Hello, For class, *I need to come up with a way to improve GCC* and then make a quick presentation (no implementation required). Ideally, this idea isn't being worked on already. *I'd appreciate help with coming up with an idea.* I've thought about this and I'm having trouble coming up with anything. I'm really stuck, so I thought I'd reach out here. (Reddit sent me here) The best I could come up with was something along the lines of "makefile" or *adding support for a new language. *For the new language, I was thinking* something** like Swift.* The only reason I chose Swift was that there was a lot of information online and it uses the Clang/LLVM framework, a sort of competitor to GCC. I see that Swift has its own compiler which uses a custom version of Clang/LLVM. To add Swift to GCC, I imagine you'd have to add a new front end for Swift. This front end would have a bunch of code (most adapted from the open-source Swift compiler) to convert Swift code to generic. From there, the middle end and back end can do the rest. Welp, that's where I am at right now, if anyone has better ideas, I'd really appreciate some help.