Hi Jason, I've finally completed my copyright assignment form. I've attached it to this email for reference. > You don't need write access to the main repository to use these commands > on your local copy. One nice thing about git compared to svn is that > you don't need to touch the server for anything but push and pull. > > Incidentally, how are you producing your patch? Maybe try git > format-patch instead. The method I am using at the moment is the one Ranjit Mathew talks about here: http://rmathew.com/articles/gcj/crpatch.html. Actually, having just re-read it, it says: 'NOTE: This is not the “proper” or “official” way of creating and submitting patches - that process has been explained in detail elsewhere. That process requires one to use Subversion (SVN). The process described here is meant for “one-off hackers” or people who cannot use SVN for some reason or the other.' ... oops! It's my fault kind of - the official GCC webpage (https://gcc.gnu.org/gitwrite.html) explaining how to do it is called 'Read-write Git access' so I assumed it was only relevant for people who have access to the repo, but I see that is not the case. I've tried the git way of doing it and I'm attaching a new patch file that (hopefully) is better this time. Basically what I did was what you suggested: git pull contrib/gcc-git-customization.sh (make changes) git add * git gcc-commit-mklog git gcc-commit-mklog --amend git format-patch -1 master I also re-built the source just to make sure I hadn't messed anything up. I re-ran the C++ regression tests using make check-c and make check-c++. Whilst I did not do a before/after comparison of the results, I checked the FAILs in gcc.sum and g++.sum and they all looked like they had nothing to do with my code. All the code is the same as before, so I'm thinking it should be fine (I just wanted to be safe). Also checked against check_GNU_style.sh. Assuming that's all fine, as for the code itself, there might well be some tweaks that could make it better, and so if that is the case then please let me know. Kind regards, Anthony Sharp