Attendees: Chris, Kris, Andrew, Sami, Mike, Nurdin, Tim, Mark, Elena. Chris Moller: ptrace bug 227952 <-> frysk bug 4052 <-> FC6 patch exists for new fc6 kernels. 1.2925.fc6. Did this bug happen in rawhide kernel? Can somebody check? New Frysk in rawhide: new rpms new ecj, new libecj. Frysk is from yesterday cvs. test results printed in posix style, like with dejagnu. UNRESOLVED instead of SKIPPED, UNRESOLVED instead of BROKEN. Cagney will make the junit changes and the automake changes. Not trivial. Version of junit included in frysk is not upstream main one, it's kind of dead branch. autobuild: 2 fc6 boxes x86 and x86-64. Runs Unattended. Still working on the reporting piece, with a concise summary including recent changes based on file revisions. A test fails intermittently. Test with full cvs checkout and test with incremental cvs update of the tree. For intermittent tests: use -r option indicating the number of repetitions of an individual test. 3595 detach-multi-thread is the test that fails intermittently. There are stress tests that are disabled by default. Resource intensive, and non deterministic. Should those be included in the autobuild/autotest. Do both install tree testing and build tree testing. Gnome 4.0 Java 1.5 Java-gnome No updates on major work items from RH. People are working on their tasks. Mark: will send update on his work to the list. How about other people? Sami: stabilizing monitor window integration with source window: looking at source of running thread and backtrace. Bug fixing against druid and monitor. Compilation of frysk-imports generates thousands of warnings. cdtparser and junit. Observed with fc6 and rawhide. No value in trying to clean those up. We should tweak the flags then, -Wall is too agressive for these directories. If the goal is to have the frysk build be warnings free. Elfutils also has new warnings. Suggestion to post status reports to the frysk mailing list. There isn't much posted about what people are working on and what problems they have encountered or what interesting features they are designing. Mailing list is a bit dead, it's not inviting for new people to join. Next week: gui review: hpd again -> Stan and Tim.