Hello everybody, I wonder if this is possible to implement an optimizer that would produce just one statement returning constant for the following fragment of code: --- #include inline unsigned strlen(const char* s) { unsigned len = 0; while (*s++) len++; return len; } struct RPK { const char* rpk; const char* table; }; // referenced primary keys and corresponding tables const RPK rpks[] = { {"section_id", "section"}, {"group_id", "group"}, {"person_id", "person"}, {"professional_id", "professional"}, {"coach_id", "coach"}, {"trip_id", "trip"}, {"trip_category_id", "trip_category"}, {"route_id", "route"}, {"place_id", "place"}, {"qualification", "qualification"}, {"position_id", "position"} }; const size_t n_rpks = sizeof(rpks)/sizeof(rpks[0]); inline unsigned maxRpkLen() { unsigned max = strlen(rpks[0].rpk); for (size_t i = 1; i