This patch implements a new Multi Level Command called: 'info' into fhpd. This new multi level command attempts to group all the 'information-providing' commands into one command-group. This is so the main top-level command's help does not get unwieldy. The commands auxv, maps and debuginfo registrations have been moved into info command. The regs command registration has been duplicated into info command due to the hpd specifying the regs command should also be a top-level command. Usage Scenarios: Usage: info help - will print out all the information sub-commands that info knows about. Usage: info help - will print out the sub-command's help. E.g. info help regs Usage: info -help. Same as above. E.g. info regs -help Usage: info - will execute the sub-command. E.g. info auxv. Class usage: To add commands to 'info', simple edit the as show in the patch, or call the .add() function. Known bugs: An unsolved issue is that info -help does not parse the -help correctly and identifies it as a command. Extending ParameterizedCommand instead of Command leads to the InfoCommand cannibalizing command options that the sub-command should process. Regards Phil