在 2023/5/6 18:45, Pali Rohár 写道: >> Hello! If I'm looking correctly, gcc 13 was already branched. So what >> revisiting this -mcrtdll= parameter now? > > Hello! I would like to remind this -mcrtdll= support for gcc. As said before, the idea sounds good. But in order for your patch to be checked in, you need to 1) Sign off your commit. 2) Append ChangeLog entries to the commit message. You may take other commits as references. They are required for all directories with a ChangeLog file, and will be parsed by server-side Git hook scripts. 3) Send this patch to gcc-patches@gcc.gnu.org with a CC to Jonathan Yong <10walls@gmail.com>, who is the only maintainer on GCC for mingw-w64 port. -- Best regards, LIU Hao