* [COMMITTED] ada: Add CHERI variant of System.Stream_Attributes
@ 2023-09-26 11:46 Marc Poulhiès
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From: Marc Poulhiès @ 2023-09-26 11:46 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: gcc-patches; +Cc: Daniel King
From: Daniel King <dmking@adacore.com>
Reading and writing System.Address to a stream on CHERI targets does
not preserve the capability tag; it will always be invalid since
a valid capability cannot be created out of thin air. Reading an Address
from a stream would therefore never yield a capability that can be
This patch introduces a CHERI variant of System.Stream_Attributes that
raises Program_Error when attempting to read a System.Address from a stream.
* libgnat/s-stratt__cheri.adb: New file
Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on master.
gcc/ada/libgnat/s-stratt__cheri.adb | 1019 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 1019 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 gcc/ada/libgnat/s-stratt__cheri.adb
diff --git a/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-stratt__cheri.adb b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-stratt__cheri.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f753cf3bf00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-stratt__cheri.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1019 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- S Y S T E M . S T R E A M _ A T T R I B U T E S --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2023, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
+-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
+-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
+-- --
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
+-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
+-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
+-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
+-- --
+-- This is the CHERI variant of this package
+with Ada.IO_Exceptions;
+with Ada.Streams; use Ada.Streams;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with System.Stream_Attributes.XDR;
+package body System.Stream_Attributes is
+ XDR_Stream : constant Integer;
+ pragma Import (C, XDR_Stream, "__gl_xdr_stream");
+ -- This imported value is used to determine whether the build had the
+ -- binder switch "-xdr" present which enables XDR streaming and sets this
+ -- flag to 1.
+ function XDR_Support return Boolean is (XDR_Stream = 1);
+ pragma Inline (XDR_Support);
+ -- Return True if XDR streaming should be used. Note that 128-bit integers
+ -- are not supported by the XDR protocol and will raise Device_Error.
+ Err : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.End_Error;
+ -- Exception raised if insufficient data read (note that the RM implies
+ -- that Data_Error might be the appropriate choice, but AI95-00132
+ -- decides with a binding interpretation that End_Error is preferred).
+ SU : constant := System.Storage_Unit;
+ subtype SEA is Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
+ subtype SEO is Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset;
+ generic function UC renames Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+ -- Subtypes used to define Stream_Element_Array values that map
+ -- into the elementary types, using unchecked conversion.
+ Thin_Pointer_Size : constant := System.Address'Size;
+ Fat_Pointer_Size : constant := System.Address'Size * 2;
+ subtype S_AD is SEA (1 .. (Fat_Pointer_Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_AS is SEA (1 .. (Thin_Pointer_Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_B is SEA (1 .. (Boolean'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_C is SEA (1 .. (Character'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_F is SEA (1 .. (Float'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_I is SEA (1 .. (Integer'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_I24 is SEA (1 .. (Integer_24'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_LF is SEA (1 .. (Long_Float'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_LI is SEA (1 .. (Long_Integer'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_LLF is SEA (1 .. (Long_Long_Float'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_LLI is SEA (1 .. (Long_Long_Integer'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_LLLI is SEA (1 .. (Long_Long_Long_Integer'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_LLLU is
+ SEA (1 .. (UST.Long_Long_Long_Unsigned'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_LLU is SEA (1 .. (UST.Long_Long_Unsigned'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_LU is SEA (1 .. (UST.Long_Unsigned'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_SF is SEA (1 .. (Short_Float'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_SI is SEA (1 .. (Short_Integer'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_SSI is SEA (1 .. (Short_Short_Integer'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_SSU is SEA (1 .. (UST.Short_Short_Unsigned'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_SU is SEA (1 .. (UST.Short_Unsigned'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_U is SEA (1 .. (UST.Unsigned'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_U24 is SEA (1 .. (Unsigned_24'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_WC is SEA (1 .. (Wide_Character'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ subtype S_WWC is SEA (1 .. (Wide_Wide_Character'Size + SU - 1) / SU);
+ -- Unchecked conversions from the elementary type to the stream type
+ function From_AD is new UC (Fat_Pointer, S_AD);
+ function From_AS is new UC (Thin_Pointer, S_AS);
+ function From_F is new UC (Float, S_F);
+ function From_I is new UC (Integer, S_I);
+ function From_I24 is new UC (Integer_24, S_I24);
+ function From_LF is new UC (Long_Float, S_LF);
+ function From_LI is new UC (Long_Integer, S_LI);
+ function From_LLF is new UC (Long_Long_Float, S_LLF);
+ function From_LLI is new UC (Long_Long_Integer, S_LLI);
+ function From_LLLI is new UC (Long_Long_Long_Integer, S_LLLI);
+ function From_LLLU is new UC (UST.Long_Long_Long_Unsigned, S_LLLU);
+ function From_LLU is new UC (UST.Long_Long_Unsigned, S_LLU);
+ function From_LU is new UC (UST.Long_Unsigned, S_LU);
+ function From_SF is new UC (Short_Float, S_SF);
+ function From_SI is new UC (Short_Integer, S_SI);
+ function From_SSI is new UC (Short_Short_Integer, S_SSI);
+ function From_SSU is new UC (UST.Short_Short_Unsigned, S_SSU);
+ function From_SU is new UC (UST.Short_Unsigned, S_SU);
+ function From_U is new UC (UST.Unsigned, S_U);
+ function From_U24 is new UC (Unsigned_24, S_U24);
+ function From_WC is new UC (Wide_Character, S_WC);
+ function From_WWC is new UC (Wide_Wide_Character, S_WWC);
+ -- Unchecked conversions from the stream type to elementary type
+ function To_F is new UC (S_F, Float);
+ function To_I is new UC (S_I, Integer);
+ function To_I24 is new UC (S_I24, Integer_24);
+ function To_LF is new UC (S_LF, Long_Float);
+ function To_LI is new UC (S_LI, Long_Integer);
+ function To_LLF is new UC (S_LLF, Long_Long_Float);
+ function To_LLI is new UC (S_LLI, Long_Long_Integer);
+ function To_LLLI is new UC (S_LLLI, Long_Long_Long_Integer);
+ function To_LLLU is new UC (S_LLLU, UST.Long_Long_Long_Unsigned);
+ function To_LLU is new UC (S_LLU, UST.Long_Long_Unsigned);
+ function To_LU is new UC (S_LU, UST.Long_Unsigned);
+ function To_SF is new UC (S_SF, Short_Float);
+ function To_SI is new UC (S_SI, Short_Integer);
+ function To_SSI is new UC (S_SSI, Short_Short_Integer);
+ function To_SSU is new UC (S_SSU, UST.Short_Short_Unsigned);
+ function To_SU is new UC (S_SU, UST.Short_Unsigned);
+ function To_U is new UC (S_U, UST.Unsigned);
+ function To_U24 is new UC (S_U24, Unsigned_24);
+ function To_WC is new UC (S_WC, Wide_Character);
+ function To_WWC is new UC (S_WWC, Wide_Wide_Character);
+ -----------------
+ -- Block_IO_OK --
+ -----------------
+ function Block_IO_OK return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return not XDR_Support;
+ end Block_IO_OK;
+ ----------
+ -- I_AD --
+ ----------
+ function I_AD (Stream : not null access RST) return Fat_Pointer is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Stream);
+ begin
+ raise Program_Error with "Operation not supported on CHERI targets";
+ return Fat_Pointer'(Null_Address, Null_Address);
+ end I_AD;
+ ----------
+ -- I_AS --
+ ----------
+ function I_AS (Stream : not null access RST) return Thin_Pointer is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Stream);
+ begin
+ raise Program_Error with "Operation not supported on CHERI targets";
+ return Null_Address;
+ end I_AS;
+ ---------
+ -- I_B --
+ ---------
+ function I_B (Stream : not null access RST) return Boolean is
+ T : S_B;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_B (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return Boolean'Val (T (1));
+ end if;
+ end I_B;
+ ---------
+ -- I_C --
+ ---------
+ function I_C (Stream : not null access RST) return Character is
+ T : S_C;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_C (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return Character'Val (T (1));
+ end if;
+ end I_C;
+ ---------
+ -- I_F --
+ ---------
+ function I_F (Stream : not null access RST) return Float is
+ T : S_F;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_F (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_F (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_F;
+ ---------
+ -- I_I --
+ ---------
+ function I_I (Stream : not null access RST) return Integer is
+ T : S_I;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_I (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_I (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_I;
+ -----------
+ -- I_I24 --
+ -----------
+ function I_I24 (Stream : not null access RST) return Integer_24 is
+ T : S_I24;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_I24 (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_I24 (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_I24;
+ ----------
+ -- I_LF --
+ ----------
+ function I_LF (Stream : not null access RST) return Long_Float is
+ T : S_LF;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_LF (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_LF (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_LF;
+ ----------
+ -- I_LI --
+ ----------
+ function I_LI (Stream : not null access RST) return Long_Integer is
+ T : S_LI;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_LI (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_LI (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_LI;
+ -----------
+ -- I_LLF --
+ -----------
+ function I_LLF (Stream : not null access RST) return Long_Long_Float is
+ T : S_LLF;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_LLF (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_LLF (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_LLF;
+ -----------
+ -- I_LLI --
+ -----------
+ function I_LLI (Stream : not null access RST) return Long_Long_Integer is
+ T : S_LLI;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_LLI (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_LLI (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_LLI;
+ ------------
+ -- I_LLLI --
+ ------------
+ function I_LLLI (Stream : not null access RST) return Long_Long_Long_Integer
+ is
+ T : S_LLLI;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ raise Ada.IO_Exceptions.Device_Error;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_LLLI (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_LLLI;
+ ------------
+ -- I_LLLU --
+ ------------
+ function I_LLLU
+ (Stream : not null access RST) return UST.Long_Long_Long_Unsigned
+ is
+ T : S_LLLU;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ raise Ada.IO_Exceptions.Device_Error;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_LLLU (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_LLLU;
+ -----------
+ -- I_LLU --
+ -----------
+ function I_LLU
+ (Stream : not null access RST) return UST.Long_Long_Unsigned
+ is
+ T : S_LLU;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_LLU (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_LLU (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_LLU;
+ ----------
+ -- I_LU --
+ ----------
+ function I_LU (Stream : not null access RST) return UST.Long_Unsigned is
+ T : S_LU;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_LU (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_LU (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_LU;
+ ----------
+ -- I_SF --
+ ----------
+ function I_SF (Stream : not null access RST) return Short_Float is
+ T : S_SF;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_SF (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_SF (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_SF;
+ ----------
+ -- I_SI --
+ ----------
+ function I_SI (Stream : not null access RST) return Short_Integer is
+ T : S_SI;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_SI (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_SI (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_SI;
+ -----------
+ -- I_SSI --
+ -----------
+ function I_SSI (Stream : not null access RST) return Short_Short_Integer is
+ T : S_SSI;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_SSI (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_SSI (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_SSI;
+ -----------
+ -- I_SSU --
+ -----------
+ function I_SSU
+ (Stream : not null access RST) return UST.Short_Short_Unsigned
+ is
+ T : S_SSU;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_SSU (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_SSU (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_SSU;
+ ----------
+ -- I_SU --
+ ----------
+ function I_SU (Stream : not null access RST) return UST.Short_Unsigned is
+ T : S_SU;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_SU (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_SU (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_SU;
+ ---------
+ -- I_U --
+ ---------
+ function I_U (Stream : not null access RST) return UST.Unsigned is
+ T : S_U;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_U (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_U (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_U;
+ -----------
+ -- I_U24 --
+ -----------
+ function I_U24 (Stream : not null access RST) return Unsigned_24 is
+ T : S_U24;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_U24 (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_U24 (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_U24;
+ ----------
+ -- I_WC --
+ ----------
+ function I_WC (Stream : not null access RST) return Wide_Character is
+ T : S_WC;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_WC (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_WC (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_WC;
+ -----------
+ -- I_WWC --
+ -----------
+ function I_WWC (Stream : not null access RST) return Wide_Wide_Character is
+ T : S_WWC;
+ L : SEO;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ return XDR.I_WWC (Stream);
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Read (Stream.all, T, L);
+ if L < T'Last then
+ raise Err;
+ else
+ return To_WWC (T);
+ end if;
+ end I_WWC;
+ ----------
+ -- W_AD --
+ ----------
+ procedure W_AD (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Fat_Pointer) is
+ T : constant S_AD := From_AD (Item);
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_AD (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, T);
+ end W_AD;
+ ----------
+ -- W_AS --
+ ----------
+ procedure W_AS (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Thin_Pointer) is
+ T : constant S_AS := From_AS (Item);
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_AS (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, T);
+ end W_AS;
+ ---------
+ -- W_B --
+ ---------
+ procedure W_B (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Boolean) is
+ T : S_B;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_B (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ T (1) := Boolean'Pos (Item);
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, T);
+ end W_B;
+ ---------
+ -- W_C --
+ ---------
+ procedure W_C (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Character) is
+ T : S_C;
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_C (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ T (1) := Character'Pos (Item);
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, T);
+ end W_C;
+ ---------
+ -- W_F --
+ ---------
+ procedure W_F (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Float) is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_F (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_F (Item));
+ end W_F;
+ ---------
+ -- W_I --
+ ---------
+ procedure W_I (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Integer) is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_I (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_I (Item));
+ end W_I;
+ -----------
+ -- W_I24 --
+ -----------
+ procedure W_I24 (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Integer_24) is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_I24 (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_I24 (Item));
+ end W_I24;
+ ----------
+ -- W_LF --
+ ----------
+ procedure W_LF (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Long_Float) is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_LF (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_LF (Item));
+ end W_LF;
+ ----------
+ -- W_LI --
+ ----------
+ procedure W_LI (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Long_Integer) is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_LI (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_LI (Item));
+ end W_LI;
+ -----------
+ -- W_LLF --
+ -----------
+ procedure W_LLF (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Long_Long_Float) is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_LLF (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_LLF (Item));
+ end W_LLF;
+ -----------
+ -- W_LLI --
+ -----------
+ procedure W_LLI (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Long_Long_Integer) is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_LLI (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_LLI (Item));
+ end W_LLI;
+ ------------
+ -- W_LLLI --
+ ------------
+ procedure W_LLLI
+ (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Long_Long_Long_Integer) is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ raise Ada.IO_Exceptions.Device_Error;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_LLLI (Item));
+ end W_LLLI;
+ ------------
+ -- W_LLLU --
+ ------------
+ procedure W_LLLU
+ (Stream : not null access RST; Item : UST.Long_Long_Long_Unsigned)
+ is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ raise Ada.IO_Exceptions.Device_Error;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_LLLU (Item));
+ end W_LLLU;
+ -----------
+ -- W_LLU --
+ -----------
+ procedure W_LLU
+ (Stream : not null access RST; Item : UST.Long_Long_Unsigned)
+ is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_LLU (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_LLU (Item));
+ end W_LLU;
+ ----------
+ -- W_LU --
+ ----------
+ procedure W_LU (Stream : not null access RST; Item : UST.Long_Unsigned) is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_LU (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_LU (Item));
+ end W_LU;
+ ----------
+ -- W_SF --
+ ----------
+ procedure W_SF (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Short_Float) is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_SF (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_SF (Item));
+ end W_SF;
+ ----------
+ -- W_SI --
+ ----------
+ procedure W_SI (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Short_Integer) is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_SI (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_SI (Item));
+ end W_SI;
+ -----------
+ -- W_SSI --
+ -----------
+ procedure W_SSI
+ (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Short_Short_Integer)
+ is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_SSI (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_SSI (Item));
+ end W_SSI;
+ -----------
+ -- W_SSU --
+ -----------
+ procedure W_SSU
+ (Stream : not null access RST; Item : UST.Short_Short_Unsigned)
+ is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_SSU (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_SSU (Item));
+ end W_SSU;
+ ----------
+ -- W_SU --
+ ----------
+ procedure W_SU (Stream : not null access RST; Item : UST.Short_Unsigned) is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_SU (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_SU (Item));
+ end W_SU;
+ ---------
+ -- W_U --
+ ---------
+ procedure W_U (Stream : not null access RST; Item : UST.Unsigned) is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_U (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_U (Item));
+ end W_U;
+ -----------
+ -- W_U24 --
+ -----------
+ procedure W_U24 (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Unsigned_24) is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_U24 (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_U24 (Item));
+ end W_U24;
+ ----------
+ -- W_WC --
+ ----------
+ procedure W_WC (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Wide_Character) is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_WC (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_WC (Item));
+ end W_WC;
+ -----------
+ -- W_WWC --
+ -----------
+ procedure W_WWC
+ (Stream : not null access RST; Item : Wide_Wide_Character)
+ is
+ begin
+ if XDR_Support then
+ XDR.W_WWC (Stream, Item);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ada.Streams.Write (Stream.all, From_WWC (Item));
+ end W_WWC;
+end System.Stream_Attributes;
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2023-09-26 11:46 [COMMITTED] ada: Add CHERI variant of System.Stream_Attributes Marc Poulhiès
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