Hello, This is a patch regarding a couple of Objective-C related dialect options and warning switches. I have already submitted it a while ago but gave up after pinging a couple of times. I am now informed that should have kept pinging until I got someone's attention so I'm resending it. The patch is now against an old revision and as I stated originally it's probably not in a state that can be adopted as is. I'm sending it as is so that the implemented features can be assesed in terms of their usefulness and if they're welcome I'd be happy to make any necessary changes to bring it up-to-date, split it into smaller patches, add test-cases and anything else that is deemed necessary. Here's the relevant text from my initial message: Two of these switches are related to a feature request I submitted a while ago, Bug 56044 (http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=56044). I won't reproduce the entire argument here since it is available in the feature request. The relevant functionality in the patch comes in the form of two switches: -Wshadow-ivars which controls the "local declaration of ‘somevar’ hides instance variable" warning which curiously is enabled by default instead of being controlled at least by -Wshadow. The patch changes it so that this warning can be enabled and disabled specifically through -Wshadow-ivars as well as with all other shadowing-related warnings through -Wshadow. The reason for the extra switch is that, while searching through the Internet for a solution to this problem I have found out that other people are inconvenienced by this particular warning as well so it might be useful to be able to turn it off while keeping all the other shadowing-related warnings enabled. -flocal-ivars which when true, as it is by default, treats instance variables as having local scope. If false (-fno-local-ivars) instance variables must always be referred to as self->ivarname and references of ivarname resolve to the local or global scope as usual. I've also taken the opportunity of adding another switch unrelated to the above but related to instance variables: -fivar-visibility which can be set to either private, protected (the default), public and package. This sets the default instance variable visibility which normally is implicitly protected. My use-case for it is basically to be able to set it to public and thus effectively disable this visibility mechanism altogether which I find no use for and therefore have to circumvent. I'm not sure if anyone else feels the same way towards this but I figured it was worth a try. I'm attaching a preliminary patch against the current revision in case anyone wants to have a look. The changes are very small and any blatant mistakes should be immediately obvious. I have to admit to having virtually no knowledge of the internals of GCC but I have tried to keep in line with formatting guidelines and general style as well as looking up the particulars of the way options are handled in the available documentation to avoid blind copy-pasting. I have also tried to test the functionality both in my own (relatively large, or at least not too small) project and with small test programs and everything works as expected. Finallly, I tried running the tests too but these fail to complete both in the patched and unpatched version, possibly due to the way I've configured GCC. Dimitris