Bootstrapped and tested on x86_64-linux with no regressions. I would like to quickly thank everyone who helped me for their patience as I learned the ropes of the codebase and toolchain. It is much appretiated and this would have been much much more difficult without the support. This patch handles the new explicit object member functions by bypassing special behavior of implicit object member functions, but opting back into the special behavior during a function call through member access. This is mainly accomplished by bypassing becoming a METHOD_TYPE and remaining as a FUNCTION_TYPE. Normally, this would be treated as a static member function, but a new explicit object member function flag is added to lang_decl_base and is set for the declaration of explicit object member functions. This sets it apart from static member functions when it is relevant, and is the criteria used to opt-in to passing the implicit object argument during a member function call. The benefit of this design is less code needs to be modified to support the new feature, as most of the semantics of explicit object member functions matches those of static member functions. There is very little left to add, and hopefully there are few bugs in the implementation despite the minimal changes. It is possible there are hidden problems with passing the implicit object argument, but none of the tests I made exhibit such a thing EXCEPT for in the pathological case as I describe below. Upon reflection, a by value explicit object parameter might be broken as well, I can't recall if there's a good test for that case. Lambdas do not work yet, but you can work around it by marking it as mutable so I suspect it could be supported with minimal changes, I just ran out of time. The other thing that does not work is the pathological case with an explicit object parameter of an unrelated type and relying on a user-defined conversion operator to cast to said type in a call to that function. You can observe the failing test for that case in explicit-object-param-valid4.C, the result is somewhat interesting, but is also why I mention that there might be hidden problems here. I selectively excluded all the diagnostics from this patch, it's possible I made a mistake and the patch will be non-functional without the addition of the diagnostics patch. If that ends up being the case, please apply the following patch that includes the diagnostics and tests and judge the functionality from that. I believe that even if I mess up this patch, there should still be value in splitting up the changes into the two patches as it should make the changes to the behavior of the compiler much more clear. With that said, I believe I didn't make any mistakes while seperating the two patches, hopefully that is the case. I left in a FIXME (in as I noticed last minute that I made a mistake, it should be benign and removing it appears to not break anything, but I don't have time to do another bootstrap at the moment. My priority is to get eyes on the changes I've made and recieve feedback. The patch including the diagnostics will follow shortly, assuming I don't run out of time and need to rush to catch my flight :). PS: Are there any circumstances where TREE_CODE is FUNCTION_DECL but the lang_specific member is null? I have a null check for that case in DECL_IS_XOBJ_MEMBER_FUNC but I question if it's necessary.