Thanks for taking the time writing this down, I understand better now. It also matches gcc's documentation. Regards,     Vincent. Le 03/05/2022 à 16:29, Florian Weimer a écrit : > * vincent Dupaquis: > >> - Did I miss anything ? > The linker can perform relaxations (e.g., elimination of GOT > indirection) based on whole-program analysis, something the compiler > cannot do. Such optimizations are very much target-dependent, and they > often need some previous ABI work to define new relaxable relocations > for relocatable object files. > >> - Is there somewhere a common definition of what mean PIC for the >> different architectures ? > Not really, not even for ELF. There are some common assumptions in the > background for ELF implementations (e.g., one canonical function > address), but how you get there varies somewhat. > > Thanks, > Florian > -- *Vincent Dupaquis* Software security & Cryptography expert 06 24 58 17 05 /Europarc de Pichaury Bâtiment B8 1330 rue Guillibert Gautier de la Lauzière 13290 Aix-en-Provence/