Hey, I am trying to set up DAP for Kate text editor with following config ```json "gdb": { "url": "gdb", "run": { "command": ["gdb", "-i", "dap"], "redirectStderr": true, "redirectStdout": true, "supportsSourceRequest": false }, "configurations": { "launch (debug)": { "request": { "command": "launch", "mode": "debug", "program": "${file}", "args": "${args|list}", "cwd": "${workdir}" } } } }, ``` It starts running fine and can find breakpoints, but when I try to start the debugging process, I get following error: error on response: gdb.dap.server.request..wrap..non_sync_call() argument after ** must be a mapping, not NoneType Just for comparison, I can run LLDB with Kate just fine with the following config: ```json "lldb": { "url": " lldb-vscode", "run": { "command": ["lldb-vscode", "-p", "${#run.port}"], "port": 0, "redirectStderr": true, "redirectStdout": true, "supportsSourceRequest": false }, "configurations": { "launch (debug)": { "request": { "command": "launch", "mode": "debug", "program": "${file}", "args": "${args|list}", "cwd": "${workdir}", "stopOnEntry": false } } } }, ``` Just wondering if I am missing something? Thanks for the DAP support by the way. GDB is amazing debugger and I love using it, but I would love to use it in the Kate text editor as well :) Best regards, Akseli ps. Please use reply-all since I am not subscribed to the mailing list, thank you!