c/68120 - can't easily deal with integer overflow at compile time, is an enhancement request to make the integer overflow intrinsics usable in constant expressions in C (in addition to letting them be invoked with just two arguments). The inability to use the built-ins in constant expressions also limited to non-constexpr the contexts in which the patch for c++/ 69517 - SEGV on a VLA with excess initializer elements, was able to prevent the SEGV. This limitation is noted in c++/70507 - integer overflow builtins not constant expressions. The attached patch implements the request in c/68120 for both the C and C++ front-ends. It stops short of providing the new __builtin_add_wrapv function requested in c/68120. It doesn't seem necessary since the same functionality is available with the patch via the existing built-ins. With this enhancement in place it will be possible to add the C++ VLA checking to constexpr functions and fully resolve c++/ 69517 (which I plan to do next). While testing the patch, I also noticed an minor inconsistency in the text of the diagnostic GCC issues for invalid calls to the built-ins with insufficient numbers of arguments: for one set of built-ins the error says: "not enough arguments," while for another it says: "too few arguments." I raised PR c/70883 - inconsistent error message for calls to __builtin_add_overflow with too few arguments, for this and include a fix in this patch as well. Martin PS The enhancement to call the type-generic built-ins with a null pointer is not available in C++ 98 mode because GCC doesn't allow null pointers in constant expressions. Since C and later versions of C++ do, it seems that it might be worthwhile to relax the rules and accept them in C++ 98 as well so that the built-ins can be used portably across all versions of C++.