Hello, I have been working for years on topics related to optimizing and parallelizing compilers. In particular, I have developed a technique that allows a compiler to recognize frequently used programming constructs automatically [ICS'03]. I have an experimental implementation of this technique using the infrastructure provided by an academical compiler called Polaris. Now I am beginning to work on porting my experimental code into GCC so that I can analyze codes written in fortran, C, C++,... The first step of this port is the implementation of a translator of the gneric/gimple intermediate representation into the Gated Single Assignment form. I have searched the GCC website and I have not found any project related to the contructrion of the GSA form. Please confirm that there is not any one working on this topic and let me know how can I create this new project. Cheers, Manuel Arenaz Bibligraphy: [ICS'03] M. Arenaz, J. Touriņo, R. Doallo. "A GSA-based compiler infrastructure to extract parallelism from complex loops". In 17th ACM Intīl Conference on Supercomputing, ICS'03. San Francisco, CA, 193-204.