In Solaris: If gdb attaches to a process that either has no controlling terminal, or the controlling terminal differs from the one gdb is running under, break/^C doesn't interrupt the debugged process. This is a fix that was proposed for this problem quite awhile ago but never implemented; it's been in the Adacore GDB branch for quite awhile. Without going into unnecessary details I cannot easily run the test suite against this change right now. If this patch gets rejected based on that, when I have time I'll see about getting IllumOS installed in a VM and test it there, but the problem was originally found in sparc Solaris. ---- note: this patch was tested against 8.1.1. It looks like it probably still applies on the 8.2 branch, but I won't be able to test it until 8.2 is released. -brian ps, my assignment/release forms were completed/received 10/30/2017