Hi Jason, Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. > Why two gcc-comit-mklog? That would generate the log entries twice. It did in fact generate the log entries twice, but I deleted out the second copy. Perhaps it would have made more sense to do git commit --amend instead. > Instead of making access_in_type non-static, let's defiine > get_parent_with_private_access in search.c and declare it in cp-tree.h > (with the declarations of nearby search.c functions). Done. > Only one 'n' in inaccessible. Oops! Subsequent lines of a comment should be indented to line up with the > first line. This applies to all your multi-line comments. My bad, hopefully fixed now. Don't change the indentation of these blocks; in the GNU coding style > the { } are indented two spaces from the if. > I think I see what you mean; I forgot to indent the { } (and therefore also everything within it, by two spaces). Hopefully fixed. The new line of arguments should be indented to line up with the first one. > Fixed I think. Please find attached the latest patch version with all these changes. git gcc-verify returns no problems and check_GNU_style.sh returns only false positives. Source builds fine. To be super safe I re-cloned the source and did git apply with the patch and it built and worked just fine, and hopefully I haven't missed anything. Thanks again for your help. Kind regards, Anthony