It's alright Gabriel, pay this intellectually challenged individual no mind. It's clear that, unlike Stefan, who at the very least knows how to disassemble native code and understands what the instruction sequences mean (even though the way he goes about it is flat out wrong), this retard doesn't know how the fuck compiler code emission works in the slightest. I'd be surprised if our friend Dave here (from "", VERY professional Dave!) even knows what registers or the stack are. Hell Dave, forget about something as advanced as a compiler for native chip architectures, do you even know the basic design principles of a fucking Interpreter? Should be easy for a "Big Dog" like you, shouldn't it? Hell, I'll make it easy for you, you can ignore ultra low level Interpreters like the one within the JVM (because there is no fucking way in hell someone like you with IQ comparable to room temperature can ever grasp how such a complex system works), how would a basic Interpreter even function? How does simple interpreter dispatch work, hm? How does cpython (or PyPy) or even one as simple as the Matz Ruby Interpreter operate? Can you answer that Dave? Or have you deluded your braindead self into thinking that you're one of the "Big Dogs" (Your own words) and are now punching way above your league? Are you going to answer with the "Hurr durr they work by translating source code to machine code on the fly" that outdated and flat out wrong as shit text in computer science textbooks say? Pffft Sorry for my outburst, to the rest of this list. I can no longer stay silent and watch these little shits bully people who are too kind to fire back with the same kind of venom in their words. They may be polite enough to refrain from doing so, Dave, but rest assured, I am far from as kind as they are when dealing with assholes. I'm all for constructive criticism to help improve a product as a whole, but if any of Stefan's (or god forbid, David's) mails are "constructive", then Donald Trump is the second fucking incarnation of Jesus Christ himself returning to earth for the second coming