Hi, I've noticed that if we use Python API to create a `gdb.PARAM_INTEGER` or `gdb.PARAM_UINTEGER` parameter this way: ``` $ cat test.py import gdb class ExampleParam(gdb.Parameter): def __init__ (self, name): super(ExampleParam, self).__init__ (name, gdb.COMMAND_DATA, gdb.PARAM_INTEGER) self.value = 0 self.saved_value = True def get_set_string (self): print(self.value) return "Set to %r" % self.value ExampleParam("example”) ``` According to the docs here: https://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Parameters-In-Python.html, `0` should be interpreted to mean "unlimited", so I expected that when a `gdb.PARAM_INTEGER` or `gdb.PARAM_UINTEGER` parameter’s value is "unlimited" in GDB, then the value in Python will be interpreted to 0. But somehow, GDB interprets `None` to mean "unlimited" for that parameter we created: ``` $ gdb -q -nx -ex 'source test.py’ (gdb) show example The current value of 'example' is "unlimited”. (gdb) pi gdb.parameter("example") is None True (gdb) set example unlimited None Set to None (gdb) pi gdb.parameter("example") is None True (gdb) show example The current value of 'example' is "unlimited". (gdb) set example 0 None Set to None (gdb) pi gdb.parameter("example") is None True (gdb) show example The current value of 'example' is "unlimited". ``` You can notice that GDB set the value of the `example` to `None` instead of `0`. Is this the expected result? My GDB version is GNU gdb (Ubuntu 12.0.90-0ubuntu1) 12.0.90, and I'm on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS. Best Regards, Alan Li