New Reference Books for the International Academic Community The Grants Register 2003is the most authoritative and comprehensive guide available to postgraduate grants and professional funding worldwide. For over twenty years The Grants Register has been the leading source for up to date information on the availability of, and eligibility for, postgraduate and professional awards. With details of over 3,500 awards, The Grants Register is more extensive than any comparable publication. Each entry has been verified by the awarding bodies concerned ensuring that every piece of information is accurate. As an annual publication, each edition also provides the most current details available today.                             To order click here: The World List of Universities and Other Institutions of Higher Education is a concise dictionary providing critical contact information for over 14,000 higher education institutions and national academic bodies in over 170 countries. Each entry includes: • Name of Institution (in English and the language native to that country) • Address, telephone and fax numbers • E-mail and website addresses where available • Officers' names with contact details • A list of faculties, departments and major subject areas To order click here: The second edition of The Guide to Higher Education in Africa contains reliable and up-to-the-minute information on higher education throughout Africa - over 600 institutions in 46 countries, plus details of national education systems and agencies - in a single reference source. Details on university-level institutions include: • Name (local and English) of the institutions, Postal address, Telephone, fax, e-mail and telegraphic numbers, and new for this edition, websites where applicable • List of all faculties, colleges, schools, institutes, and departments within the institutions • Information on academic year, admission requirements and tuition fees • Degrees and diplomas offered at each level of study and • Special facilities (museums etc) and publications • Size and breakdown of academic staff , Student enrolment figures • Principal academic and administration officers To order click here: