------- Comment #1 from hjl dot tools at gmail dot com 2009-06-12 01:12 ------- [hjl@gnu-34 build_base_o3.0000]$ cat foo.f SUBROUTINE VROT2(N,DIS) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) PARAMETER(ZERO=0.0D+00) COMMON /SYMSPD/ PTR(3,144) DIMENSION DIS(3,2),TMP(3,2) DO I = 1,3 TMP1 = ZERO DO J = 1,3 TMP1 = TMP1 + PTR(I,N+J) END DO TMP(I,1) = TMP1 END DO DO I = 1,3 DIS(I,1) = TMP(I,1) END DO RETURN END [hjl@gnu-34 build_base_o3.0000]$ /export/gnu/import/rrs/148352/usr/bin/gfortran -c -o hess.fppized.o -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -DSPEC_CPU_LP64 -ffixed-form foo.f foo.f: In function ‘vrot2’: foo.f:1:0: internal compiler error: tree check: expected class ‘type’, have ‘exceptional’ (block) in lower_bound_in_type, at tree.c:8588 Please submit a full bug report, with preprocessed source if appropriate. See for instructions. [hjl@gnu-34 build_base_o3.0000]$ -- http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=40421