> AFAIU, the fact that the metadata is defined in terms of columns is an > implementation detail of no particular interest to GDB users. On the > user level, this is supposed to step by expressions, is that right? > > Perhaps, to avoid too many miscommunications, you could point me to > the relevant description in the DWARF2 spec, so I could read it, and > then we could talk based on the same information? Unfortunately the spec is not too descriptive, it isn't until recent years (probably in the last ten-ish) that people (compilers/languages) has gotten around to understanding the point of the "Line Number Program", that records the line & column meta data, particulary when it comes to the column meta data. There's a new proposal for further extending the LNP that discusses it some what more in depth and /perhaps/ that will give you some insight, it can be found here: https://dwarfstd.org/issues/140906.1.html (it was provided to me by jemarch after discussion on the IRC channel) Otherwise, the "Line Number Program" can be read about in the latest (as well as earlier) specs: https://dwarfstd.org/doc/DWARF5.pdf under the chapter "6. Other Debugging Information" (specifically 6.2, the Line Number Program). But it won't explain much to you on how this is used by compilers. The DWARF2-5 specs are of few words when it comes to columns, so one has to resort to "3rd party" (the proposal link, above) to get any explanations of what compilers actually do (or should do) but as previously said, GCC, Clang, and Rust all does it, though GCC emits somewhat faulty column meta data, see the issue I've filed on bugzilla for GCC after discussions on the GDB irc channel: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=109902 The best description of what the column meta data is meant to do, is serve as "logical breakpoint locations" on a source code line; this includes statements and expressions - though it's never _explicitly_ worded like that in the spec (unfortunately, DWARF is not as meticulous with it's documentation and describing the point of certain aspects of the spec, as "we are", here in the GDB community). Regards, Simon