!===--test_target_enter_exit_data_allocate_array_alloc_delete.F90 - alloc/delete--===! ! ! OpenMP API Version 4.5 Nov 2015 ! ! This tests covers the target enter/exit data with the ! map(alloc/delete) modifiers respectively, for arrays that have the ! allocatable modifier and that are dynamically generated. ! !!===----------------------------------------------------------------------===! #include "ompvv.F90" #define N 20 PROGRAM tests_target_enter_exit_data_allocate_array_alloc USE iso_fortran_env USE ompvv_lib USE omp_lib implicit none INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: my1DPtr INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: my2DPtr INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: my3DPtr ! Helper arrays INTEGER, DIMENSION(N) :: my1DArr INTEGER, DIMENSION(N,N) :: my2DArr INTEGER, DIMENSION(N,N,N) :: my3DArr ! Helper functions LOGICAL :: isSharedEnv CHARACTER (len = 400) :: helperMsg INTEGER :: errors, i OMPVV_TEST_OFFLOADING OMPVV_TEST_AND_SET_SHARED_ENVIRONMENT(isSharedEnv) WRITE(helperMsg, *) "Omitting part of the test due to & &shared data environment" OMPVV_WARNING_IF(isSharedEnv, helperMsg) OMPVV_TEST_VERBOSE(test_allocate_array1D_map_alloc() .ne. 0) OMPVV_TEST_VERBOSE(test_allocate_array2D_map_alloc() .ne. 0) OMPVV_TEST_VERBOSE(test_allocate_array3D_map_alloc() .ne. 0) OMPVV_REPORT_AND_RETURN() CONTAINS ! 1D Array test INTEGER FUNCTION test_allocate_array1D_map_alloc() OMPVV_INFOMSG("Testing map alloc/delete allocated 1D array") errors = 0 ! Allocate the arrays allocate(my1DPtr(N)) ! initialize my1DPtr(:) = 0 ! Mapping the array !$omp target enter data map(alloc: my1DPtr(:)) ! Assign a value to the allocated space !$omp target my1DPtr(:) = (/ (i , i = 1,N) /) !$omp end target ! Confirm mapping with target region !$omp target map(from: my1DArr) my1DArr = my1DPtr !$omp end target IF (.NOT. isSharedEnv) THEN ! Make sure data does not get transfered over the host OMPVV_TEST_AND_SET_VERBOSE(errors, ANY(my1DPtr /= 0)) END IF OMPVV_TEST_AND_SET_VERBOSE(errors, SUM(my1DArr) /= ((N*(N+1)/2))) ! Asign a host value my1DPtr(:) = 10 !$omp target exit data map(delete: my1DPtr(:)) ! Check if I can transfer data with a map(tofrom:) !$omp target map(from: my1DArr) map(tofrom: my1DPtr(:)) my1DArr = my1DPtr my1DPtr(:) = 20 !$omp end target ! test that the values are the expected ones OMPVV_TEST_AND_SET_VERBOSE(errors, ANY(my1DPtr /= 20)) OMPVV_TEST_AND_SET_VERBOSE(errors, ANY(my1DArr /= 10)) deallocate(my1DPtr) test_allocate_array1D_map_alloc = errors END FUNCTION test_allocate_array1D_map_alloc ! 2D Array test INTEGER FUNCTION test_allocate_array2D_map_alloc() OMPVV_INFOMSG("Testing map alloc/delete allocated 2D array") errors = 0 ! Allocate the arrays allocate(my2DPtr(N,N)) ! initialize my2DPtr(:,:) = 0 ! Mapping the array !$omp target enter data map(alloc: my2DPtr(:,:)) ! Assign a value to the allocated space !$omp target my2DPtr(:,:) = RESHAPE((/ (i , i = 1,N**2) /), (/ N,N /)) !$omp end target ! Confirm mapping with target region !$omp target map(from: my2DArr) my2DArr = my2DPtr !$omp end target IF (.NOT. isSharedEnv) THEN OMPVV_TEST_AND_SET_VERBOSE(errors, ANY(my2DPtr /= 0)) END IF OMPVV_TEST_AND_SET_VERBOSE(errors, SUM(my2DArr) /= ((N**2*(N**2+1)/2))) ! Asign a host value my2DPtr(:,:) = 10 !$omp target exit data map(delete: my2DPtr(:,:)) ! Check if I can transfer data with a map(tofrom:) !$omp target map(from: my2DArr) map(tofrom: my2DPtr(:,:)) my2DArr = my2DPtr my2DPtr(:,:) = 20 !$omp end target ! test that the values are the expected ones OMPVV_TEST_AND_SET_VERBOSE(errors, ANY(my2DPtr /= 20)) OMPVV_TEST_AND_SET_VERBOSE(errors, ANY(my2DArr /= 10)) deallocate(my2DPtr) test_allocate_array2D_map_alloc = errors END FUNCTION test_allocate_array2D_map_alloc ! 3D Array test INTEGER FUNCTION test_allocate_array3D_map_alloc() OMPVV_INFOMSG("Testing map alloc/delete allocated 3D array") errors = 0 ! Allocate the arrays allocate(my3DPtr(N,N,N)) ! initialize my3DPtr(:,:,:) = 0 ! Mapping the array !$omp target enter data map(alloc: my3DPtr(:,:,:)) ! Assign a value to the allocated space !$omp target my3DPtr(:,:,:) = RESHAPE((/ (i , i = 1,N**3) /), (/ N,N,N /)) !$omp end target ! Confirm mapping with target region !$omp target map(from: my3DArr) my3DArr = my3DPtr !$omp end target IF (.NOT. isSharedEnv) THEN OMPVV_TEST_AND_SET_VERBOSE(errors, ANY(my3DPtr /= 0)) END IF OMPVV_TEST_AND_SET_VERBOSE(errors, SUM(my3DArr) /= ((N**3*(N**3+1)/2))) ! Asign a host value my3DPtr(:,:,:) = 10 !$omp target exit data map(delete: my3DPtr(:,:,:)) ! Check if I can transfer data with a map(tofrom:) !$omp target map(from: my3DArr) map(tofrom: my3DPtr(:,:,:)) my3DArr = my3DPtr my3DPtr(:,:,:) = 20 !$omp end target ! test that the values are the expected ones OMPVV_TEST_AND_SET_VERBOSE(errors, ANY(my3DPtr /= 20)) OMPVV_TEST_AND_SET_VERBOSE(errors, ANY(my3DArr /= 10)) deallocate(my3DPtr) test_allocate_array3D_map_alloc = errors END FUNCTION test_allocate_array3D_map_alloc END PROGRAM tests_target_enter_exit_data_allocate_array_alloc