I compiled this program under HP 11.00 9000/785 system ,with gcc 3.0.There's neither error nor warning during the compile process.But when I ran it,Segmentation fault happened and the program terminated. Here is the program: #include #include using namespace std; class mapnode { string srcName,desName; }; int main() { fprintf(stderr,"Before mapnode constructor\n"); mapnode a[2000]; fprintf(stderr,"Mapnode constructor accomplished\n"); return 1; } And my compile option: g++ main.cpp ------------------------------------------------ 21CNÍøÂç²úÆ·³ÏÕ÷´úÀí http://agent.21cn.com ÏëÃâÊܹã¸æÐŵÄɧÈÅ£¬ÇëÂíÉÏÉý¼¶Îª21CN¾­¼ÃÓÊÓû§¡£ http://news.21cn.com/cgibin/urlhit2-mcounter.php3?url=http://member.21cn.com/economy/upgrade.php&rd=1 ²»¿´ÊÇÄãµÄ´í£¬²»ÔÙ¿´ÊÇÎÒµÄ´í¡£ http://adinfo.21cn.com