This patches is the ME part to support OpenMP 5.0's deep-mapping feature, i.e. mapping allocatable components of Fortran's derived types automatically. [Not the lang hooks but allocatate-array part will probably also be useful when later adding 'iterator'-modifier support to the 'map'/'to'/'from' clauses.] This is a belated real submission of the patch sent in March 2022, (with FE fixes at (note to self: Bernhard did sent some comment fixes off list) + ) + ME fix for OpenACC at [which is in the attach patch] As written, attached is the ME part. Below is a description how it is supposed to get used; the patch links above show how it looks in the real-code FE. ====================== BACKGROUND ====================== Fortran permits type t integer, allocatable :: x, y(:) end type t type t2 type(t2), allocatable :: previous_stack ! Not valid in OMP 5.0 integer, allocatable :: a type(t) :: b, c(:) end type t2 type(t2) :: var1, var2(:) !$omp target enter data(var1, var2) Where all allocatable components need to be mapped alongside. The number of mappings is only known at runtime, e.g. for 'var2' - the array size is only known at runtime and then each allocatable component of each element of 'var2' needs to be mapped - both those can contain allocatable components as well, which have to be mapped - but of course only if the parent component is actually allocated. * * * The current code puts 'kinds' with const values into an array, 'sizes' in a fixed-size stack array (either with const or dynamic values) and 'addrs' is a struct. To support deep mapping, those all have to be dynamic; hence, the arrays 'sizes' and 'kinds' are turned into pointers - and the 'struct' gets a tailing variable-size array, which is then filled with the dynamic content. For this purpose, three lang hooks are added - all are called rather late, i.e. during, such that all previous operations (implicit mapping, explicit mapping, OpenMP mapper) are already done. * First one to check whether there is any allocatable component for a map-clause element (explicitly or implicitly added). If not, the current code is used. Otherwise, it uses dynamically allocated arrays (Side note: As the size is now only known at runtime, TREE_VEC has now another element - the array size - hence the change to expand_omp_target, before it was known statically from the type.) * Second hook to actually count how many allocations are done, required for the allocation. * Third hook to actually fill the arrays. Comments? Remarks? Tobias PS: There are two things to watch out in the future: - 'mapper': I think it should work when the mapper is present as it comes rather late in the flow, but I have not checked with Julian's patches (pending review). - Order: the dynamic items are added last to 'addrs' to permit keeping the 'struct' type. I think that's fine for allocatable components as they are added rather late and accessing them via 'is_device_ptr' is not possible. But there might be some issues with 'interator' in future; something to watch out. If so, we may need to partially or fully give up on putting all others mappings stillinto the struct. ----------------- Siemens Electronic Design Automation GmbH; Anschrift: Arnulfstraße 201, 80634 München; Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung; Geschäftsführer: Thomas Heurung, Frank Thürauf; Sitz der Gesellschaft: München; Registergericht München, HRB 106955