Greetings, my ld (from DJGPP) does not really do what I want. Look at this: == START: test.c == int main() { int i; i=0x12345678; } == END: test.c == I enter this command: gcc -c test.c (No errors/messages) (Version of gcc: 2.952) This gives me test.o (sent with this msg) Then I enter this command: ld -o test.bin -Ttext 0x0 -e _main --oformat binary test.o (No errors/messages) (Version of ld: 2.9.5) The result is test.bin (sent with this msg) But this file is just crap, why?? (test.bin is exactly 1kb) I've used objdump -D on test.o and most seems perfect. What the hell is happening with my code? Thanks Thomas Lenherr