Hello, my name is Manuel Alguacil and this message is about a possible gcc/g++ bug. I am Computer Engeenering and I use to compile C programs under Linux using the Gnu C Compiler (version 3.2 release 7). Actually I am using Red Hat 8.0 with an AMD Athlon 500Mhz, but you can find the whole configuration described in the 'dmesg.txt' file. Some days ago I started a program and I found some troubles while trying to use a dinamic matrix. I was reciving a 'Segmentation fault' error. In the beginning I thought it could be produced by a bad data manipulation by me, but making some probes, I finally reach this conclusion: The gcc compiler is not treating correctly the dinamic matrix. I include in this message two code files: one with the error and other with the "correct runnable code". Both codes compile perfectly, but the first one gives the error, and the other one patchs it (but this is a very poor solution). Anyway, this solution only works with a small matrix. If we try to use a bigger one, it gives the same error. The problem is as follows: I am mannaging a two dimensions matrix dinamically, and after a lot of probes I think the problem is that the 'calloc' call doesn't works fine, because the first row is not set to zero after 'calloc'. I think that malloc is in same way. You can see the output of the wrong code in the 'out.txt' file. If you want to see the error, you only have to uncomment the code of the wrong file (that fill the whole matrix) and you will see. I don't really know if I was right sending this bug here. If not, please excuse me and if you know who I have to write, tell me, ok? Well, I tried to explain the best I can the problem. Please, forgive my poor english (I am Spanish). For any doub or suggest, please contact me at or I hope this e-mail will be useful for everyone. Thanks. Manuel Alguacil Payan Seville (Spain) ---Publicidad-------------------------------------------------------- Juega con Ventura24.es, loterķa inteligente y multiplica tus posibilidades!! http://www.iespana.es/_reloc/email.ventura