Hello, my name is Yuriy Lebedyev. I've tried to build gcc-3.0.3 on the UnixWare 7.1.0, the part-result of uname -f is: architecture=IA32 bus_types=PCI2.10,ISA,PnP1.0 hw_provider=INTEL 440BX kernel_stamp=00/04/13 machine=Pentium III num_cg=1 num_cpu=1 os_base=UNIX_SVR5 os_provider=SCO release=5 srpc_domain= sysname=UnixWare version=7.1.0 At configure was set the next options: srcdir/configure --prefix=/usr/local/opt/gcc --enable-languages=c,c++ then when i tried to build a native compiler by make bootstrap-lean i got an error like next: UX:make: ERROR: don't know how to make server.h (bu42). *** Error code 1 (bu21) UX:make: ERROR: fatal error. *** Error code 1 (bu21) UX:make: ERROR: fatal error. *** Error code 1 (bu21) UX:make: ERROR: fatal error. Full log of bulding is attached to this message. -- mailto:lebedev@dja.sf.ukrtel.net