This patch provides the initial implementation of aspect Abstract_State. This construct is intended for formal verification proofs. The syntax of the aspect is as follows: abstract_state_list ::= null | state_name_with_properties | (state_name_with_properties { , state_name_with_properties } ) state_name_with_properties ::= state_name | ( state_name with property_list ) property_list ::= property { , property } property ::= simple_property | name_value_property simple_property ::= identifier name_value_property ::= identifier => expression state_name ::= defining_identifier The semantics of the aspect are as follows: The identifier of a simple_property shall be Volatile, Input, or Output. There shall be at most one occurrence of the identifiers Volatile, Input and Output in a single property_list. If a property_list includes Volatile, then it shall also include exactly one of Input or Output. If a property_list includes either Input or Output, then it shall also include Volatile. The identifier of a name_value_property shall be Integrity. If a property_list includes Integrity then it shall be the final property in the list. Each state_name occurring in an Abstract_State aspect specification for a given package P introduces an implicit declaration of a state abstraction entity. This implicit declaration occurs at the beginning of the visible part of P. This implicit declaration requires completion. A state abstraction shall only be named in contexts where this is explicitly permitted (e.g., as part of a Globals aspect specification), but this is not a name resolution rule. Thus, the declaration of a state abstraction has the same visibility as any other declaration. A state abstraction is not an object; it does not have a type. The completion of a state abstraction declared in a package aspect_specification can only be provided as part of a Refined_State aspect specification within the body of the package. A null abstract_state_list specifies that a package contains no hidden state or variables declared in its visible_part. A variable declared in the visible_part of a package implicitly declares a state abstraction entity with the same identifier as the defining_identifier of the variable. The variable declaration acts as the completion of the state abstraction. The implicitly declared state abstraction is only visible in a limited view of the package. A volatile state abstraction is one declared with a property list which includes the Volatile property, and either Input or Output. A Volatile Input or Output state abstraction represents a sequence of state changes brought about by reading or writing successive values to or from a volatile variable. ------------ -- Source -- ------------ -- package Semantics is package OK_1 with Abstract_State => null is end OK_1; package OK_2 with Abstract_State => (S_1, (S_2 with Volatile, Input, Integrity => 1), (S_3 with Output, Volatile, Integrity => 2)) is end OK_2; package Error_1 with Abstract_State => (S_1, S_1, -- duplicate state name 123, -- junk state name (123 with Input, Volatile), -- junk state name (S_2 with Junk_Name), -- junk property (S_3 with Input, Input), -- duplicate property (S_4 with Input), -- no Volatile (S_5 with Output), -- no Volatile (S_6 with Volatile), -- neither Input nor Output (S_7 with Volatile, Input, Output), -- can't have Input and Output (S_8 with Integrity => Junk_Value), -- has to be integer literal null) -- can't have null or any of the above is end Error_1; end Semantics; ----------------- -- Compilation -- ----------------- $ gcc -c -gnatc -gnat12 -gnatd.V malformed abstract state declaration "S_1" conflicts with declaration at line 15 state name must be an identifier invalid state property duplicate state property properties Input and Output require Volatile properties Input and Output require Volatile property Volatile requires exactly one Input or Output property Volatile requires exactly one Input or Output integrity level must be an integer literal package "Error_1" has non-null abstract state Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk 2013-01-03 Hristian Kirtchev * aspects.adb, Add Aspect_Abstract_State to all the relevant tables. *, einfo.adb: Add Integrity_Level and Refined_State to the description of fields (Abstract_States): New routine. (Integrity_Level): New routine. (Has_Property): New routine. (Is_Input_State): New routine. (Is_Null_State): New routine. (Is_Output_State): New routine. (Is_Volatile_State): New routine. (Refined_State): New routine. (Set_Abstract_States): New routine. (Set_Integrity_Level): New routine. (Set_Refined_State): New routine. (Write_Field8_Name): Add proper output for E_Abstract_State. (Write_Field9_Name): Add proper output for E_Abstract_State. (Write_Field25_Name): Add proper output for E_Package. * Add new letter for an abstract state. * par-prag.adb: Add pragma Abstract_State to the list of pragma that do not need special processing by the parser. * sem_ch13.adb (Analyze_Aspect_Specifications): Convert aspect Abstract_State into a pragma without any form of legality checks. The work is done by Analyze_Pragma. (Check_Aspect_At_Freeze_Point): Aspect Abstract_State does not require delayed analysis. * sem_prag.adb: Add a value for pragma Abstract_State in table Sig_Flags. (Analyze_Pragma): Add legality checks for pragma Abstract_State. Analysis of individual states introduces a state abstraction entity into the visibility chain. * Add new names for abstract state and integrity. Add new pragma id for abstract state.