Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2001 15:45:48 -0500 > > You've got my vote! The differences in the config directory are what > > caused me to start this whole investigate mess. > I'll post a note over on the src side and see what they think. > They're affected more than the gcc side. Hi DJ, I'm the monthly non automatic reminder (just kidding :), any news on this? Common gcc and src currently have some diffs, a sample after my signature. -- Laurent Guerby *** gcc/./.cvsignore Fri Jul 27 08:00:45 2001 --- ../src/src/./.cvsignore Tue Oct 30 16:20:01 2001 *************** *** 29,32 **** Makefile lost+found update.out ! LAST_UPDATED --- 29,32 ---- Makefile lost+found update.out ! update.sourceware *** gcc/./COPYING Mon Dec 18 22:47:16 2000 --- ../src/src/./COPYING Mon May 3 09:28:39 1999 *************** *** 2,8 **** Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. --- 2,8 ---- Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. *************** convey the exclusion of warranty; and ea *** 291,297 **** the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. ! Copyright (C) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --- 291,297 ---- the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. ! Copyright (C) 19yy This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *************** Also add information on how to contact y *** 313,319 **** If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: ! Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. --- 313,319 ---- If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: ! Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. *** gcc/./COPYING.LIB Mon Jan 29 14:30:01 2001 --- ../src/src/./COPYING.LIB Mon May 3 09:28:40 1999 *************** *** 1,14 **** ! GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ! Version 2.1, February 1999 ! Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. ! [This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts ! as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence ! the version number 2.1.] Preamble --- 1,13 ---- ! GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ! Version 2, June 1991 ! Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ! 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. ! [This is the first released version of the library GPL. It is ! numbered 2 because it goes with version 2 of the ordinary GPL.] Preamble *************** freedom to share and change it. By cont *** 17,125 **** Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. ! This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some ! specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the ! Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You ! can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether ! this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better ! strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. ! ! When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, ! not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that ! you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge ! for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get ! it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of ! it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do ! these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid ! distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these ! rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for ! you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source ! code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide ! complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them ! with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. ! We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the ! library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. ! To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that ! there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is ! modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know ! that what they have is not the original version, so that the original ! author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be ! introduced by others. ! Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of ! any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot ! effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a ! restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that ! any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be ! consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. ! ! Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ! ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser ! General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and ! is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use ! this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those ! libraries into non-free programs. ! ! When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using ! a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a ! combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary ! General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the ! entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General ! Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with ! the library. ! ! We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it ! does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General ! Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less ! of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages ! are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many ! libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain ! special circumstances. ! ! For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to ! encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes ! a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be ! allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free ! library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this ! case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free ! software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. ! ! In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free ! programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of ! free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in ! non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU ! operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating ! system. ! ! Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the ! users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is ! linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run ! that program using a modified version of the Library. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a "work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The ! former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must ! be combined with the library in order to run. ! GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION ! 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other ! program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or ! other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of ! this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). ! Each licensee is addressed as "you". A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs --- 16,112 ---- Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. ! This license, the Library General Public License, applies to some ! specially designated Free Software Foundation software, and to any ! other libraries whose authors decide to use it. You can use it for ! your libraries, too. ! ! When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not ! price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you ! have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for ! this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it ! if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it ! in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid ! anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. ! These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if ! you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source ! code. If you link a program with the library, you must provide ! complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them ! with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. ! Our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright ! the library, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. ! Also, for each distributor's protection, we want to make certain ! that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free ! library. If the library is modified by someone else and passed on, we ! want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original ! version, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on ! the original authors' reputations. ! Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software ! patents. We wish to avoid the danger that companies distributing free ! software will individually obtain patent licenses, thus in effect ! transforming the program into proprietary software. To prevent this, ! we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's ! free use or not licensed at all. ! ! Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary ! GNU General Public License, which was designed for utility programs. This ! license, the GNU Library General Public License, applies to certain ! designated libraries. This license is quite different from the ordinary ! one; be sure to read it in full, and don't assume that anything in it is ! the same as in the ordinary license. ! ! The reason we have a separate public license for some libraries is that ! they blur the distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a ! program and simply using it. Linking a program with a library, without ! changing the library, is in some sense simply using the library, and is ! analogous to running a utility program or application program. However, in ! a textual and legal sense, the linked executable is a combined work, a ! derivative of the original library, and the ordinary General Public License ! treats it as such. ! ! Because of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary General ! Public License for libraries did not effectively promote software ! sharing, because most developers did not use the libraries. We ! concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing better. ! ! However, unrestricted linking of non-free programs would deprive the ! users of those programs of all benefit from the free status of the ! libraries themselves. This Library General Public License is intended to ! permit developers of non-free programs to use free libraries, while ! preserving your freedom as a user of such programs to change the free ! libraries that are incorporated in them. (We have not seen how to achieve ! this as regards changes in header files, but we have achieved it as regards ! changes in the actual functions of the Library.) The hope is that this ! will lead to faster development of free libraries. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a "work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The ! former contains code derived from the library, while the latter only ! works together with the library. ! ! Note that it is possible for a library to be covered by the ordinary ! General Public License rather than by this special one. ! GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION ! 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library which ! contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized ! party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Library ! General Public License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is ! addressed as "you". A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs *************** distribute the object code for the work *** 268,274 **** Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. ! 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit --- 255,261 ---- Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. ! 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also compile or link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit *************** of these things: *** 295,325 **** Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application to use the modified definitions.) ! b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the ! Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a ! copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, ! rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) ! will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if ! the user installs one, as long as the modified version is ! interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. ! ! c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give the same user the materials specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more than the cost of performing this distribution. ! d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above specified materials from the same place. ! e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, ! the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is ! normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. --- 282,304 ---- Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application to use the modified definitions.) ! b) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give the same user the materials specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more than the cost of performing this distribution. ! c) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above specified materials from the same place. ! d) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, ! the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally ! distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. *************** Library), the recipient automatically re *** 368,374 **** original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. ! You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent --- 347,353 ---- original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. ! You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent *************** excluded. In such case, this License in *** 411,417 **** written in the body of this License. 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new ! versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. --- 390,396 ---- written in the body of this License. 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new ! versions of the Library General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. *************** DAMAGES. *** 457,463 **** END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS ! How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that --- 436,442 ---- END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS ! Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that *************** convey the exclusion of warranty; and ea *** 474,491 **** Copyright (C) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ! version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. --- 453,471 ---- Copyright (C) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ! version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! Library General Public License for more details. ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public ! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free ! Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, ! MA 02111-1307, USA Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. *************** necessary. Here is a sample; alter the *** 500,504 **** Ty Coon, President of Vice That's all there is to it! - - --- 480,482 ---- *** gcc/./MAINTAINERS Sun Dec 2 23:02:52 2001 --- ../src/src/./MAINTAINERS Thu Jul 26 16:20:05 2001 *************** *** 1,219 **** ! Blanket Write Privs. ! John Carr ! Richard Earnshaw ! Richard Henderson ! Geoffrey Keating ! Richard Kenner ! Jeff Law ! Jason Merrill ! Michael Meissner ! David S. Miller ! Mark Mitchell ! Bernd Schmidt ! Jim Wilson ! ! ! CPU Port Maintainers (CPU alphabetical order) ! ! a29k port Jim Wilson ! alpha port Richard Henderson ! arc port Richard Kenner ! arm port Nick Clifton ! arm port Richard Earnshaw ! avr port Denis Chertykov ! avr port Marek Michalkiewicz ! c4x port Michael Hayes ! cris port Hans-Peter Nilsson ! fr30 port Nick Clifton ! h8 port Jeff Law ! h8 port Kazu Hirata ! hppa port Jeff Law ! hppa port Dave Anglin ! i860 port Jason Eckhardt ! i960 port Jim Wilson ! ia64 port Jim Wilson ! m32r port Nick Clifton ! m32r port Michael Meissner ! m68hc11 port Stephane Carrez ! m68k port (?) Jeff Law ! m68k-motorola-sysv port Philippe De Muyter ! mcore port Nick Clifton ! mips port Eric Christopher ! mmix port Hans-Peter Nilsson ! mn10200 port Jeff Law ! mn10300 port Jeff Law ! mn10300 port Alexandre Oliva ! rs6000 port Geoff Keating ! rs6000 port David Edelsohn ! s390 port Hartmut Penner ! s390 port Ulrich Weigand ! sh port Joern Rennecke ! sh port Alexandre Oliva ! sparc port Richard Henderson ! sparc port David S. Miller ! sparc port Jakub Jelinek ! x86 ports Stan Cox ! xstormy16 port Geoffrey Keating ! v850 port Nick Clifton ! v850 port Michael Meissner ! vax port Dave Anglin ! ! OS Port Maintainers (OS alphabetical order) ! ! darwin port Stan Shebs ! sco5, unixware, sco udk Robert Lipe ! ! Various Maintainers ! ! C front end/ISO C99 Joseph Myers ! C front end/ISO C99 Richard Henderson ! Ada front end Geert Bosch ! Ada front end Robert Dewar ! fortran Richard Henderson ! fortran Toon Moene ! c++ Jason Merrill ! c++ Mark Mitchell ! chill Dave Brolley ! chill Per Bothner ! cpplib Dave Brolley ! cpplib Per Bothner ! cpplib Zack Weinberg ! cpplib Neil Booth ! java Per Bothner ! java Alexandre Petit-Bianco ! mercury Fergus Henderson ! objective-c Stan Shebs ! objective-c Ovidiu Predescu ! alias analysis John Carr ! loop unrolling Jim Wilson ! loop discovery Michael Hayes ! scheduler (+ haifa) Jim Wilson ! scheduler (+ haifa) Michael Meissner ! scheduler (+ haifa) Jeff Law ! reorg Jeff Law ! caller-save.c Jeff Law ! debugging code Jim Wilson ! dwarf debugging code Jason Merrill ! c++ runtime libs Gabriel Dos Reis ! c++ runtime libs Ulrich Drepper ! c++ runtime libs Phil Edwards ! c++ runtime libs Benjamin Kosnik ! *synthetic multiply Torbjorn Granlund ! *c-torture Torbjorn Granlund ! fixincludes Bruce Korb ! gcse.c Jeff Law ! global opt framework Jeff Law ! jump.c David S. Miller ! web pages Gerald Pfeifer ! config.sub/config.guess Ben Elliston ! basic block reordering Jason Eckhardt ! i18n Philipp Thomas ! diagnostic messages Gabriel Dos Reis ! windows, cygwin, mingw Christopher Faylor ! windows, cygwin, mingw DJ Delorie ! DJGPP DJ Delorie ! libiberty DJ Delorie ! build machinery (*.in) DJ Delorie ! build machinery (*.in) Alexandre Oliva ! docs co-maintainer Gerald Pfeifer ! Pico-Java port Steve Chamberlain ! RTEMS Ports Joel Sherrill ! predict.def Jan Hubicka ! ! Note individuals who maintain parts of the compiler need approval to check ! in changes outside of the parts of the compiler they maintain. ! ! ! Write After Approval (last name alphabetical order) ! Scott Bambrough ! David Billinghurst ! Laurynas Biveinis ! Phil Blundell ! Hans Boehm ! Andrew Cagney ! William Cohen ! *Paul Eggert ! Ben Elliston ! Marc Espie ! Kaveh Ghazi ! Anthony Green ! Stu Grossman ! Laurent Guerby ! Andrew Haley ! Aldy Hernandez ! Matthew Hiller ! Kazu Hirata ! Manfred Hollstein ! Jan Hubicka ! Andreas Jaeger ! Jakub Jelinek ! Dale Johannesen ! Janis Johnson ! Klaus Kaempf ! Brendan Kehoe ! Mumit Khan ! Jeff Knaggs ! Matt Kraai ! Ziemowit Laski ! Marc Lehmann ! Alan Lehotsky ! Warren Levy ! Kriang Lerdsuwanakij ! Don Lindsay ! Dave Love ! Martin v. Löwis ! *HJ Lu ! Andrew Macleod ! Vladimir Makarov ! Greg McGary ! Bryce McKinlay ! Alan Modra ! Toon Moene ! Catherine Moore ! Diego Novillo ! David O'Brien ! Jeffrey D. Oldham ! Rainer Orth ro@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE ! Nicola Pero ! Alexandre Petit-Bianco ! Clinton Popetz ! Ken Raeburn ! Rolf Rasmussen ! Gabriel Dos Reis ! Loren J. Rittle ! Craig Rodrigues ! Gavin Romig-Koch ! Alex Samuel ! Richard Sandiford ! Bernd Schmidt ! Andreas Schwab ! Stan Shebs ! Nathan Sidwell ! Franz Sirl ! Michael Sokolov msokolov@ivan.Harhan.ORG ! Mike Stump ! Ian Taylor ! Michael Tiemann ! Philipp Thomas ! Kresten Krab Thorup ! Tom Tromey ! John Wehle ! Mark Wielaard ! Graham Stott ! Daniel Berlin ! Jim Blandy ! Chandra Chavva ! Chris Demetriou ! Doug Evans ! Michael Matz ! Tom Rix ! Richard Stallman ! Graham Stott ! ! GNATS only accounts ! Peter Bienstman(?) ! Benjamin Chelf(?) ! James Dennett(?) ! Mark Galassi(?) ! Jeff Strum(?) --- 1,107 ---- ! Please feel free to add, edit, delete this file. ! Please do not make ChangeLog entries. ! COPYING, COPYING.LIB, README ! ! !; configure; ! Please notify the following of any committed patches. ! ! ! ! bfd/; binutils/; gas/; gprof/; ld/; opcodes/; BFD's part of include/ ! binutils: ! Patches to ! Please notify the following of any interface changes: ! ! ! cgen/; cgen parts of opcodes/, sim/ & include/ ! cgen: ! Patches to ! May need separate opcodes/ or sim/ approval for ! commits of regenerated files there. ! ! config.guess; config.sub; dejagnu/config.guess; ! readline/support/config.sub; readline/support/config.guess ! config: ! Patches to ! Changes need to be done in tandem with the official CONFIG ! sources or submitted to the master file maintainer and brought ! in via a merge. ! ! dejagnu/ ! Notify of generic changes. ! Generic patches to; ! Other dependents of dejagnu include sid@, binutils@, gcc@, etc. ! ! gdb/; mmalloc/; readline/; sim/; GDB's part of include/ & dejagnu/ ! gdb: ! Patches to ! See also gdb/MAINTAINERS, sim/MAINTAINERS, mmalloc/MAINTAINERS. ! ! include/ ! See binutils/, gdb/, sid/, gcc/, libiberty/ etc. ! ! libiberty/; libiberty's part of include/ ! gcc: ! Changes need to be done in tandem with the official GCC ! sources or submitted to the master file maintainer and brought ! in via a merge. Note: approved patches in gcc's libiberty ! are automatically approved in this libiberty also; feel free ! to merge them yourself if needed sooner than the next merge. ! Otherwise, changes are automatically merged, usually within ! a day. ! ! ltconfig; ! libtool: ! Changes need to be done in tandem with the official LIBTOOL ! sources or submitted to the master file maintainer and brought ! in via a merge. ! ! mkinstalldirs; move-if-change; symlink-tree ! autoconf: ! Patches to ! Changes need to be done in tandem with the official AUTOCONF ! sources or submitted to the master file maintainer and brought ! in via a merge. ! ! newlib/; libgloss/ ! ! Patches to ! ! sid/; SID's part of cgen/ & dejagnu/ ! sid: ! Patches to ! ! texinfo/texinfo.tex ! texinfo: ! Latest version can be found on and can be ! imported at any (reasonable) time. ! Please not use GCC's texinfo. Please do not import texinfo. ! ! tcl/; tix/; itcl/; tk/; libgui/ ! insight: ! Contact ! ! winsup/ ! cygwin: ! Patches to ! General discussion ! See also winsup/MAINTAINERS. ! ! expect/;; mpw-README;;; ! mpw-configure; mpw-install;; missing; makefile.vms; utils/; ! config/; config.if; makefile.vms; missing; ylwrap; mkdep; etc/; ! install-sh; intl/ ! Ask. ! ! modules file ! Obviously changes to this file should not go through ! If you understand the file ! format (or can cut-and-paste existing entries), modify it. If ! it scares you, get someone who does understand it to help you. ! Be prepared to fix it if you do break it. ! ! /* Local variables: */ ! /* change-log-default-name: "/dev/null" */ ! /* End: */ *** gcc/./ Wed Nov 28 09:17:44 2001 --- ../src/src/./ Wed Nov 28 20:55:01 2001 *************** CXXFLAGS = -g -O2 *** 87,93 **** LDFLAGS = LIBCFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) - CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD = $(CFLAGS) CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET = $(CFLAGS) LDFLAGS_FOR_TARGET = LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET = $(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) --- 87,92 ---- *************** LIBCXXFLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) -fno-implicit- *** 103,108 **** --- 102,109 ---- CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET = $(CXXFLAGS) LIBCXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET = $(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) -fno-implicit-templates + RANLIB = ranlib + DLLTOOL = dlltool WINDRES = windres *************** OTHERS = *** 172,178 **** # This is set by the configure script to the list of directories which # should be built using the target tools. ! TARGET_CONFIGDIRS = libiberty libgloss $(SPECIAL_LIBS) newlib librx winsup opcodes bsp libstub cygmon libf2c libchill libobjc # Target libraries are put under this directory: # Changed by configure to $(target_alias) if cross. --- 173,179 ---- # This is set by the configure script to the list of directories which # should be built using the target tools. ! TARGET_CONFIGDIRS = libiberty libgloss $(SPECIAL_LIBS) newlib libio librx libstdc++ libg++ winsup opcodes bsp libstub cygmon libf2c libchill libobjc # Target libraries are put under this directory: # Changed by configure to $(target_alias) if cross. *************** HOST_LIB_PATH = $$r/bfd:$$r/opcodes *** 203,209 **** # This is the list of directories that may be needed in RPATH_ENVVAR # so that prorgams built for the target machine work. ! TARGET_LIB_PATH = $$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs: # sets SET_LIB_PATH to this if --enable-shared was used. # Some platforms don't like blank entries, so we remove duplicate, --- 204,210 ---- # This is the list of directories that may be needed in RPATH_ENVVAR # so that prorgams built for the target machine work. ! TARGET_LIB_PATH = $$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs:$$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++ # sets SET_LIB_PATH to this if --enable-shared was used. # Some platforms don't like blank entries, so we remove duplicate, *************** CC_FOR_TARGET = *** 232,238 **** CHILL_FOR_TARGET = CXX_FOR_TARGET = CXX_FOR_TARGET_FOR_RECURSIVE_MAKE = - GCJ_FOR_TARGET = # If GCC_FOR_TARGET is not overriden on the command line, then this # variable is passed down to the gcc Makefile, where it is used to --- 233,238 ---- *************** BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS = \ *** 356,362 **** "CHILLFLAGS=$(CHILLFLAGS)" \ "CHILL_FOR_TARGET=$(CHILL_FOR_TARGET)" \ "CHILL_LIB=$(CHILL_LIB)" \ - "GCJ_FOR_TARGET=$(GCJ_FOR_TARGET)" \ "CXX_FOR_BUILD=$(CXX_FOR_BUILD)" \ "CXXFLAGS=$(CXXFLAGS)" \ "CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ --- 356,361 ---- *************** BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS = \ *** 394,401 **** "libdir=$(libdir)" \ "libexecdir=$(libexecdir)" \ "lispdir=$(lispdir)" \ - "libstdcxx_incdir=$(libstdcxx_incdir)" \ - "libsubdir=$(libsubdir)" \ "localstatedir=$(localstatedir)" \ "mandir=$(mandir)" \ "oldincludedir=$(oldincludedir)" \ --- 393,398 ---- *************** BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS = \ *** 408,414 **** "gxx_include_dir=$(gxx_include_dir)" \ "gcc_version=$(gcc_version)" \ "gcc_version_trigger=$(gcc_version_trigger)" \ ! "target_alias=$(target_alias)" # For any flags above that may contain shell code that varies from one # target library to another. When doing recursive invocations of the --- 405,412 ---- "gxx_include_dir=$(gxx_include_dir)" \ "gcc_version=$(gcc_version)" \ "gcc_version_trigger=$(gcc_version_trigger)" \ ! "target_alias=$(target_alias)" \ ! "libsubdir=$(libsubdir)" # For any flags above that may contain shell code that varies from one # target library to another. When doing recursive invocations of the *************** EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS = \ *** 429,435 **** 'DLLTOOL=$(DLLTOOL)' \ 'LD=$(LD)' \ 'NM=$(NM)' \ ! "`echo 'RANLIB=$(RANLIB)' | sed -e s/.*=$$/XFOO=/`" \ 'WINDRES=$(WINDRES)' FLAGS_TO_PASS = $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) --- 427,433 ---- 'DLLTOOL=$(DLLTOOL)' \ 'LD=$(LD)' \ 'NM=$(NM)' \ ! 'RANLIB=$(RANLIB)' \ 'WINDRES=$(WINDRES)' FLAGS_TO_PASS = $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) *************** EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS = \ *** 483,492 **** 'HOST_PREFIX=$(HOST_PREFIX)' \ 'HOST_PREFIX_1=$(HOST_PREFIX_1)' \ 'NM=$(NM)' \ ! "`echo 'RANLIB=$(RANLIB)' | sed -e s/.*=$$/XFOO=/`" \ 'WINDRES=$$(WINDRES_FOR_TARGET)' \ "GCC_FOR_TARGET=$(GCC_FOR_TARGET)" \ - "CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD=$(CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD)" \ "`echo 'LANGUAGES=$(LANGUAGES)' | sed -e s/.*=$$/XFOO=/`" \ "`echo 'STMP_FIXPROTO=$(STMP_FIXPROTO)' | sed -e s/.*=$$/XFOO=/`" \ "`echo 'LIMITS_H_TEST=$(LIMITS_H_TEST)' | sed -e s/.*=$$/XFOO=/`" \ --- 481,489 ---- 'HOST_PREFIX=$(HOST_PREFIX)' \ 'HOST_PREFIX_1=$(HOST_PREFIX_1)' \ 'NM=$(NM)' \ ! 'RANLIB=$(RANLIB)' \ 'WINDRES=$$(WINDRES_FOR_TARGET)' \ "GCC_FOR_TARGET=$(GCC_FOR_TARGET)" \ "`echo 'LANGUAGES=$(LANGUAGES)' | sed -e s/.*=$$/XFOO=/`" \ "`echo 'STMP_FIXPROTO=$(STMP_FIXPROTO)' | sed -e s/.*=$$/XFOO=/`" \ "`echo 'LIMITS_H_TEST=$(LIMITS_H_TEST)' | sed -e s/.*=$$/XFOO=/`" \ *************** EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS = \ *** 495,501 **** "`echo 'LIBGCC2_DEBUG_CFLAGS=$(LIBGCC2_DEBUG_CFLAGS)' | sed -e s/.*=$$/XFOO=/`" \ "`echo 'LIBGCC2_INCLUDES=$(LIBGCC2_INCLUDES)' | sed -e s/.*=$$/XFOO=/`" \ "`echo 'ENQUIRE=$(ENQUIRE)' | sed -e s/.*=$$/XFOO=/`" \ - "`echo 'STAGE1_CFLAGS=$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)' | sed -e s/.*=$$/XFOO=/`" \ "`echo 'BOOT_CFLAGS=$(BOOT_CFLAGS)' | sed -e s/.*=$$/XFOO=/`" GCC_FLAGS_TO_PASS = $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS) --- 492,497 ---- *************** ALL_MODULES = \ *** 532,538 **** all-diff \ all-dosutils \ all-etc \ - all-fastjar \ all-fileutils \ all-findutils \ all-find \ --- 528,533 ---- *************** ALL_MODULES = \ *** 594,600 **** NATIVE_CHECK_MODULES = \ check-bison \ check-byacc \ - check-fastjar \ check-flex \ check-zip --- 589,594 ---- *************** INSTALL_MODULES = \ *** 687,693 **** install-diff \ install-dosutils \ install-etc \ - install-fastjar \ install-fileutils \ install-findutils \ install-find \ --- 681,686 ---- *************** INSTALL_X11_MODULES = \ *** 779,786 **** --- 772,782 ---- # This is a list of the targets for all of the modules which are compiled # using $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS). ALL_TARGET_MODULES = \ + all-target-libio \ + all-target-libstdc++ \ all-target-libstdc++-v3 \ all-target-librx \ + all-target-libg++ \ all-target-newlib \ all-target-libf2c \ all-target-libchill \ *************** ALL_TARGET_MODULES = \ *** 803,810 **** --- 799,809 ---- # This is a list of the configure targets for all of the modules which # are compiled using the target tools. CONFIGURE_TARGET_MODULES = \ + configure-target-libio \ + configure-target-libstdc++ \ configure-target-libstdc++-v3 \ configure-target-librx \ + configure-target-libg++ \ configure-target-newlib \ configure-target-libf2c \ configure-target-libchill \ *************** CONFIGURE_TARGET_MODULES = \ *** 827,833 **** --- 826,835 ---- # This is a list of the check targets for all of the modules which are # compiled using $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS). CHECK_TARGET_MODULES = \ + check-target-libio \ + check-target-libstdc++ \ check-target-libstdc++-v3 \ + check-target-libg++ \ check-target-newlib \ check-target-libf2c \ check-target-libchill \ *************** CHECK_TARGET_MODULES = \ *** 844,850 **** --- 846,855 ---- # This is a list of the install targets for all of the modules which are # compiled using $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS). INSTALL_TARGET_MODULES = \ + install-target-libio \ + install-target-libstdc++ \ install-target-libstdc++-v3 \ + install-target-libg++ \ install-target-newlib \ install-target-libf2c \ install-target-libchill \ *************** CLEAN_MODULES = \ *** 879,885 **** clean-diff \ clean-dosutils \ clean-etc \ - clean-fastjar \ clean-fileutils \ clean-findutils \ clean-find \ --- 884,889 ---- *************** CLEAN_MODULES = \ *** 932,939 **** --- 936,946 ---- # All of the target modules that can be cleaned CLEAN_TARGET_MODULES = \ + clean-target-libio \ + clean-target-libstdc++ \ clean-target-libstdc++-v3 \ clean-target-librx \ + clean-target-libg++ \ clean-target-newlib \ clean-target-libf2c \ clean-target-libchill \ *************** $(DO_X): *** 1013,1019 **** if (cd ./$$i; \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ ! "`echo \"RANLIB=$${RANLIB}\" | sed -e 's/.*=$$/XFOO=/'`" \ "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" \ $${target}); \ then true; else exit 1; fi; \ --- 1020,1026 ---- if (cd ./$$i; \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ ! "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" \ $${target}); \ then true; else exit 1; fi; \ *************** $(DO_X): *** 1031,1037 **** if (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/$$i; \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ ! "`echo \"RANLIB=$${RANLIB}\" | sed -e 's/.*=$$/XFOO=/'`" \ "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" \ $${target}); \ then true; else exit 1; fi; \ --- 1038,1044 ---- if (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/$$i; \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ ! "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" \ $${target}); \ then true; else exit 1; fi; \ *************** local-distclean: *** 1064,1074 **** -if [ "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)" != "." ]; then \ rm -rf $(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ else true; fi - -rm -f texinfo/po/Makefile texinfo/po/ texinfo/info/Makefile - -rm -f texinfo/doc/Makefile texinfo/po/POTFILES - -rmdir texinfo/doc texinfo/info texinfo/intl texinfo/lib 2>/dev/null - -rmdir texinfo/makeinfo texinfo/po texinfo/util 2>/dev/null - -rmdir fastjar gcc libiberty texinfo zlib 2>/dev/null local-maintainer-clean: @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use;" --- 1071,1076 ---- *************** $(CONFIGURE_TARGET_MODULES): *** 1414,1420 **** CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXX="$(CXX_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXX; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ - GCJ="$(GCJ_FOR_TARGET)"; export GCJ; \ DLLTOOL="$(DLLTOOL_FOR_TARGET)"; export DLLTOOL; \ LD="$(LD_FOR_TARGET)"; export LD; \ LDFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LDFLAGS; \ --- 1416,1421 ---- *************** $(CONFIGURE_TARGET_MODULES): *** 1422,1430 **** RANLIB="$(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)"; export RANLIB; \ WINDRES="$(WINDRES_FOR_TARGET)"; export WINDRES; \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/$${dir}; \ ! cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/$${dir}" || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ ! /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) \ topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) \ case "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)" in \ --- 1423,1431 ---- RANLIB="$(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)"; export RANLIB; \ WINDRES="$(WINDRES_FOR_TARGET)"; export WINDRES; \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/$${dir}; \ ! cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/$${dir}; \ case $(srcdir) in \ ! /*) \ topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) \ case "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)" in \ *************** $(CONFIGURE_TARGET_MODULES): *** 1466,1472 **** CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $$s/configure \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) $${srcdiroption} \ --with-target-subdir="$(TARGET_SUBDIR)"; \ ! fi || exit 1; \ if [ -f skip-this-dir ] ; then \ sh skip-this-dir; \ rm -f skip-this-dir; \ --- 1467,1473 ---- CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $$s/configure \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) $${srcdiroption} \ --with-target-subdir="$(TARGET_SUBDIR)"; \ ! fi; \ if [ -f skip-this-dir ] ; then \ sh skip-this-dir; \ rm -f skip-this-dir; \ *************** check-gcc: *** 1648,1665 **** true; \ fi - .PHONY: check-c++ - check-c++: - @if [ -f ./gcc/Makefile ] ; then \ - r=`pwd`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); pwd`; export s; \ - $(SET_LIB_PATH) \ - (cd gcc; $(MAKE) $(GCC_FLAGS_TO_PASS) check-c++); \ - $(MAKE) check-target-libstdc++-v3; \ - else \ - true; \ - fi - .PHONY: install-gcc install-gcc: @if [ -f ./gcc/Makefile ] ; then \ --- 1649,1654 ---- *************** install-dosrel-fake: *** 1700,1706 **** ALL_GCC = all-gcc ALL_GCC_C = $(ALL_GCC) all-target-newlib all-target-libgloss ! ALL_GCC_CXX = $(ALL_GCC_C) all-target-libstdc++-v3 # This is a list of inter-dependencies among modules. all-apache: --- 1689,1695 ---- ALL_GCC = all-gcc ALL_GCC_C = $(ALL_GCC) all-target-newlib all-target-libgloss ! ALL_GCC_CXX = $(ALL_GCC_C) all-target-libstdc++ all-target-libstdc++-v3 # This is a list of inter-dependencies among modules. all-apache: *************** all-bzip2: *** 1720,1726 **** all-cgen: all-libiberty all-cvssrc: configure-target-cygmon: $(ALL_GCC_C) ! all-target-cygmon: configure-target-cygmon all-target-libiberty all-target-libstub all-target-bsp all-db: all-dejagnu: all-tcl all-expect all-tk all-diff: all-libiberty --- 1709,1715 ---- all-cgen: all-libiberty all-cvssrc: configure-target-cygmon: $(ALL_GCC_C) ! all-target-cygmon: configure-target-cygmon all-target-libiberty all-target-libio all-target-libstub all-target-bsp all-db: all-dejagnu: all-tcl all-expect all-tk all-diff: all-libiberty *************** all-intl: *** 1758,1765 **** --- 1747,1759 ---- all-ispell: all-emacs19 all-itcl: all-tcl all-tk all-tcl8.1 all-tk8.1 all-ld: all-libiberty all-bfd all-opcodes all-bison all-byacc all-flex all-intl + configure-target-libg++: $(ALL_GCC_CXX) configure-target-librx + all-target-libg++: configure-target-libg++ all-target-libiberty all-target-librx configure-target-libgloss: $(ALL_GCC) all-target-libgloss: configure-target-libgloss configure-target-newlib + configure-target-libio: $(ALL_GCC_C) + all-target-libio: configure-target-libio all-gas all-ld all-gcc all-target-libiberty all-target-newlib + check-target-libio: all-target-libstdc++ all-libgui: all-tcl all-tk all-tcl8.1 all-tk8.1 all-itcl all-libiberty: *************** all-build-libiberty: configure-build-lib *** 1768,1776 **** configure-target-libffi: $(ALL_GCC_C) all-target-libffi: configure-target-libffi configure-target-libjava: $(ALL_GCC_CXX) configure-target-zlib configure-target-boehm-gc configure-target-qthreads configure-target-libffi ! all-target-libjava: configure-target-libjava all-fastjar all-target-zlib all-target-boehm-gc all-target-qthreads all-target-libffi configure-target-librx: $(ALL_GCC_C) all-target-librx: configure-target-librx configure-target-libstdc++-v3: $(ALL_GCC_C) all-target-libstdc++-v3: configure-target-libstdc++-v3 all-target-libiberty configure-target-libstub: $(ALL_GCC_C) --- 1762,1772 ---- configure-target-libffi: $(ALL_GCC_C) all-target-libffi: configure-target-libffi configure-target-libjava: $(ALL_GCC_CXX) configure-target-zlib configure-target-boehm-gc configure-target-qthreads configure-target-libffi ! all-target-libjava: configure-target-libjava all-zip all-target-zlib all-target-boehm-gc all-target-qthreads all-target-libffi configure-target-librx: $(ALL_GCC_C) all-target-librx: configure-target-librx + configure-target-libstdc++: $(ALL_GCC_C) + all-target-libstdc++: configure-target-libstdc++ all-target-libiberty all-target-libio configure-target-libstdc++-v3: $(ALL_GCC_C) all-target-libstdc++-v3: configure-target-libstdc++-v3 all-target-libiberty configure-target-libstub: $(ALL_GCC_C) *************** all-zip: *** 1823,1831 **** all-zlib: configure-target-zlib: $(ALL_GCC_C) all-target-zlib: configure-target-zlib - all-fastjar: all-zlib - configure-target-fastjar: configure-target-zlib - all-target-fastjar: configure-target-fastjar all-target-zlib configure-target-libiberty: $(ALL_GCC_C) all-target-libiberty: configure-target-libiberty all-target: $(ALL_TARGET_MODULES) --- 1819,1824 ---- *************** DEVO_SUPPORT= README configu *** 1884,1890 **** # ChangeLog omitted because it may refer to files which are not in this # distribution (perhaps it would be better to include it anyway). ETC_SUPPORT= configure standards.texi \ ! make-stds.texi* # When you use `make setup-dirs' or `make taz' you should always redefine # this macro. --- 1877,1885 ---- # ChangeLog omitted because it may refer to files which are not in this # distribution (perhaps it would be better to include it anyway). ETC_SUPPORT= configure standards.texi \ ! make-stds.texi* configure.texi* \ ! configbuild.* configdev.* ! # When you use `make setup-dirs' or `make taz' you should always redefine # this macro. *************** SUPPORT_FILES = list-of-support-files-fo *** 1892,1901 **** # NOTE: No double quotes in the below. It is used within shell script # as VER="$(VER)" ! VER = ` if grep AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE $(TOOL)/ >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ sed < $(TOOL)/ -n 's/AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE[^,]*, *\([^)]*\))/\1/p'; \ ! else \ sed < $(TOOL)/ -n 's/^VERSION *= *//p'; \ fi` PACKAGE = $(TOOL) --- 1887,1902 ---- # NOTE: No double quotes in the below. It is used within shell script # as VER="$(VER)" ! VER = ` if grep 'AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE.*BFD_VERSION' $(TOOL)/ >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ ! sed < bfd/ -n 's/AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE[^,]*, *\([^)]*\))/\1/p'; \ ! elif grep AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE $(TOOL)/ >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ sed < $(TOOL)/ -n 's/AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE[^,]*, *\([^)]*\))/\1/p'; \ ! elif test -f $(TOOL)/; then \ ! head -1 $(TOOL)/; \ ! elif grep VERSION $(TOOL)/ > /dev/null 2>&1; then \ sed < $(TOOL)/ -n 's/^VERSION *= *//p'; \ + else \ + echo VERSION; \ fi` PACKAGE = $(TOOL) *************** do-proto-toplev: $(DEVO_SUPPORT) $(SUPPO *** 1987,1992 **** --- 1988,1998 ---- else true; fi chmod -R og=u . || chmod og=u `find . -print` # + # Create .gmo files from .po files. + for f in `find . -name '*.po' -type f -print`; do \ + msgfmt -o `echo $$f | sed -e 's/\.po$$/.gmo/'` $$f ; \ + done + # -rm -f $(PACKAGE)-$(VER) ln -s proto-toplev $(PACKAGE)-$(VER) *************** gas+binutils.tar.bz2: $(DIST_SUPPORT) $( *** 2039,2044 **** --- 2045,2057 ---- $(MAKE) -f taz TOOL=gas \ MD5PROG="$(MD5PROG)" \ SUPPORT_FILES="$(GASB_SUPPORT_DIRS)" + + .PHONY: libg++.tar.bz2 + LIBGXX_SUPPORT_DIRS=include libstdc++ libio librx libiberty + libg++.tar.bz2: $(DIST_SUPPORT) libg++ + $(MAKE) -f taz TOOL=libg++ \ + MD5PROG="$(MD5PROG)" \ + SUPPORT_FILES="$(LIBGXX_SUPPORT_DIRS)" GNATS_SUPPORT_DIRS=include libiberty send-pr gnats.tar.bz2: $(DIST_SUPPORT) $(GNATS_SUPPORT_DIRS) gnats *** gcc/./README Wed Jun 13 20:48:09 2001 --- ../src/src/./README Mon May 3 09:28:39 1999 *************** *** 1,17 **** ! This directory contains the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). ! The GNU Compiler Collection is free software. See the file COPYING ! for copying permission. The manuals, and some of the runtime ! libraries, are under different terms; see the individual source files ! for details. ! ! The directory INSTALL contains copies of the installation information ! as HTML and plain text. The source of this information is ! gcc/doc/install.texi. The installation information includes details ! of what is included in the GCC sources and what files GCC installs. ! ! See the file gcc/doc/gcc.texi (together with other files that it ! includes) for usage and porting information. An online readable ! version of the manual is in the files gcc/doc/*. ! See for how to report bugs usefully. --- 1,47 ---- ! README for GNU development tools ! This directory contains various GNU compilers, assemblers, linkers, ! debuggers, etc., plus their support routines, definitions, and documentation. ! If you are receiving this as part of a GDB release, see the file gdb/README. ! If with a binutils release, see binutils/README; if with a libg++ release, ! see libg++/README, etc. That'll give you info about this ! package -- supported targets, how to use it, how to report bugs, etc. ! ! It is now possible to automatically configure and build a variety of ! tools with one command. To build all of the tools contained herein, ! run the ``configure'' script here, e.g.: ! ! ./configure ! make ! ! To install them (by default in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib, etc), ! then do: ! make install ! ! (If the configure script can't determine your type of computer, give it ! the name as an argument, for instance ``./configure sun4''. You can ! use the script ``config.sub'' to test whether a name is recognized; if ! it is, config.sub translates it to a triplet specifying CPU, vendor, ! and OS.) ! ! If you have more than one compiler on your system, it is often best to ! explicitly set CC in the environment before running configure, and to ! also set CC when running make. For example (assuming sh/bash/ksh): ! ! CC=gcc ./configure ! make ! ! A similar example using csh: ! ! setenv CC gcc ! ./configure ! make ! ! Much of the code and documentation enclosed is copyright by ! the Free Software Foundation, Inc. See the file COPYING or ! COPYING.LIB in the various directories, for a description of the ! GNU General Public License terms under which you can copy the files. ! ! REPORTING BUGS: Again, see gdb/README, binutils/README, etc., for info ! on where and how to report problems. *** gcc/./ Wed Jun 13 04:12:07 2001 --- ../src/src/./ Tue Aug 22 07:01:20 2000 *************** *** 17,22 **** --- 17,24 ---- # . ${srcdir}/../ # fi # + # See librx/ in the libg++ distribution for an example of how + # to handle autoconf'd libraries. # # Things are complicated because 6 separate cases must be handled: # 2 (native, cross) x 3 (absolute-path, relative-not-dot, dot) = 6. *************** *** 28,37 **** --- 30,42 ---- # The build tree is layed out as # # ./ + # libg++ # newlib # m68020/ + # libg++ # newlib # m68881/ + # libg++ # newlib # # The nice feature about this arrangement is that inter-library references *************** done *** 151,157 **** if [ "${enable_multilib}" = yes ]; then # Compute whether this is the library's top level directory ! # (ie: not a multilib subdirectory, and not a subdirectory like newlib/src). # ${with_multisubdir} tells us we're in the right branch, but we could be # in a subdir of that. # ??? The previous version could void this test by separating the process into --- 156,162 ---- if [ "${enable_multilib}" = yes ]; then # Compute whether this is the library's top level directory ! # (ie: not a multilib subdirectory, and not a subdirectory like libg++/src). # ${with_multisubdir} tells us we're in the right branch, but we could be # in a subdir of that. # ??? The previous version could void this test by separating the process into *************** mips*-*-*) *** 392,419 **** esac ;; powerpc*-*-* | rs6000*-*-*) - if [ x$enable_aix64 = xno ] - then - old_multidirs="${multidirs}" - multidirs="" - for x in ${old_multidirs}; do - case "$x" in - *ppc64* ) : ;; - *) multidirs="${multidirs} ${x}" ;; - esac - done - fi - if [ x$enable_pthread = xno ] - then - old_multidirs="${multidirs}" - multidirs="" - for x in ${old_multidirs}; do - case "$x" in - *pthread* ) : ;; - *) multidirs="${multidirs} ${x}" ;; - esac - done - fi if [ x$enable_softfloat = xno ] then old_multidirs="${multidirs}" --- 397,402 ---- *************** multi-do: *** 548,554 **** CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) $${flags}" \ prefix="$(prefix)" \ exec_prefix="$(exec_prefix)" \ - GCJFLAGS="$(GCJFLAGS) $${flags}" \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS) $${flags}" \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS) $${flags}" \ LIBCXXFLAGS="$(LIBCXXFLAGS) $${flags}" \ --- 531,536 ---- *************** if [ -n "${multidirs}" ] && [ -z "${ml_n *** 738,744 **** ;; *) case "${srcdir}" in ! /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]* ) # absolute path ml_newsrcdir=${srcdir} ;; *) # otherwise relative --- 720,726 ---- ;; *) case "${srcdir}" in ! /*) # absolute path ml_newsrcdir=${srcdir} ;; *) # otherwise relative *************** if [ -n "${multidirs}" ] && [ -z "${ml_n *** 751,757 **** esac case "${progname}" in ! /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]* ) ml_recprog=${progname} ;; *) ml_recprog=${dotdot}${progname} ;; esac --- 733,739 ---- esac case "${progname}" in ! /*) ml_recprog=${progname} ;; *) ml_recprog=${dotdot}${progname} ;; esac *************** if [ -n "${multidirs}" ] && [ -z "${ml_n *** 771,782 **** break fi done ! ml_config_env='CC="${CC_}$flags" CXX="${CXX_}$flags" GCJ="${GCJ_}$flags"' if [ "${with_target_subdir}" = "." ]; then CC_=$CC' ' CXX_=$CXX' ' - GCJ_=$GCJ' ' else # Create a regular expression that matches any string as long # as ML_POPDIR. --- 753,763 ---- break fi done ! ml_config_env='CC="${CC_}$flags" CXX="${CXX_}$flags"' if [ "${with_target_subdir}" = "." ]; then CC_=$CC' ' CXX_=$CXX' ' else # Create a regular expression that matches any string as long # as ML_POPDIR. *************** if [ -n "${multidirs}" ] && [ -z "${ml_n *** 802,819 **** CXX_="${CXX_}"`echo "X${arg}" | sed -n "s/X\\(${popdir_rx}\\).*/\\1/p"`/${ml_dir}`echo "X${arg}" | sed -n "s/X${popdir_rx}\\(.*\\)/\\1/p"`' ' ;; *) CXX_="${CXX_}${arg} " ;; - esac - done - - GCJ_= - for arg in ${GCJ}; do - case $arg in - -[BIL]"${ML_POPDIR}"/*) - GCJ_="${GCJ_}"`echo "X${arg}" | sed -n "s/X\\(-[BIL]${popdir_rx}\\).*/\\1/p"`/${ml_dir}`echo "X${arg}" | sed -n "s/X-[BIL]${popdir_rx}\\(.*\\)/\\1/p"`' ' ;; - "${ML_POPDIR}"/*) - GCJ_="${GCJ_}"`echo "X${arg}" | sed -n "s/X\\(${popdir_rx}\\).*/\\1/p"`/${ml_dir}`echo "X${arg}" | sed -n "s/X${popdir_rx}\\(.*\\)/\\1/p"`' ' ;; - *) - GCJ_="${GCJ_}${arg} " ;; esac done --- 783,788 ---- *** gcc/./config.guess Mon Nov 5 19:54:41 2001 --- ../src/src/./config.guess Fri Sep 28 23:04:51 2001 *************** *** 3,9 **** # Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 # Free Software Foundation, Inc. ! timestamp='2001-10-05' # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --- 3,9 ---- # Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 # Free Software Foundation, Inc. ! timestamp='2001-09-13' # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *************** timestamp='2001-10-05' *** 24,32 **** # configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under # the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. ! # Originally written by Per Bothner . ! # Please send patches to . Submit a context ! # diff and a properly formatted ChangeLog entry. # # This script attempts to guess a canonical system name similar to # config.sub. If it succeeds, it prints the system name on stdout, and --- 24,31 ---- # configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under # the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. ! # Written by Per Bothner . ! # Please send patches to . # # This script attempts to guess a canonical system name similar to # config.sub. If it succeeds, it prints the system name on stdout, and *************** EOF *** 548,555 **** 9000/31? ) HP_ARCH=m68000 ;; 9000/[34]?? ) HP_ARCH=m68k ;; 9000/[678][0-9][0-9]) ! if [ -x /usr/bin/getconf ]; then ! sc_cpu_version=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_CPU_VERSION 2>/dev/null` sc_kernel_bits=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_KERNEL_BITS 2>/dev/null` case "${sc_cpu_version}" in 523) HP_ARCH="hppa1.0" ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_0 --- 547,556 ---- 9000/31? ) HP_ARCH=m68000 ;; 9000/[34]?? ) HP_ARCH=m68k ;; 9000/[678][0-9][0-9]) ! case "${HPUX_REV}" in ! 11.[0-9][0-9]) ! if [ -x /usr/bin/getconf ]; then ! sc_cpu_version=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_CPU_VERSION 2>/dev/null` sc_kernel_bits=`/usr/bin/getconf SC_KERNEL_BITS 2>/dev/null` case "${sc_cpu_version}" in 523) HP_ARCH="hppa1.0" ;; # CPU_PA_RISC1_0 *************** EOF *** 558,570 **** case "${sc_kernel_bits}" in 32) HP_ARCH="hppa2.0n" ;; 64) HP_ARCH="hppa2.0w" ;; - '') HP_ARCH="hppa2.0" ;; # HP-UX 10.20 esac ;; esac ! fi ! if [ "${HP_ARCH}" = "" ]; then ! eval $set_cc_for_build ! sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c #define _HPUX_SOURCE #include --- 559,571 ---- case "${sc_kernel_bits}" in 32) HP_ARCH="hppa2.0n" ;; 64) HP_ARCH="hppa2.0w" ;; esac ;; esac ! fi ;; ! esac ! if [ "${HP_ARCH}" = "" ]; then ! eval $set_cc_for_build ! sed 's/^ //' << EOF >$dummy.c #define _HPUX_SOURCE #include *************** EOF *** 597,606 **** exit (0); } EOF ! (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD $dummy.c -o $dummy 2>/dev/null) && HP_ARCH=`./$dummy` ! if test -z "$HP_ARCH"; then HP_ARCH=hppa; fi ! rm -f $dummy.c $dummy ! fi ;; esac echo ${HP_ARCH}-hp-hpux${HPUX_REV} exit 0 ;; --- 598,607 ---- exit (0); } EOF ! (CCOPTS= $CC_FOR_BUILD $dummy.c -o $dummy 2>/dev/null ) && HP_ARCH=`./$dummy` ! if test -z "$HP_ARCH"; then HP_ARCH=hppa; fi ! rm -f $dummy.c $dummy ! fi ;; esac echo ${HP_ARCH}-hp-hpux${HPUX_REV} exit 0 ;; *************** EOF *** 947,953 **** exit 0 ;; M68*:*:R3V[567]*:*) test -r /sysV68 && echo 'm68k-motorola-sysv' && exit 0 ;; ! 3[34]??:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??A:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:3.0 | 4850:*:4.0:3.0 | SKA40:*:4.0:3.0) OS_REL='' test -r /etc/.relid \ && OS_REL=.`sed -n 's/[^ ]* [^ ]* \([0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/p' < /etc/.relid` --- 948,954 ---- exit 0 ;; M68*:*:R3V[567]*:*) test -r /sysV68 && echo 'm68k-motorola-sysv' && exit 0 ;; ! 3[34]??:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??A:*:4.0:3.0 | 3[34]??,*:*:4.0:3.0 | 4850:*:4.0:3.0) OS_REL='' test -r /etc/.relid \ && OS_REL=.`sed -n 's/[^ ]* [^ ]* \([0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/p' < /etc/.relid` *** gcc/./config.if Mon Feb 5 12:02:20 2001 --- ../src/src/./config.if Mon May 14 18:40:49 2001 *************** else *** 21,32 **** if_topsrcdir=${top_srcdir} fi ! libstdcxx_srcdir=${if_topsrcdir}/libstdc++-v3 ! # We check libstdc++-v3/ for libstdcxx_interface. ! libstdcxx_interface=`grep "^INTERFACE" ${libstdcxx_srcdir}/ | sed 's/INTERFACE[ ]*=[ ]*\(.*\)/\1/'` ! libstdcxx_incdir=g++-${libstdcxx_interface} ! # Used to version libstdc++ shared libraries ! cxx_interface=2 # The trickiest part is libc_interface. if [ -z "${libc_interface}" ] --- 21,45 ---- if_topsrcdir=${top_srcdir} fi ! if [ "${enable_libstdcxx_v3}" = "yes" ] ; then ! libstdcxx_srcdir=${if_topsrcdir}/libstdc++-v3 ! else ! libstdcxx_srcdir=${if_topsrcdir}/libstdc++ ! fi ! ! if [ -f ${libstdcxx_srcdir}/ ]; then ! # We check libstdc++ for libstdcxx_interface. ! libstdcxx_interface=`grep "^INTERFACE" ${libstdcxx_srcdir}/ | sed 's/INTERFACE[ ]*=[ ]*\(.*\)/\1/'` ! else ! libstdcxx_interface= ! fi ! ! if [ -f ${if_topsrcdir}/gcc/cp/ ]; then ! # We check gcc/cp for cxx_interface. ! cxx_interface=`grep "^INTERFACE" ${if_topsrcdir}/gcc/cp/ | sed 's/INTERFACE[ ]*=[ ]*\(.*\)/\1/'` ! else ! cxx_interface= ! fi # The trickiest part is libc_interface. if [ -z "${libc_interface}" ] *************** EOF *** 69,76 **** exit 1 fi else ! # Cross compiling. Assume glibc 2.1. ! libc_interface=-libc6.1- fi ;; *) --- 82,89 ---- exit 1 fi else ! # Cross compiling. Assume glibc 2.2. ! libc_interface=-libc6.2- fi ;; *) *** gcc/./config.sub Fri Nov 9 19:08:11 2001 --- ../src/src/./config.sub Mon Nov 26 23:52:00 2001 *************** *** 3,9 **** # Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 # Free Software Foundation, Inc. ! timestamp='2001-11-08' # This file is (in principle) common to ALL GNU software. # The presence of a machine in this file suggests that SOME GNU software --- 3,9 ---- # Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 # Free Software Foundation, Inc. ! timestamp='2001-11-21' # This file is (in principle) common to ALL GNU software. # The presence of a machine in this file suggests that SOME GNU software *************** case $os in *** 1125,1130 **** --- 1125,1133 ---- ;; -acis*) os=-aos + ;; + -atheos*) + os=-atheos ;; -386bsd) os=-bsd *** gcc/./configure Wed Nov 28 09:17:44 2001 --- ../src/src/./configure Wed Nov 28 20:55:01 2001 *************** *** 3,9 **** ### WARNING: this file contains embedded tabs. Do not run untabify on this file. # Configuration script ! # Copyright (C) 1988, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 1999, 2000, 2001 # Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --- 3,9 ---- ### WARNING: this file contains embedded tabs. Do not run untabify on this file. # Configuration script ! # Copyright (C) 1988, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 1999 # Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *************** cache_file_option= *** 53,61 **** configdirs= extraconfigdirs= diroptions= - enable_threads=no - enable_shared=no - enable_libstdcxx_v3=yes exec_prefix= exec_prefixoption= fatal= --- 53,58 ---- *************** subdirs= *** 89,95 **** target_alias=NOTARGET target_makefile_frag= undefs=NOUNDEFS ! version="$Revision: 1.39 $" x11=default bindir='${exec_prefix}/bin' sbindir='${exec_prefix}/sbin' --- 86,92 ---- target_alias=NOTARGET target_makefile_frag= undefs=NOUNDEFS ! version="$Revision: 1.13 $" x11=default bindir='${exec_prefix}/bin' sbindir='${exec_prefix}/sbin' *************** progname=$0 *** 155,171 **** if [ -n "$PWD" ]; then PWD=`pwd`; fi case "${progname}" in ! /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]* ) ;; */*) ;; *) PATH=$PATH:${PWD=`pwd`} ; export PATH ;; esac - # Export original configure arguments for use by sub-configures. - TOPLEVEL_CONFIGURE_ARGUMENTS="$progname $@" - export TOPLEVEL_CONFIGURE_ARGUMENTS - # Loop over all args while : --- 152,164 ---- if [ -n "$PWD" ]; then PWD=`pwd`; fi case "${progname}" in ! /*) ;; */*) ;; *) PATH=$PATH:${PWD=`pwd`} ; export PATH ;; esac # Loop over all args while : *************** case "${TMPDIR}" in *** 663,677 **** esac # keep this filename short for &%*%$*# 14 char file names and 8+3 file names ! tmpdir=${TMPDIR}/cNf$$ ! mkdir ${tmpdir} || exit 1 ! tmpfile=${tmpdir}/cNf$$ # Note that under many versions of sh a trap handler for 0 will *override* any # exit status you explicitly specify! At this point, the only non-error exit # is at the end of the script; these actions are duplicated there, minus # the "exit 1". Don't use "exit 0" anywhere after this without resetting the # trap handler, or you'll lose. ! trap "rm -rf Makefile.tem ${tmpdir}; exit 1" 0 1 2 15 # split ${srcdir}/ into common, per-host, per-target, # and post-target parts. Post-target is optional. --- 656,668 ---- esac # keep this filename short for &%*%$*# 14 char file names and 8+3 file names ! tmpfile=${TMPDIR}/cNf$$ # Note that under many versions of sh a trap handler for 0 will *override* any # exit status you explicitly specify! At this point, the only non-error exit # is at the end of the script; these actions are duplicated there, minus # the "exit 1". Don't use "exit 0" anywhere after this without resetting the # trap handler, or you'll lose. ! trap "rm -f Makefile.tem ${tmpfile}.com ${tmpfile}.tgt ${tmpfile}.hst ${tmpfile}.pos; exit 1" 0 1 2 15 # split ${srcdir}/ into common, per-host, per-target, # and post-target parts. Post-target is optional. *************** if test -f skip-this-dir; then *** 698,704 **** # Perform the same cleanup as the trap handler, minus the "exit 1" of course, # and reset the trap handler. trap 0 ! rm -rf Makefile* ${tmpdir} # Execute the final clean-up actions ${config_shell} skip-this-dir # and stop configuring this directory. --- 689,695 ---- # Perform the same cleanup as the trap handler, minus the "exit 1" of course, # and reset the trap handler. trap 0 ! rm -f Makefile* ${tmpfile}.com ${tmpfile}.tgt ${tmpfile}.hst ${tmpfile}.pos # Execute the final clean-up actions ${config_shell} skip-this-dir # and stop configuring this directory. *************** if [ "${build}" != "${host}" ]; then *** 916,922 **** # are not the same, we set reasonable default values for the tools. tools="AR AR_FOR_TARGET AS AS_FOR_TARGET BISON CC_FOR_BUILD" ! tools="${tools} CC_FOR_TARGET CXX_FOR_TARGET GCJ_FOR_TARGET" tools="${tools} DLLTOOL DLLTOOL_FOR_TARGET GCC_FOR_TARGET HOST_PREFIX" tools="${tools} HOST_PREFIX_1 LD LD_FOR_TARGET LEX MAKEINFO NM" tools="${tools} NM_FOR_TARGET RANLIB RANLIB_FOR_TARGET" --- 907,913 ---- # are not the same, we set reasonable default values for the tools. tools="AR AR_FOR_TARGET AS AS_FOR_TARGET BISON CC_FOR_BUILD" ! tools="${tools} CC_FOR_TARGET CXX_FOR_TARGET" tools="${tools} DLLTOOL DLLTOOL_FOR_TARGET GCC_FOR_TARGET HOST_PREFIX" tools="${tools} HOST_PREFIX_1 LD LD_FOR_TARGET LEX MAKEINFO NM" tools="${tools} NM_FOR_TARGET RANLIB RANLIB_FOR_TARGET" *************** t loop *** 951,957 **** CC_FOR_BUILD=${CC_FOR_BUILD-gcc} CC_FOR_TARGET=${CC_FOR_TARGET-${target_alias}-gcc} CXX_FOR_TARGET=${CXX_FOR_TARGET-${target_alias}-c++} - GCJ_FOR_TARGET=${GCJ_FOR_TARGET-${target_alias}-gcj} DLLTOOL=${DLLTOOL-${host_alias}-dlltool} DLLTOOL_FOR_TARGET=${DLLTOOL_FOR_TARGET-${target_alias}-dlltool} GCC_FOR_TARGET=${GCC_FOR_TARGET-${CC_FOR_TARGET-${target_alias}-gcc}} --- 942,947 ---- *************** for subdir in . ${subdirs} ; do *** 1105,1111 **** case "${srcdir}" in ".") # no -srcdir option. We're building in place. makesrcdir=. ;; ! /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]* ) # absolute path makesrcdir=`echo ${srcdir}/${subdir} | sed -e 's|/\.$||'` ;; *) # otherwise relative --- 1095,1101 ---- case "${srcdir}" in ".") # no -srcdir option. We're building in place. makesrcdir=. ;; ! /*) # absolute path makesrcdir=`echo ${srcdir}/${subdir} | sed -e 's|/\.$||'` ;; *) # otherwise relative *************** EOF *** 1301,1307 **** esac # real copy now in ${subdir}/Makefile.tem ! # prepend warning about editing, and a bunch of variables. rm -f ${Makefile} cat > ${Makefile} < ${Makefile} <>${Makefile} ;; *) echo package_makefile_frag = ${invsubdir}${package_makefile_frag} >>${Makefile} ;; esac case "${target_makefile_frag}" in "") ;; ! /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]* ) echo target_makefile_frag = ${target_makefile_frag} >>${Makefile} ;; *) echo target_makefile_frag = ${invsubdir}${target_makefile_frag} >>${Makefile} ;; esac case "${host_makefile_frag}" in "") ;; ! /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]* ) echo host_makefile_frag = ${host_makefile_frag} >>${Makefile} ;; *) echo host_makefile_frag = ${invsubdir}${host_makefile_frag} >>${Makefile} ;; esac --- 1321,1339 ---- case "${package_makefile_frag}" in "") ;; ! /*) echo package_makefile_frag = ${package_makefile_frag} >>${Makefile} ;; *) echo package_makefile_frag = ${invsubdir}${package_makefile_frag} >>${Makefile} ;; esac case "${target_makefile_frag}" in "") ;; ! /*) echo target_makefile_frag = ${target_makefile_frag} >>${Makefile} ;; *) echo target_makefile_frag = ${invsubdir}${target_makefile_frag} >>${Makefile} ;; esac case "${host_makefile_frag}" in "") ;; ! /*) echo host_makefile_frag = ${host_makefile_frag} >>${Makefile} ;; *) echo host_makefile_frag = ${invsubdir}${host_makefile_frag} >>${Makefile} ;; esac *************** EOF *** 1351,1358 **** echo site_makefile_frag = ${invsubdir}${site_makefile_frag} >>${Makefile} fi ! echo enable_shared = ${enable_shared} >> ${Makefile} ! echo enable_threads = ${enable_threads} >> ${Makefile} # record if we want to rumtime library stuff installed in libsubdir. if test -z "${enable_version_specific_runtime_libs}"; then echo enable_version_specific_runtime_libs = no >> ${Makefile} --- 1341,1352 ---- echo site_makefile_frag = ${invsubdir}${site_makefile_frag} >>${Makefile} fi ! # record if we want to build shared libs. ! if test -z "${enable_shared}"; then ! echo enable_shared = no >> ${Makefile} ! else ! echo enable_shared = ${enable_shared} >> ${Makefile} ! fi # record if we want to rumtime library stuff installed in libsubdir. if test -z "${enable_version_specific_runtime_libs}"; then echo enable_version_specific_runtime_libs = no >> ${Makefile} *************** if [ -z "${norecursion}" ] && [ -n "${co *** 1555,1561 **** ### figure out what to do with srcdir case "${srcdir}" in ".") newsrcdir=${srcdir} ;; # no -srcdir option. We're building in place. ! /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]* ) # absolute path newsrcdir=${srcdir}/${cfg_dir} srcdiroption="--srcdir=${newsrcdir}" ;; --- 1549,1559 ---- ### figure out what to do with srcdir case "${srcdir}" in ".") newsrcdir=${srcdir} ;; # no -srcdir option. We're building in place. ! /*) # absolute path ! newsrcdir=${srcdir}/${cfg_dir} ! srcdiroption="--srcdir=${newsrcdir}" ! ;; ! ?:*) # absolute path on win32 newsrcdir=${srcdir}/${cfg_dir} srcdiroption="--srcdir=${newsrcdir}" ;; *************** if [ -z "${norecursion}" ] && [ -n "${co *** 1569,1575 **** case "${cache_file}" in "") # empty ;; ! /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]* ) # absolute path cache_file_option="--cache-file=${cache_file}" ;; *) # relative path --- 1567,1576 ---- case "${cache_file}" in "") # empty ;; ! /*) # absolute path ! cache_file_option="--cache-file=${cache_file}" ! ;; ! ?:*) # absolute path on win32 cache_file_option="--cache-file=${cache_file}" ;; *) # relative path *************** if [ -z "${norecursion}" ] && [ -n "${co *** 1582,1589 **** recprog=${newsrcdir}/configure elif [ -f ${newsrcdir}/ ] ; then case "${progname}" in ! /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]* ) recprog=${progname} ;; ! *) recprog=../${progname} ;; esac else eval echo No configuration information in ${cfg_dir} ${redirect} --- 1583,1591 ---- recprog=${newsrcdir}/configure elif [ -f ${newsrcdir}/ ] ; then case "${progname}" in ! /*) recprog=${progname} ;; ! ?:*) recprog=${progname} ;; ! *) recprog=../${progname} ;; esac else eval echo No configuration information in ${cfg_dir} ${redirect} *************** fi *** 1609,1615 **** # Perform the same cleanup as the trap handler, minus the "exit 1" of course, # and reset the trap handler. ! rm -rf ${tmpdir} trap 0 exit 0 --- 1611,1617 ---- # Perform the same cleanup as the trap handler, minus the "exit 1" of course, # and reset the trap handler. ! rm -f ${tmpfile}.com ${tmpfile}.tgt ${tmpfile}.hst ${tmpfile}.pos trap 0 exit 0 *** gcc/./ Wed Nov 28 09:17:44 2001 --- ../src/src/./ Wed Nov 28 20:55:01 2001 *************** *** 14,21 **** ## For more information on these two systems, check out the documentation ## for 'Autoconf' (autoconf.texi) and 'Configure' (configure.texi). ! # Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, ! # 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --- 14,20 ---- ## For more information on these two systems, check out the documentation ## for 'Autoconf' (autoconf.texi) and 'Configure' (configure.texi). ! # Copyright (C) 1992-99, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *************** *** 42,68 **** # these libraries are used by various programs built for the host environment # ! host_libs="intl mmalloc libiberty opcodes bfd readline gash db tcl tk tcl8.1 tk8.1 tclX itcl tix libgui zlib" if [ "${enable_gdbgui}" = "yes" ] ; then host_libs="${host_libs} libgui" fi ! libstdcxx_version="target-libstdc++-v3" ! # Don't use libstdc++-v3's flags to configure/build itself. ! libstdcxx_flags='`case $$dir in libstdc++-v3) ;; *) test ! -f $$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite_flags || $(SHELL) $$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/testsuite_flags --build-includes;; esac` -L$$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/src -L$$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs' # these tools are built for the host environment # Note, the powerpc-eabi build depends on sim occurring before gdb in order to # know that we are building the simulator. ! host_tools="texinfo byacc flex bison binutils ld gas gcc sim gdb make patch prms send-pr gprof gdbtest tgas etc expect dejagnu ash bash bzip2 m4 autoconf automake libtool ispell grep diff rcs cvssrc fileutils shellutils time textutils wdiff find emacs emacs19 uudecode hello tar gzip indent recode release sed utils guile perl apache inet gawk findutils snavigator libtool gettext zip fastjar" ! ! # libgcj represents the runtime libraries only used by gcj. ! libgcj="target-libffi \ ! target-boehm-gc \ ! target-zlib \ ! target-qthreads \ ! target-libjava" # these libraries are built for the target environment, and are built after # the host libraries and the host tools (which may be a cross compiler) --- 41,66 ---- # these libraries are used by various programs built for the host environment # ! host_libs="intl mmalloc libiberty opcodes bfd readline gash db tcl tk tcl8.1 tk8.1 tclX itcl tix libgui" if [ "${enable_gdbgui}" = "yes" ] ; then host_libs="${host_libs} libgui" fi ! # Set up configure/Makefile variables if libstdc++-v3 is to be built. ! if [ "${enable_libstdcxx_v3}" = "yes" ] && test -d $srcdir/libstdc++-v3; then ! libstdcxx_version="target-libstdc++-v3" ! # Don't use libstdc++-v3's flags to configure/build itself. ! libstdcxx_flags='`case $$dir in libstdc++-v3) ;; *) cat $$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/src/libstdc++.INC 2>/dev/null || : ;; esac` -L$$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstd++-v3/src -L$$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstd++-v3/src/.libs' ! else ! libstdcxx_version="target-libio target-libstdc++" ! libstdcxx_flags='-isystem $$s/libstdc++ -isystem $$s/libstdc++/std -isystem $$s/libstdc++/stl -isystem $$s/libio/ -isystem $$s/libio/stdio -L$$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++' ! fi # these tools are built for the host environment # Note, the powerpc-eabi build depends on sim occurring before gdb in order to # know that we are building the simulator. ! host_tools="texinfo byacc flex bison binutils ld gas gcc cgen sid sim gdb make patch prms send-pr gprof gdbtest tgas etc expect dejagnu ash bash bzip2 m4 autoconf automake libtool ispell grep diff rcs cvssrc fileutils shellutils time textutils wdiff find emacs emacs19 uudecode hello tar gzip indent recode release sed utils guile perl apache inet gawk findutils snavigator libtool gettext zip" # these libraries are built for the target environment, and are built after # the host libraries and the host tools (which may be a cross compiler) *************** libgcj="target-libffi \ *** 70,80 **** target_libs="target-libiberty \ target-libgloss \ target-newlib \ - target-librx \ ${libstdcxx_version} \ target-libf2c \ target-libchill \ ! ${libgcj} target-libobjc" # these tools are built using the target libs, and are intended to run only --- 68,81 ---- target_libs="target-libiberty \ target-libgloss \ target-newlib \ ${libstdcxx_version} \ target-libf2c \ target-libchill \ ! target-libffi \ ! target-libjava \ ! target-zlib \ ! target-boehm-gc \ ! target-qthreads \ target-libobjc" # these tools are built using the target libs, and are intended to run only *************** if false && [ "${host}" = "${target}" ] *** 281,294 **** esac fi - # hpux11 in 64bit mode has libraries in a weird place. Arrange to find - # them automatically. - case "${host}" in - hppa*64*-*-hpux11*) - withoptions="$withoptions -x-libraries=/usr/lib/pa20_64 -x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include" - ;; - esac - case "${enable_shared}" in yes) shared=yes ;; no) shared=no ;; --- 282,287 ---- *************** if [ x${shared} = xyes ]; then *** 304,310 **** arm*-*-*) host_makefile_frag="${host_makefile_frag} config/mh-armpic" ;; ! parisc*-*-* | hppa*-*-*) host_makefile_frag="${host_makefile_frag} config/mh-papic" ;; i[3456]86-*-cygwin*) --- 297,303 ---- arm*-*-*) host_makefile_frag="${host_makefile_frag} config/mh-armpic" ;; ! hppa*-*-*) host_makefile_frag="${host_makefile_frag} config/mh-papic" ;; i[3456]86-*-cygwin*) *************** if [ x${shared} = xyes ]; then *** 328,333 **** --- 321,329 ---- powerpc*-*-*) host_makefile_frag="${host_makefile_frag} config/mh-ppcpic" ;; + s390-* | s390x-*) + host_makefile_frag="${host_makefile_frag} config/mh-s390pic" + ;; *-*-*) if test -f ${srcdir}/config/mh-${host_cpu}pic; then host_makefile_frag="${host_makefile_frag} config/mh-${host_cpu}pic" *************** case "${target}" in *** 357,370 **** powerpc-*-netware*) target_makefile_frag="${target_makefile_frag} config/mt-netware" ;; ! alpha*-*-linux*) ! target_makefile_frag="${target_makefile_frag} config/mt-linux" ! target_makefile_frag="${target_makefile_frag} config/mt-alphaieee" ! ;; ! alpha*-*-*) ! target_makefile_frag="${target_makefile_frag} config/mt-alphaieee" ! ;; ! *-*-linux*) target_makefile_frag="${target_makefile_frag} config/mt-linux" ;; *-*-aix4.[3456789]* | *-*-aix[56789].*) --- 353,359 ---- powerpc-*-netware*) target_makefile_frag="${target_makefile_frag} config/mt-netware" ;; ! *-*-linux-gnu*) target_makefile_frag="${target_makefile_frag} config/mt-linux" ;; *-*-aix4.[3456789]* | *-*-aix[56789].*) *************** esac *** 567,580 **** noconfigdirs="" case "${host}" in - hppa*64*-*-*) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs byacc" - ;; i[3456]86-*-vsta) noconfigdirs="tcl expect dejagnu make texinfo bison patch flex byacc send-pr gprof uudecode dejagnu diff guile perl apache inet itcl tix db snavigator gnuserv gettext" ;; i[3456]86-*-go32* | i[3456]86-*-msdosdjgpp*) ! noconfigdirs="tcl tk expect dejagnu send-pr uudecode guile apache inet itcl tix db snavigator gnuserv libffi" ;; i[3456]86-*-mingw32*) # noconfigdirs="tcl tk expect dejagnu make texinfo bison patch flex byacc send-pr uudecode dejagnu diff guile perl apache inet itcl tix db snavigator gnuserv" --- 556,566 ---- noconfigdirs="" case "${host}" in i[3456]86-*-vsta) noconfigdirs="tcl expect dejagnu make texinfo bison patch flex byacc send-pr gprof uudecode dejagnu diff guile perl apache inet itcl tix db snavigator gnuserv gettext" ;; i[3456]86-*-go32* | i[3456]86-*-msdosdjgpp*) ! noconfigdirs="tcl tk expect dejagnu make texinfo bison patch flex byacc send-pr uudecode dejagnu diff guile perl apache inet itcl tix db snavigator gnuserv gettext libffi" ;; i[3456]86-*-mingw32*) # noconfigdirs="tcl tk expect dejagnu make texinfo bison patch flex byacc send-pr uudecode dejagnu diff guile perl apache inet itcl tix db snavigator gnuserv" *************** case "${host}" in *** 597,602 **** --- 583,589 ---- ;; esac + # Save it here so that, even in case of --enable-libgcj, if the Java # front-end isn't enabled, we still get libgcj disabled. libgcj_saved=$libgcj *************** no) *** 614,658 **** esac case "${target}" in - *-*-chorusos) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-newlib target-libgloss ${libgcj}" - ;; *-*-netware) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libstdcxx_version} target-librx target-newlib target-libiberty target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; *-*-rtems*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; *-*-vxworks*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-newlib target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; alpha*-dec-osf*) # ld works, but does not support shared libraries. emacs doesn't # work. newlib is not 64 bit ready. I'm not sure about fileutils. # gas doesn't generate exception information. ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gas ld emacs fileutils target-newlib target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; alpha*-*-*vms*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb ld target-newlib target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ! ;; ! alpha*-*-linux*) ! # newlib is not 64 bit ready ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-newlib target-libgloss" ! # linux has rx in libc ! skipdirs="$skipdirs target-librx" ;; alpha*-*-*) # newlib is not 64 bit ready ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-newlib target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; - sh-*-linux*) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj} target-newlib target-libgloss" - # linux has rx in libc - skipdirs="$skipdirs target-librx" - ;; sh*-*-pe|mips*-*-pe|*arm-wince-pe) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-examples" noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libiberty texinfo send-pr" noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs tcl tix tk itcl libgui sim" noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs expect dejagnu" --- 601,631 ---- esac case "${target}" in *-*-netware) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libstdcxx_version} target-newlib target-libiberty target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; *-*-rtems*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; *-*-vxworks*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-newlib target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; alpha*-dec-osf*) # ld works, but does not support shared libraries. emacs doesn't # work. newlib is not 64 bit ready. I'm not sure about fileutils. # gas doesn't generate exception information. ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gas ld emacs fileutils target-newlib target-libgloss" ;; alpha*-*-*vms*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb ld target-newlib target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; alpha*-*-*) # newlib is not 64 bit ready ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-newlib target-libgloss" ;; sh*-*-pe|mips*-*-pe|*arm-wince-pe) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libjava target-libffi target-zlib" ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-boehm-gc target-qthreads target-examples" noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libiberty texinfo send-pr" noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs tcl tix tk itcl libgui sim" noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs expect dejagnu" *************** case "${target}" in *** 666,766 **** esac ;; arc-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; arm-*-pe*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; arm-*-coff*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; arm-*-elf*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; arm-*-oabi*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ! ;; ! c4x-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libstdcxx_version} target-librx target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ! ;; ! c54x*-*-* | tic54x-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libstdcxx_version} target-libgloss ${libgcj} gcc gdb newlib" ;; thumb-*-coff) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; thumb-*-elf) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; thumb-*-oabi) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; strongarm-*-elf) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; strongarm-*-coff) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; xscale-*-elf) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; xscale-*-coff) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; thumb-*-pe) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; arm-*-riscix*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; ! cris-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" ;; d10v-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-librx ${libstdcxx_version} target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; d30v-*-*) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" ;; fr30-*-elf*) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-libstub target-cygmon" fi ;; ! h8300*-*-* | \ ! h8500-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libstdcxx_version} target-librx target-libgloss ${libgcj} target-libf2c" ;; ! hppa*64*-*-linux* | parisc*64*-*-linux*) ! # In this case, it's because the hppa64-linux target is for ! # the kernel only at this point and has no libc, and thus no ! # headers, crt*.o, etc., all of which are needed by these. ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-zlib" ;; hppa*-*-*elf* | \ ! parisc*-*-linux* | hppa*-*-linux* | \ hppa*-*-lites* | \ hppa*64*-*-*) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" # Do configure ld/binutils/gas for this case. ;; hppa*-*-*) --- 639,729 ---- esac ;; arc-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; arm-*-pe*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss" ;; arm-*-coff*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; arm-*-elf*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; arm-*-oabi*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; thumb-*-coff) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; thumb-*-elf) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; thumb-*-oabi) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; strongarm-*-elf) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss target-libffi" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; strongarm-*-coff) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss target-libffi" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; xscale-*-elf) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss target-libffi" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; xscale-*-coff) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss target-libffi" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; thumb-*-pe) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; arm-*-riscix*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld target-libgloss target-libffi" ! ;; ! c4x-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libstdcxx_version} target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; ! c54x*-*-* | tic54x-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libstdcxx_version} target-libgloss target-libffi gcc gdb newlib" ;; d10v-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libstdcxx_version} target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; d30v-*-*) ;; fr30-*-elf*) if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-libstub target-cygmon" fi ;; ! h8300*-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss" ;; ! h8500-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libstdcxx_version} target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; hppa*-*-*elf* | \ ! hppa*-*-linux-gnu* | \ hppa*-*-lites* | \ hppa*64*-*-*) # Do configure ld/binutils/gas for this case. ;; hppa*-*-*) *************** case "${target}" in *** 780,794 **** noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs tix readline mmalloc libgui itcl gdb" ;; i[3456]86-*-coff | i[3456]86-*-elf) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-libstub target-cygmon" fi ;; ! *-*-linux*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-newlib target-libgloss" ! # linux has rx in libc ! skipdirs="$skipdirs target-librx" ;; i[3456]86-*-mingw32*) target_configdirs="$target_configdirs target-mingw" --- 743,755 ---- noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs tix readline mmalloc libgui itcl gdb" ;; i[3456]86-*-coff | i[3456]86-*-elf) if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-libstub target-cygmon" fi ;; ! i[3456]86-*-go32* | i[3456]-*-msdosdjgpp*) ! # but don't build gdb ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb ${libstdcxx_version} target-libffi" ;; i[3456]86-*-mingw32*) target_configdirs="$target_configdirs target-mingw" *************** case "${target}" in *** 815,829 **** esac ;; i[3456]86-*-pe) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libstdcxx_version} target-librx target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; i[3456]86-*-sco3.2v5*) # The linker does not yet know about weak symbols in COFF, # and is not configured to handle mixed ELF and COFF. ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; i[3456]86-*-sco*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; i[3456]86-*-solaris2*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss" --- 776,790 ---- esac ;; i[3456]86-*-pe) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libstdcxx_version} target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; i[3456]86-*-sco3.2v5*) # The linker does not yet know about weak symbols in COFF, # and is not configured to handle mixed ELF and COFF. ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; i[3456]86-*-sco*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; i[3456]86-*-solaris2*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss" *************** case "${target}" in *** 835,925 **** *) ;; esac # but that's okay since emacs doesn't work anyway ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs emacs emacs19 target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; i[3456]86-*-beos*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb target-newlib target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; ! m68hc11-*-*|m6811-*-*|m68hc12-*-*|m6812-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libiberty ${libstdcxx_version} ${libgcj}" ;; ! m68k-*-elf*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; m68k-*-coff*) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; - mmix-*-*) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" - ;; mn10200-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-libstub target-cygmon" fi ;; mn10300-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-libstub target-cygmon" fi ;; powerpc-*-aix*) # copied from rs6000-*-* entry ! # The configure and build of ld are currently disabled because ! # GNU ld is known to be broken for AIX 4.2 and 4.3 (at least) ! # The symptom is that GDBtk 4.18 fails at startup with a segfault ! # if linked by GNU ld, but not if linked by the native ld. ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof cvssrc target-libgloss ${libgcj} ld" ! use_gnu_ld=no ;; powerpc*-*-winnt* | powerpc*-*-pe* | ppc*-*-pe) target_configdirs="$target_configdirs target-winsup" ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb tcl tk make expect target-libgloss itcl tix db snavigator gnuserv ${libgcj}" # always build newlib. skipdirs=`echo " ${skipdirs} " | sed -e 's/ target-newlib / /'` ;; # This is temporary until we can link against shared libraries powerpcle-*-solaris*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb sim make tcl tk expect itcl tix db snavigator gnuserv ${libgcj}" ;; powerpc-*-beos*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb target-newlib target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; powerpc-*-eabi) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-libstub target-cygmon" fi ;; rs6000-*-lynxos*) # The CVS server code doesn't work on the RS/6000 ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-newlib gprof cvssrc ${libgcj}" ;; rs6000-*-aix*) ! # The configure and build of ld are currently disabled because ! # GNU ld is known to be broken for AIX 4.2 and 4.3 (at least) ! # The symptom is that GDBtk 4.18 fails at startup with a segfault ! # if linked by GNU ld, but not if linked by the native ld. ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof ld ${libgcj}" ! use_gnu_ld=no ;; rs6000-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof ${libgcj}" ;; m68k-apollo-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld binutils gprof target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; mips*-*-irix5*) # The GNU linker does not support shared libraries. # emacs is emacs 18, which does not work on Irix 5 (emacs19 does work) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld gprof emacs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; mips*-*-irix6*) # The GNU assembler does not support IRIX 6. --- 796,871 ---- *) ;; esac # but that's okay since emacs doesn't work anyway ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs emacs emacs19 target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; i[3456]86-*-beos*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb target-newlib target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; ! m68hc11-*-*|m6811-*-*|m68hc12-*-*|m6812-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libiberty target-librx target-libg++ target-libstdc++ target-libio target-libf2c target-libchill target-zlib target-libobjc" ;; ! m68k-*-elf*) if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; m68k-*-coff*) if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-cygmon" fi ;; mn10200-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libffi" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-libstub target-cygmon" fi ;; mn10300-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libffi" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-libstub target-cygmon" fi ;; powerpc-*-aix*) # copied from rs6000-*-* entry ! use_gnu_ld=yes ;; powerpc*-*-winnt* | powerpc*-*-pe* | ppc*-*-pe) target_configdirs="$target_configdirs target-winsup" ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb tcl tk make expect target-libgloss itcl tix db snavigator gnuserv target-libffi" # always build newlib. skipdirs=`echo " ${skipdirs} " | sed -e 's/ target-newlib / /'` ;; # This is temporary until we can link against shared libraries powerpcle-*-solaris*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb sim make tcl tk expect itcl tix db snavigator gnuserv target-libffi" ;; powerpc-*-beos*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb target-newlib target-libgloss" ;; powerpc-*-eabi) if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-libstub target-cygmon" fi ;; rs6000-*-lynxos*) # The CVS server code doesn't work on the RS/6000 ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-newlib gprof cvssrc target-libffi" ;; rs6000-*-aix*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof target-libffi" ! use_gnu_ld=yes ;; rs6000-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof target-libffi" ;; m68k-apollo-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld binutils gprof target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; mips*-*-irix5*) # The GNU linker does not support shared libraries. # emacs is emacs 18, which does not work on Irix 5 (emacs19 does work) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld gprof emacs target-libgloss" ;; mips*-*-irix6*) # The GNU assembler does not support IRIX 6. *************** case "${target}" in *** 931,950 **** noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gas gprof emacs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; mips*-dec-bsd*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; mips*-*-bsd*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; mipstx39-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof ${libgcj}" # same as generic mips target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-libstub target-cygmon" ;; mips*-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof ${libgcj}" ;; romp-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs bfd binutils ld gas opcodes target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; sh-*-*) case "${host}" in --- 877,896 ---- noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gas gprof emacs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; mips*-dec-bsd*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; mips*-*-bsd*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; mipstx39-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof target-libffi" # same as generic mips target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-libstub target-cygmon" ;; mips*-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof target-libffi" ;; romp-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs bfd binutils ld gas opcodes target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; sh-*-*) case "${host}" in *************** case "${target}" in *** 953,959 **** i[3456]86-*-msdosdjgpp*) ;; # don't add gprof back in *) skipdirs=`echo " ${skipdirs} " | sed -e 's/ gprof / /'` ;; esac ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; sparc-*-elf*) if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then --- 899,905 ---- i[3456]86-*-msdosdjgpp*) ;; # don't add gprof back in *) skipdirs=`echo " ${skipdirs} " | sed -e 's/ gprof / /'` ;; esac ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; sparc-*-elf*) if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then *************** case "${target}" in *** 964,978 **** if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-libstub target-cygmon" fi ;; sparclite-*-*) if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-libstub target-cygmon" fi ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" ;; sparc-*-sunos4*) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb gdbtest target-newlib target-libgloss" else --- 910,924 ---- if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-libstub target-cygmon" fi + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libffi" ;; sparclite-*-*) if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then target_configdirs="${target_configdirs} target-bsp target-libstub target-cygmon" fi ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libffi" ;; sparc-*-sunos4*) if [ x${is_cross_compiler} != xno ] ; then noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb gdbtest target-newlib target-libgloss" else *************** case "${target}" in *** 991,1025 **** esac ;; v810-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs bfd binutils gas gcc gdb ld ${libstdcxx_version} opcodes target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; v850-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; v850e-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; v850ea-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; vax-*-vms) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs bfd binutils gdb ld target-newlib opcodes target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; vax-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-newlib target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; *-*-lynxos*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-newlib target-libgloss ${libgcj}" ;; *-*-macos* | \ *-*-mpw*) # Macs want a resource compiler. configdirs="$configdirs grez" ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" ;; - *-*-*) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" - ;; esac # If we aren't building newlib, then don't build libgloss, since libgloss --- 937,968 ---- esac ;; v810-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs bfd binutils gas gcc gdb ld ${libstdcxx_version} opcodes target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; v850-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; v850e-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; v850ea-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; vax-*-vms) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs bfd binutils gdb ld target-newlib opcodes target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; vax-*-*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-newlib target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; *-*-lynxos*) ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-newlib target-libgloss target-libffi" ;; *-*-macos* | \ *-*-mpw*) # Macs want a resource compiler. configdirs="$configdirs grez" ! noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libffi" ;; esac # If we aren't building newlib, then don't build libgloss, since libgloss *************** else *** 1063,1100 **** fi enable_languages=`echo "${enable_languages}" | sed -e 's/[ ,][ ,]*/,/g' -e 's/,$//'` - # First scan to see if an enabled language requires some other language. - # We assume that a given will list all the language - # front ends it requires, even if some are required indirectly. - for lang in ${srcdir}/gcc/*/ .. - do - case $lang in - ..) - ;; - # The odd quoting in the next line works around - # an apparent bug in bash 1.12 on linux. - ${srcdir}/gcc/[*]/ - ;; - *) - lang_alias=`sed -n -e 's,^language=['"'"'"'"]\(.*\)["'"'"'"'].*$,\1,p' -e 's,^language=\([^ ]*\).*$,\1,p' $lang` - this_lang_requires=`sed -n -e 's,^lang_requires=['"'"'"'"]\(.*\)["'"'"'"'].*$,\1,p' -e 's,^lang_requires=\([^ ]*\).*$,\1,p' $lang` - for other in $this_lang_requires - do - case ,${enable_languages}, in - *,$other,*) - ;; - *,all,*) - ;; - *,$lang_alias,*) - echo " \`$other' language required by \`$lang_alias'; enabling" 1>&2 - enable_languages="$enable_languages,$other" - ;; - esac - done - ;; - esac - done - subdirs= for lang in ${srcdir}/gcc/*/ .. do --- 1006,1011 ---- *************** do *** 1106,1112 **** *) lang_alias=`sed -n -e 's,^language=['"'"'"'"]\(.*\)["'"'"'"'].*$,\1,p' -e 's,^language=\([^ ]*\).*$,\1,p' $lang` this_lang_libs=`sed -n -e 's,^target_libs=['"'"'"'"]\(.*\)["'"'"'"'].*$,\1,p' -e 's,^target_libs=\([^ ]*\).*$,\1,p' $lang` - this_lang_dirs=`sed -n -e 's,^lang_dirs=['"'"'"'"]\(.*\)["'"'"'"'].*$,\1,p' -e 's,^lang_dirs=\([^ ]*\).*$,\1,p' $lang` build_by_default=`sed -n -e 's,^build_by_default=['"'"'"'"]\(.*\)["'"'"'"'].*$,\1,p' -e 's,^build_by_default=\([^ ]*\).*$,\1,p' $lang` if test "x$lang_alias" = x then --- 1017,1022 ---- *************** do *** 1122,1133 **** if test x"${add_this_lang}" = xyes; then eval target_libs='"$target_libs "'\"$this_lang_libs\" else ! eval noconfigdirs='"$noconfigdirs "'\"$this_lang_libs $this_lang_dirs\" fi ;; esac done # Remove the entries in $skipdirs and $noconfigdirs from $configdirs and # $target_configdirs. # If we have the source for $noconfigdirs entries, add them to $notsupp. --- 1032,1044 ---- if test x"${add_this_lang}" = xyes; then eval target_libs='"$target_libs "'\"$this_lang_libs\" else ! eval noconfigdirs='"$noconfigdirs "'\"$this_lang_libs\" fi ;; esac done + # Remove the entries in $skipdirs and $noconfigdirs from $configdirs and # $target_configdirs. # If we have the source for $noconfigdirs entries, add them to $notsupp. *************** fi *** 1262,1268 **** if [ x${shared} = xyes ]; then case "${target}" in ! hppa* | parisc*) target_makefile_frag="${target_makefile_frag} config/mt-papic" ;; i[3456]86-*) --- 1173,1179 ---- if [ x${shared} = xyes ]; then case "${target}" in ! hppa*) target_makefile_frag="${target_makefile_frag} config/mt-papic" ;; i[3456]86-*) *************** rm -f conftest* *** 1319,1325 **** case "${host}" in sparc-sun-solaris2*) CCBASE="`echo ${CC-cc} | sed 's/ .*$//'`" ! if [ "`type $CCBASE | sed 's/^[^/]*//'`" = "/usr/ucb/cc" ] ; then could_use= [ -d /opt/SUNWspro/bin ] && could_use="/opt/SUNWspro/bin" if [ -d /opt/cygnus/bin ] ; then --- 1230,1236 ---- case "${host}" in sparc-sun-solaris2*) CCBASE="`echo ${CC-cc} | sed 's/ .*$//'`" ! if [ "`type $CCBASE | sed 's/^[^/]*//'`" = "/usr/ucb/cc" ] ; then could_use= [ -d /opt/SUNWspro/bin ] && could_use="/opt/SUNWspro/bin" if [ -d /opt/cygnus/bin ] ; then *************** targargs="--cache-file=../config.cache - *** 1401,1407 **** # provide a proper gxx_include_dir. # Note, if you change the default, make sure to fix both here and in ! # the gcc and libstdc++-v3 subdirectories. # Check whether --with-gxx-include-dir or --without-gxx-include-dir was given. gxx_include_dir= if test -n "${with_gxx_include_dir}"; then --- 1312,1318 ---- # provide a proper gxx_include_dir. # Note, if you change the default, make sure to fix both here and in ! # the gcc, libio, and libstdc++ subdirectories. # Check whether --with-gxx-include-dir or --without-gxx-include-dir was given. gxx_include_dir= if test -n "${with_gxx_include_dir}"; then *************** if test x${gxx_include_dir} = x; then *** 1422,1428 **** gxx_include_dir='${libsubdir}/include/g++' else . ${topsrcdir}/config.if ! gxx_include_dir='${prefix}/include/${libstdcxx_incdir}' fi else gxx_include_dir=${gxx_include_dir} --- 1333,1339 ---- gxx_include_dir='${libsubdir}/include/g++' else . ${topsrcdir}/config.if ! gxx_include_dir='${prefix}/include/g++'-${libstdcxx_interface} fi else gxx_include_dir=${gxx_include_dir} *************** FLAGS_FOR_TARGET= *** 1432,1441 **** case " $skipdirs " in *" target-newlib "*) ;; *) - case " $target_configdirs " in - *" newlib "*) - case " $targargs " in - *" --with-newlib "*) case "$target" in *-cygwin*) FLAGS_FOR_TARGET=$FLAGS_FOR_TARGET' -L$$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup -L$$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/cygwin -L$$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/w32api/lib -isystem $$s/winsup/include -isystem $$s/winsup/cygwin/include -isystem $$s/winsup/w32api/include -isystem $$s/newlib/libc/sys/cygwin -isystem $$s/newlib/libc/sys/cygwin32' ;; --- 1343,1348 ---- *************** case " $skipdirs " in *** 1469,1478 **** # switch). FLAGS_FOR_TARGET=$FLAGS_FOR_TARGET' -B$$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/ -isystem $$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/targ-include -isystem $$s/newlib/libc/include' ;; - esac - ;; - esac - ;; esac # On Canadian crosses, we'll be searching the right directories for --- 1376,1381 ---- *************** case $CHILL_FOR_TARGET in *** 1521,1536 **** *) CHILL_FOR_TARGET=$CHILL_FOR_TARGET' $(FLAGS_FOR_TARGET)' ;; esac - if test "x${GCJ_FOR_TARGET+set}" = xset; then - : - elif test -d ${topsrcdir}/gcc; then - GCJ_FOR_TARGET='$$r/gcc/gcj -B$$r/gcc/' - elif test "$host" = "$target"; then - GCJ_FOR_TARGET='gcj' - else - GCJ_FOR_TARGET=`echo gcj | sed -e 's/x/x/' ${program_transform_name}` - fi - if test "x${CXX_FOR_TARGET+set}" = xset; then : elif test -d ${topsrcdir}/gcc; then --- 1424,1429 ---- *************** sed -e "s:^TARGET_CONFIGDIRS[ ]*=.*$:TA *** 1559,1565 **** -e "s%^FLAGS_FOR_TARGET[ ]*=.*$%FLAGS_FOR_TARGET = ${FLAGS_FOR_TARGET}%" \ -e "s%^CC_FOR_TARGET[ ]*=.*$%CC_FOR_TARGET = ${CC_FOR_TARGET}%" \ -e "s%^CHILL_FOR_TARGET[ ]*=.*$%CHILL_FOR_TARGET = ${CHILL_FOR_TARGET}%" \ - -e "s%^GCJ_FOR_TARGET[ ]*=.*$%GCJ_FOR_TARGET = ${GCJ_FOR_TARGET}%" \ -e "s%^CXX_FOR_TARGET[ ]*=.*$%CXX_FOR_TARGET = ${qCXX_FOR_TARGET}%" \ -e "s%^CXX_FOR_TARGET_FOR_RECURSIVE_MAKE[ ]*=.*$%CXX_FOR_TARGET_FOR_RECURSIVE_MAKE = ${qqCXX_FOR_TARGET}%" \ -e "s%^TARGET_SUBDIR[ ]*=.*$%TARGET_SUBDIR = ${target_subdir}%" \ --- 1452,1457 ---- *** gcc/./symlink-tree Sat Dec 9 17:06:19 2000 --- ../src/src/./symlink-tree Fri Jul 7 15:21:39 2000 *************** ignore_additional=". .. CVS" *** 20,32 **** # If we were invoked with a relative path name, adjust ${prog} to work # in subdirs. case ${prog} in ! /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) ;; *) prog=../${prog} ;; esac # Set newsrcdir to something subdirectories can use. case ${srcdir} in ! /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) newsrcdir=${srcdir} ;; *) newsrcdir=../${srcdir} ;; esac --- 20,32 ---- # If we were invoked with a relative path name, adjust ${prog} to work # in subdirs. case ${prog} in ! /*) ;; *) prog=../${prog} ;; esac # Set newsrcdir to something subdirectories can use. case ${srcdir} in ! /*) newsrcdir=${srcdir} ;; *) newsrcdir=../${srcdir} ;; esac *** gcc/./config/acinclude.m4 Mon Oct 8 19:27:44 2001 --- ../src/src/./config/acinclude.m4 Tue Jun 27 23:50:33 2000 *************** AC_DEFUN(CYG_AC_PATH_TKH, [ *** 1071,1077 **** # Note the gross little conversion here of srcdir by cd'ing to the found # directory. This converts the path from a relative to an absolute, so # recursive cache variables for the path will work right. We check all ! # the possible paths in one loop rather than many separate loops to speed # things up. # the alternative search directory is involked by --with-tkinclude # --- 1071,1077 ---- # Note the gross little conversion here of srcdir by cd'ing to the found # directory. This converts the path from a relative to an absolute, so # recursive cache variables for the path will work right. We check all ! # the possible paths in one loop rather than many seperate loops to speed # things up. # the alternative search directory is involked by --with-tkinclude # *** gcc/./config/mh-djgpp Tue Jan 2 16:46:33 2001 --- ../src/src/./config/mh-djgpp Mon May 3 09:29:06 1999 *************** *** 1,14 **** ! # Shorten the target alias so when it is used to set 'libsubdir' ! # the name will work in both short and long filename environments. ! ifeq ($(findstring -pc-msdosdjgpp,$(target_alias)),-pc-msdosdjgpp) ! target_alias=djgpp ! endif ! ! # The version string must be modified to contain just one dot ! # because DOS filenames can only have one dot when long filenames ! # are not available. ! __version:=$(gcc_version) ! __version:=$(subst ., ,$(__version)) ! ifeq ($(words $(__version)),3) ! gcc_version=$(word 1,$(__version)).$(word 2,$(__version))$(word 3,$(__version)) ! endif --- 1,4 ---- ! # We don't want to use debugging information on DOS. Unfortunately, ! # this requires that we set CFLAGS. ! # This used to set -fno-omit-frame-pointer. ! CFLAGS=-O2 *** gcc/./config/mt-aix43 Tue Sep 26 21:57:08 2000 --- ../src/src/./config/mt-aix43 Wed Jan 12 19:56:45 2000 *************** *** 1,4 **** # AIX 4.3 and above requires -X32_64 flag to all ar and nm commands # to handle both 32-bit and 64-bit objects. AR_FOR_TARGET=ar -X32_64 ! NM_FOR_TARGET=nm -B -X32_64 --- 1,4 ---- # AIX 4.3 and above requires -X32_64 flag to all ar and nm commands # to handle both 32-bit and 64-bit objects. AR_FOR_TARGET=ar -X32_64 ! NM_FOR_TARGET=nm -X32_64 *** gcc/./config/mt-linux Tue May 22 03:17:23 2001 --- ../src/src/./config/mt-linux Mon May 3 09:29:06 1999 *************** *** 1 **** ! CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET = $(CXXFLAGS) -D_GNU_SOURCE --- 1,2 ---- ! # When using glibc 2 on Linux we must always use vtable thunks. ! CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET = $(CXXFLAGS) -fvtable-thunks -D_GNU_SOURCE