Oh. Yes. Address comment: V3: https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc-patches/2023-October/632623.html Use if (inner_offsize < BITS_PER_WORD) juzhe.zhong@rivai.ai From: Robin Dapp Date: 2023-10-11 17:50 To: Juzhe-Zhong; gcc-patches CC: rdapp.gcc; kito.cheng; kito.cheng; jeffreyalaw Subject: Re: [PATCH V2] RISC-V: Fix incorrect index(offset) of gather/scatter Hi Juzhe, good that you noticed it now, I should have caught that in the review back then... One thing, though: > + if (inner_offsize < GET_MODE_BITSIZE (GET_MODE (ptr)).to_constant ()) Shouldn't ptr always be Pmode i.e. the bitsize == XLEN? Rest LGTM. Regards Robin