在 17/04/2021 16.27, Aaron Gyes 写道: > > As far as I understand it Chris Punches lives in North America. > > Only 2% of the world population lives in the US, indeed, most live in China. > > It’s interesting the unkind reaction Liu Hao received in this very thread > when they encountered the arguments making a false equivalency of these proposals > to their countries’ history. I’m sure he felt not great, being forced to either > defend the CCP or not share their views on the questions of this conversation. > > What is even the argument you are making at this point? > The history is written with many coincidences. Something is there just because it happened, while other didn't. I don't see anything wrong why a moderate number of all developers are from the US: Because modern computers were invented by American people. It's simply that people who contribute more deserve more, and who contribute less deserve less. That's fair. It's a natural law. There is no reason to go against that. -- Best regards, Liu Hao