call test(11, 0, [10, 20], 170, rarray = [10.0,20.0]) end program test_final