Hallo, maybe that's a bit offtopic, but I don't know where to send to otherwise (suggestions are welcome...) I'm trying to compile an external client for sybase's Jaguar CTS on a sun solaris 2.7 machine with gcc (2.95.3). My Problem is, it compiles way too long and needs plenty of memory. As soon as I add jaguar.hpp (thats a main includefile of Jaguar CTS API) to the includes it needs 30minutes (its a E450 with 1GB of RAM) and needs almost 1GB of memory. The mentioned header includes several other header-files, altogether they are about 3Megs of size. Ok, that's a mass, but for comparison, on a windoze-machine with MSVC that compiles in 1-2 minutes! And that's only the headers. If I use the functions the headers define, every call needs memory at compiletime and I end up with a client of about 1700 lines, which doesn't compile because after 2 hours a process called cc1plus needs 1.7Gig of Ram. At this stage the system has not enough ram and probably kills the process so that gcc says: (...).h:1863: Internal compiler error. (...).h:1863: Please submit a full bug report. (...).h:1863: See for instructions These are my settings of compiler and linker (cut from makefile): gcc -ggdb -O -w -I(...includes) -DDEBUG -D_REENTRANT -DJAG_NO_NAMESPACE -c testclient.cpp -o testclient.o /usr/local/bin/gcc -Xlinker -zmuldefs testclient.o -L(...libdirs) -ljcc -lpthread -lnsl -o testclient I'll attach an example of the headers. My Questions are: - How could I prevent gcc from compiling this long, e.g. with some compiler-switches? - Does anyone have experiences with gcc 3.0? Could it solve the problem? Thank you in advance, Kind Regards, Silvio Matthes (See attached file: jagheadr.zip) =?us-ascii?Q?jagheadr.zip?=