From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: <> Received: by (Postfix, from userid 48) id 6824F3858C2C; Mon, 17 Apr 2023 09:25:33 +0000 (GMT) DKIM-Filter: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 6824F3858C2C DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=default; t=1681723533; bh=ZGfu85UzeIxLVn8di04it3LkAdU2KQJ7bbP2jOypc00=; h=From:To:Subject:Date:In-Reply-To:References:From; b=v4xtLcfVk8XU44slZlFQjXEJc1hb3J0kkT1hGUEb4J2nRUTyCZJJuVSXhQynJwWbU O4SLW1WKXqj9CEZSa1PfYWlS2Em6puM1L8gNW3XNeemJhcIH+JbuuEgqOAxNTqFP2j uw1xyvp8QIL87xvWGNC3Op88PmhphrdjtcVCFcJk= From: "ahajkova at redhat dot com" <> To: Subject: [Bug gdb/30340] gdb.base/watchpoint-unaligned.exp produces TCL error Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2023 09:25:33 +0000 X-Bugzilla-Reason: CC X-Bugzilla-Type: changed X-Bugzilla-Watch-Reason: None X-Bugzilla-Product: gdb X-Bugzilla-Component: gdb X-Bugzilla-Version: HEAD X-Bugzilla-Keywords: X-Bugzilla-Severity: normal X-Bugzilla-Who: ahajkova at redhat dot com X-Bugzilla-Status: WAITING X-Bugzilla-Resolution: X-Bugzilla-Priority: P2 X-Bugzilla-Assigned-To: luis.machado at arm dot com X-Bugzilla-Target-Milestone: --- X-Bugzilla-Flags: X-Bugzilla-Changed-Fields: Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Bugzilla-URL: Auto-Submitted: auto-generated MIME-Version: 1.0 List-Id: <> --- Comment #18 from Alexandra H=C3=A1jkov=C3=A1 <ahajkova at redhat dot co= m> --- (In reply to Luis Machado from comment #13) > The use of KVM may have an influence here, but it isn't yet clear how. >=20 > Supposedly the code for KVM on AArch64 limits the debug architecture vers= ion > to 6 (Arm v8.0), but since you reported seeing a value of 0, that looks > suspicious. >=20 > If you modify gdb's code to return true for a debug architecture version = of > 0, does it pass the testcase? (so changing > gdb/nat/aarch64-linux-hw-point.c:compatible_debug_arch to return true on = 0). So it does pass: Running /root/build/gdb/testsuite/../../../binutils-gdb/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/watc= hpoint-unaligned.exp ... FAIL: gdb.base/watchpoint-unaligned.exp: continue (timeout) FAIL: gdb.base/watchpoint-unaligned.exp: size8twice write =3D=3D=3D gdb Summary =3D=3D=3D # of expected passes 238 # of unexpected failures 2 # of known failures 1 --=20 You are receiving this mail because: You are on the CC list for the bug.=