>Number: 5444 >Category: libstdc++ >Synopsis: in multi-processor environment basic_string ist not thread safe >Confidential: no >Severity: serious >Priority: medium >Responsible: unassigned >State: open >Class: sw-bug >Submitter-Id: net >Arrival-Date: Mon Jan 21 12:36:00 PST 2002 >Closed-Date: >Last-Modified: >Originator: markus.breuer@materna.de >Release: shipped with gcc 3.0.3 (3.0.951ß9 >Organization: >Environment: SUN Solaris 2.8 multi-processor machine >Description: This bug is not a clone of libstdc++/5037 I tested gcc 3.0.3 with a small sample application when the memory allocation became corrupt. After some time the process size grows up to maximum of available memory. Then the application runs out of memory und tries to write a core dump. Because of less free disk space this core is not comletly ritten. I also applied the fix for atomcity (not yet released, but in 3.1-stream), but it seems not to solve the problem. When starting the application in a single processor machine, there are no problems. In my opinion there are two possible problems: 1. The atomicity works fine, but because of the mass of strings the reference counter becomes an overflow. I could not see any protection in the context of basic_string. But I also could not find any hint (within the debugger) that an overflow may occure. The conditional breakpoint at the reference counter never reached a size of 1000 or more. 2. The atomicity does not work correct or there are accesses which are not synchronized. The changing accesses are done by using atomicity.h. But simple read accesses are done directly (see at header for example in _M_is_shared() in bits/basic_string.h.) I allready mailed nathan myers, who was involved in the basic_string implementation. I am not sure if he found any error, but I am really sure that gcc 3.0.3 (with the patch you described) is not stable when running my application. Currently I am using a mix of 2.95.3 and 3.x-atomicity. This mix runs without any problem. But because of the new implementation I am not able to apply my changes to the new implementation, nearly everthing is new. While fixing gcc 2.95.3 I found out, that the usage of only one global synchronizer for any string may be a bottle neck. So I decided to remove the global string synchronizer, instead of this I added it to the Rep structure. It works while using chunks of 16 byte, so my additional byte requires not really more effort or memory usage. As result shared Rep's use their own synchronizing atomic char. After this change my test-application was running much faster . I saw it on the terminal. Also there was less cpu usage. I think the atomic implementations behavior is like following: /* !!! atomic uses more than on instruction to implement mutex !!! */ /* lock */ do { current = atomics_value; // a context switch to an thread running on another processor // will force the other thread to loop until current thread unlocks // the mutex => active waiting } while( current != 0 ); >How-To-Repeat: It seems there is a relationship between processor idle time and the core dumps. To repeat the error try to start two or three instances of the application. Open a further shell running top-command (interval 1s) and watch the applications memory usage. After about half a minute one processes memory usage will grow. >Fix: No real idea. >Release-Note: >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted: ----gnatsweb-attachment---- Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="stringtest.cpp"; name="stringtest.cpp" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="stringtest.cpp" Ci8vIGcrKyBzdHJpbmd0ZXN0LmNwcCAtcHRocmVhZHMgLWc6CgovLyNkZWZpbmUgX1BUSFJFQURT Ci8vI2RlZmluZSBfU09MVEhSRUFEUwovLyNkZWZpbmUgX1JFRU5UUkFOVAojaW5jbHVkZSA8cHRo cmVhZC5oPgojaW5jbHVkZSA8dGhyZWFkLmg+CgojaW5jbHVkZSA8dW5pc3RkLmg+CiNpbmNsdWRl IDxpb3N0cmVhbT4KI2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0cmluZz4KI2luY2x1ZGUgPG1hcD4KI2luY2x1ZGUgPHZl Y3Rvcj4KI2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0cnN0cmVhbT4KCmNvbnN0IGludCBtYXhfdGhyZWFkX2NvdW50ID0g ODsKdm9sYXRpbGUgaW50IHJ1bm5pbmdUaHJlYWRzID0gbWF4X3RocmVhZF9jb3VudDsKY29uc3Qg Y2hhciogbXlfZGVmYXVsdCA9ICJIYWxsbyBXZWx0ISI7Cgpjb25zdCBpbnQgdXBwZXJfbGltaXQg PSAyNTAwOwpjb25zdCBpbnQgbG93ZXJfbGltaXQgPSAxMDAwOwoKdHlwZWRlZiBjaGFyIGNoYXJU OwovL3R5cGVkZWYgc3RyaW5nX2NoYXJfdHJhaXRzPGNoYXJUPiB0cmFpdHNUOwovL3R5cGVkZWYg YWxsb2NhdG9yPHRyYWl0c1Q+IGFsbG9jVDsKCi8vY2xhc3MgTXlBbGxvY2F0b3IgOiBwdWJsaWMg YWxsb2NUCi8vewovL307CgovL3R5cGVkZWYgYmFzaWNfc3RyaW5nPCBjaGFyVCwgdHJhaXRzVD4g U3RyaW5nOwovL3R5cGVkZWYgYmFzaWNfc3RyaW5nPGNoYXIsc3RyaW5nX2NoYXJfdHJhaXRzPGNo YXI+LCBtYWxsb2NfYWxsb2M+IFN0cmluZzsKdHlwZWRlZiBzdGQ6OnN0cmluZyBTdHJpbmc7Cgpj bGFzcyBGYWtlCnsKICAgY2hhciAqIG1fcHRyOwpwdWJsaWM6CiAgIEZha2UoKSB7IG1fcHRyID0g bmV3IGNoYXJbMTAwXTsgfQogICB+RmFrZSgpIHsgZGVsZXRlIG1fcHRyOyB9Cn07CgpwdGhyZWFk X3QgdGlkWyBtYXhfdGhyZWFkX2NvdW50IF07Cgp0eXBlZGVmIFN0cmluZyBNeVR5cGU7Cgp2b2lk KiB0aHJlYWRfbWFpbiggdm9pZCAqICkKewogICB1bnNpZ25lZCBpbnQgbG9vcCA9IDA7CiAgIAog ICBzdGQ6OmNvdXQgPDwgIkVudGVyaW5nIHRocmVhZCAuLi4iIDw8IHN0ZDo6ZW5kbDsKICAgCiAg IHR5cGVkZWYgc3RkOjptYXA8dW5zaWduZWQgaW50LE15VHlwZT4gTWFwOwogICB0eXBlZGVmIE1h cDo6dmFsdWVfdHlwZSBWYWx1ZV9QYWlyOwogICBNYXAgbXlNYXA7CiAgIGRvIHsKICAgICAgY2hh ciBidWZmZXJbMzJdOwogICAgICAKICAgICAgc3RkOjpvc3Ryc3RyZWFtIG9zcyggYnVmZmVyLCBz aXplb2YoYnVmZmVyKSApOwogICAgICBvc3MgPDwgbG9vcCA8PCAnXDAnOwogICAgICAKICAgICAg U3RyaW5nJiBzdHIgPSBteU1hcFtsb29wXTsKICAgICAgc3RyLmFwcGVuZCggbXlfZGVmYXVsdCAp OwogICAgICAvL215TWFwLmluc2VydCggVmFsdWVfUGFpciggbG9vcCwgc3RyICkgKTsKICAgICAg bG9vcCsrOwogICAgICAKICAgICAgaWYgKCBteU1hcC5zaXplKCkgPiB1cHBlcl9saW1pdCApCiAg ICAgIHsKICAgICAgICAgc3RkOjpjb3V0IDw8ICJjbGVhbmluZyB1cCAuLi4iIDw8IHN0ZDo6ZW5k bDsgICAgICAgICAgICAKICAgICAgICAgd2hpbGUoIG15TWFwLnNpemUoKSA+IGxvd2VyX2xpbWl0 ICkKICAgICAgICAgewogICAgICAgICAgICBNYXA6Oml0ZXJhdG9yIGl0ID0gbXlNYXAuYmVnaW4o KTsKICAgICAgICAgICAgbXlNYXAuZXJhc2UoIGl0ICk7CiAgICAgICAgIH0KICAgICAgICAgc2xl ZXAoIDUgKTsKICAgICAgfQogICAgICAKICAgfSB3aGlsZSAoIGxvb3AgKTsKICAgc3RkOjpjb3V0 IDw8ICJMZWF2aW5nIHRocmVhZCAuLi4iIDw8IHN0ZDo6ZW5kbDsKICAgcnVubmluZ1RocmVhZHMt LTsKfQoKCmludCBtYWluKCkKewogICBpbnQgY3RyOwogICAKICAgc3RkOjpjb3V0IDw8ICJTdGFy dHVwIC4uLiIgPDwgc3RkOjplbmRsOwogICAKICAgZm9yKCBjdHI9MDsgY3RyIDwgbWF4X3RocmVh ZF9jb3VudDsgY3RyKysgKQogICB7CiAgICAgIHB0aHJlYWRfdCBwdCA9IHB0aHJlYWRfY3JlYXRl KCAmdGlkW2N0cl0sIE5VTEwsIHRocmVhZF9tYWluLCAwICk7CiAgICAgIHN0ZDo6Y291dCA8PCAi dGhyZWFkICIgPDwgY3RyKzEgPDwgIiBzdGFydGVkIC4uLiIgPDwgc3RkOjplbmRsOwogICB9CiAg IHdoaWxlKCBydW5uaW5nVGhyZWFkcyApCiAgICAgIHNsZWVwICggMSk7CiAgICAgIAogICBzdGQ6 OmNvdXQgPDwgIlNodXRkb3duIC4uLiIgPDwgc3RkOjplbmRsOyAgICAgIAogICAKICAgCiAgIHJl dHVybiAwOwp9Cg==