On Mon, 10 Sep 2018, Martin Li¨ka wrote: > I can reproduce that locally in a KVM machine running FreeBSD test > 10.4-RELEASE. I used gcc version 6.4.0 (FreeBSD Ports Collection) to > build stage1 compiler and I can see Segfaults happening. Great, thanks for helping look into this, Martin! > Issue is that neither valgrind nor gdb work on the system. > Valgrind has 2 PRs reported: > https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=224878 > https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=228973 > > For the gdb I can't see any lines associated: Which gdb are you using? (`which gdb` and/or `gdb --version`?) If, as I assume, it is the old one in the system (GDB 6.1.1) it may be worth a try installing the one from the ports/packages. Something like `pkg add gdb`, which should bring in GDB 8.1.1. > Would be very handy to have at least one of these tools working. > Gerald can you please help us with that? I believe the GDB route is the more promising one (also having looked at the two PRs you found re valgrind on FreeBSD/i386). Quesiton is, is it more of a GDB issue, or perhaps debugging information missing? Let me know what you find, I may be able to ask others, closer to the FreeBSD toolchain for help. Gerald