As you might have noticed over the last week I have dropped in the new breakpoint stepping framework (or hopefully you didn't notice since I did try to do it in chunks that all had no detectable functional behavior changes). This is an update to my previous general stepping overview and a request for review of the next steps with regard to the instruction parsers, testframework and what to use as ssol area. The main difference with the previous stepping overview regarding the ptrace state machine is that there is now an explicit Stepping state, which is a sub-state of Running and that Running.sendContinue() now not only determines how to instruct ptrace to continue the task, but also returns a different Running state based on whether or not we asked for a continue or step-continue. This makes interpreting the cause of the trap event we subsequently expect to get easier. This was previously recorded as a field in the Task itself. With respect to breakpoints the ptrace task states have been adapted to all call setupSteppingBreakpoint() after a breakpoint hit has been detected, which makes sure the PC is setup correctly (which previously could be off by one on some architectures) and to mark the Task as being at that particular breakpoint (this is still kept as Task field for now) and to not actually call Breakpoint.prepareStep(), which is now handled in Running.sendContinue(). In the previous version when reset-breakpoint stepping was used another task could miss the breakpoint if the Task moved into a Blocked state before continuing. All the logic of how to breakpoint step has been moved into the Breakpoint class that checks the properties of a new Instruction class object which is created by the Isa through an instruction parser before the breakpoint is inserted at a given location (previously we represented instructions just as a byte[]). An Instruction knows how long the instruction is, which bytes it represents, whether it can be single stepped out of line and how to set that up given the original pc location and an alternative address, plus any fixups that are needed to the Task afterwards (and it has a notion of whether or not the Instruction can be simulated, but that isn't currently used, see below). A Breakpoint ties an Instruction to a particular address and Proc (and Tasks can have zero or more Breakpoints, they share the same Breakpoint on the same address with other Tasks of a Proc and when no Tasks of a Proc has an Breakpoint at a particular address anymore the Breakpoint is removed). For stepping the Breakpoint the Running.sendContinue() method first calls Breakpoint.prepareStep(), then signals ptrace to do a single step of the Task, putting the Task in Stepping state and then in handleTrapEvent() calls Breakpoint.stepDone(). prepareStep() queries the capabilities of the Instruction at the pc address and depending on that either sets things up for doing a step out of line, simulate the instruction (but none of the current Instructions have been setup to do simulation yes, and look at the comment in prepareStep() to see what is needed to fully enable this option) or reset the current Instruction (removing the breakpoint instruction temporarily). Accordingly a Breakpoint can be in the state NOT_STEPPING, OUT_OF_LINE_STEPPING, SIMULATE_STEPPING or RESET_STEPPING. In the case of RESET_STEPPING (which was the only option we supported before) other Tasks might miss and just past the Breakpoint during the brief period between the reset, step and reinstall. Breakpoint prepareStep() just takes the Instruction bytes and puts them at the current pc address, and doneStep() reinstates the breakpoint instruction. When the Instruction supports single step out of line then the Breakpoint requests an address in the single step out of line area of the Proc, instructs the Instruction to install itself there for the current Task calling Instruction.setupExecuteOutOfLine(). The default action of setupExecuteOutOfLine() is to set the pc to the given address and place a copy the instruction bytes there (although this can be overridden if an Instruction wants to do something more fancy). When the task signals the Breakpoint that a step was taken by calling stepDone(), the Breakpoint calls Instruction fixupExecuteOutOfLine() with the original pc and replacement address so any adjustments can be done to the Task registers. The default action is to just set the pc to the original pc plus the length of the Instruction just stepped. But Instructions can override that if more is needed. As an example the RET instruction doesn't do any fixup (since the only action is setting the pc to the right location in the first place) and the JMP instruction sets the pc to original pc plus/minus the difference of the alternate address and the pc after the single step. Afterward the Breakpoint returns the used address to the Proc so it can be used by other Tasks needing to do a single step out of line. The Proc maintains a single step out of line area pool of addresses that point to locations that are at least as big is the largest instruction of the instruction set. The Proc gets this list from the Isa the first time an address is requested through getOutOfLineAddress(). Currently this is (for x86 and x86_64) just the address of the main function entry point(see below). The address is taken out of the pool and the Breakpoint is responsible for putting it back through doneOutOfLine (see above). If no address is currently available the call blocks till one is available (this was way easier than inventing yet another TaskState and getting the communication between Proc and Task about this right, and contention is very low and at the longest it takes for an address to become available is one instruction single step). All the above seems to work nicely for x86 and x86_64 (powerpc hasn't been updated, but as long as an Isa doesn't return Instructions through an instruction parser that returns single stepping out of line capable Instructions the old reset-breakpoint stepping is used) with all the old testcases and a couple of new ones but there are 3 areas of improvement needed: - Instruction Parser. The framework is in place and works for the few Instructions that are known to the instruction parse, but there are all hand coded (see IA32InstructionParser which just handles NOP, INT3, RETQ and one JMP variant, the X8664Instruction just delegates to the IA32 for now). There don't seem to be libraries available to easily plugin that would give us the fixup instructions needed. The best available is the kprobes examples from the linux kernel which have as drawback that they are coded to be intimately tied to the kernel/C way of doing things and only handles instructions found in kernel space. For uprobes this should have been extended to handle every instruction that can occur in user space, but I haven't seen that work yet (and apparently is only available for x86 and no other architecture at this time). Any alternatives to look at would be appreciated. Otherwise I need to sit down with the various instruction manuals and just code it up by hand. (Bonus points for finding something that would not just give us ssol fixups but also simulation of instructions when hooked to the registers and memory of a Task). - Testsuite. The best I could come up with for now is TestInstructions and funit-instructions.c which is a nice little framework for having a simple assembly instructions labeled in such a way that a 'instruction address path' can be communicated to the java side so it can do either a full step through the program or install breakpoints on every instruction and make sure that every step and/or breakpoint hit takes it to the right next address. But the assembly part has to be written completely by hand (and unsurprisingly the simple assembly program currently used works identically on x86 and x86_64). Trying to reuse the funit-asm.h generic assembly instructions to make it platform neutral was really hard especially since the labels used on the C and inline assembly side have to kept in sync and mixing C defines and asm statements don't seem to mix very well. Also at the moment it is just using nops and jmps to keep things simple. I guess that in the end, if we have real instruction parsers we could try to generate them using that. Ideas or experiences with setting something up to track individual instructions and getting the right addresses listed appreciated. - Single Step Out Of Line Address Area. Currently the Isa (for x86 and x86_64 at least) just provide one address. The address of the main() function entry point taken by just doing: Elf elf = new Elf(proc.getExe(), ElfCommand.ELF_C_READ); Dwarf dwarf = new Dwarf(elf, DwarfCommand.READ, null); DwarfDie die = DwarfDie.getDecl(dwarf, "main"); return die.getEntryBreakpoints(); This works surprisingly well for a simple first approach, and programs generally don't reenter their own main() function. But it would be nice to either find an area that is guaranteed to never be used (again) by the process, or to map in an executable area in the inferior that is just used by us (maybe just making the inferior load a dummy shared library). Again any suggestions welcome.