From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: by (Postfix, from userid 48) id 6664B385840C; Sun, 8 Sep 2024 11:02:19 +0000 (GMT) DKIM-Filter: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 6664B385840C DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=default; t=1725793339; bh=bB13GaK8uDfg+SuOyeHen6eYSZ1Xp/RpmeSL1PBDCdU=; h=From:To:Subject:Date:In-Reply-To:References:From; b=a+/aLOGnI5lMwoQi58v5omX1E/OrKGR2ED+m7YF7ggJt+qYxm6ol+hybMe4Fj+d/A LogrUeziDxJ/coAotfp+siLRS4HXItjwF7JsCTxxzR3BFsVDBshYib6u5ln/BlFPa9 jziMJBUS9ZH6NqYwCekrWk0avSJs43SEyVZMFpgY= From: "vries at gcc dot" To: Subject: [Bug tdep/32152] [gdb/tdep, riscv64] FAIL: gdb.cp/non-trivial-retval.exp: finish from f1 Date: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 11:02:19 +0000 X-Bugzilla-Reason: CC X-Bugzilla-Type: changed X-Bugzilla-Watch-Reason: None X-Bugzilla-Product: gdb X-Bugzilla-Component: tdep X-Bugzilla-Version: HEAD X-Bugzilla-Keywords: X-Bugzilla-Severity: normal X-Bugzilla-Who: vries at gcc dot X-Bugzilla-Status: NEW X-Bugzilla-Resolution: X-Bugzilla-Priority: P2 X-Bugzilla-Assigned-To: unassigned at sourceware dot org X-Bugzilla-Target-Milestone: --- X-Bugzilla-Flags: X-Bugzilla-Changed-Fields: Message-ID: In-Reply-To: References: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Bugzilla-URL: Auto-Submitted: auto-generated MIME-Version: 1.0 List-Id: --- Comment #2 from Tom de Vries --- (In reply to Andreas Schwab from comment #1) > I don't understand why the values are returned through memory, they are a= ll > word-sized aggregates. Here ( doc ) I found: ... Aggregates larger than 2=C3=97XLEN bits are passed by reference and are rep= laced in the argument list with the address, as are C++ aggregates with nontrivial c= opy constructors, destructors, or vtables. ... So, I think it's the case of "C++ aggregates with nontrivial copy construct= ors, destructors, or vtables". --=20 You are receiving this mail because: You are on the CC list for the bug.=