The following forwarded patch corrects a gcj limitation restricting support for Java 5 generics. It has been discussed on the gcc-patches and java-patches mailing list. Since part of this patch involves an update to the demangler in libiberty, it was suggested that I forward it to the binutils and gdb lists for comment. The attached pr9861-base.diff and pr9861-base-cl.diff are patches to libiberty. The remaining files are patches to gcc itself. TJ Laurenzo ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: TJ Laurenzo Date: Sep 27, 2005 11:56 AM Subject: Patch to fix PR9861 (reprise) To:, This is a followup to the patches discussed on the thread The attached patches contain all changes to the original patch discussed in the above thread. I have bootstrapped the compiler on i686-pc-linux-gnu and verified that this patch does not introduce any testsuite failures. This patch contains the following files: - pr9861-base.diff : Patches to the libiberty and include directories - pr9861-base-cl.diff : ChangeLog patches for libiberty and include - pr9861-gcc.diff : Patches to gcc - pr9861-gcc-cl.diff : ChangeLog patches for gcc Andrew Haley has pointed out that application of the gcc patches needs some careful timing. Pending approval, the base patches to libiberty should be applied as soon as possible so that binutils and gdb support for the new Java mangling scheme exists in cvs snapshots by the time the gcc patches are commited. TJ