Hi Jacek, "Is there a reason to make it specific to x86_64? It seems to me that all mingw hosts could use it." Are you referring to the 32-bit host? My concern here is that this functionality (embedding the UTF-8 manifest file into the executable) is only truly supported in recent versions of Windows. From: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/design/globalizing/use-utf8-code-page It says that Windows Version 1903 (May 2019 Update) enables this, so we are looking at the 64-bit version of Windows. I suppose you are referring to the scenario where one has a 32-bit gcc + mingw running in a 64-bit Windows that is recent enough to support this? It is not clear to me based on the above doc what would happen encoding-wise in that situation, and I haven't tried it either because I assumed that most people would want the 64-bit version of gcc since they are probably running a 64-bit OS. If you think it is useful, I could look into that as a separate task to try and keep this one simple, if that makes sense. "I think that .manifest file should also be a dependency here." Why is that? Windres takes only the .rc file as its input, as per its own doc, and it successfully compiles it into an object file. The .manifest file is only referenced by the .rc file, and it doesn't get passed to windres, so I don't see why it has to be listed as a prerequisite in the make rule. Thanks, Costas On Tue, 7 Mar 2023 at 12:02, Jacek Caban wrote: > Hi Costas, > > On 3/7/23 01:52, Costas Argyris via Gcc-patches wrote: > > This is a proposal for addressing > https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=108865 > > by integrating the UTF-8 manifest file into gcc's build process for the > 64-bit mingw host. > > > Is there a reason to make it specific to x86_64? It seems to me that all > mingw hosts could use it. > > > > +# The resource .rc file references the utf8 .manifest file. > +# Compile it into an object file using windres. > +# The resulting .o file gets added to host_extra_gcc_objs in > +# config.host for x86_64-*-mingw* host and gets linked into > +# the driver as a .o file, so it's lack of symbols is OK. > +utf8rc-mingw32.o : $(srcdir)/config/i386/utf8-mingw32.rc > + $(WINDRES) $< $@ > > > I think that .manifest file should also be a dependency here. > > > Thanks, > > Jacek >