Hello everyone, My name is Piotr and I'd like to ask for suggestions and help with one issue I have. I'm using DMTCP to save a checkpoint of some applications and restart from it. In some cases I need to use gdb to debug issues. I noticed that in one design gdb does not see debug symbols when used after the restart from a checkpoint. It works on "save" when executed under the DMTCP when the checkpoint is created but not after restarting from it. This is happening only on some tests to which I have limited access. In that case gdb cannot connect current application location with sources, it shows me wrong but always the same location. I can set a breakpoint but it is never hit even if I know that this part of the code is executed. From the log I see that gdb thinks that my function is in some file which is not correct. If I remember well, the line number in the log message was correct. I also cannot display variables. The result of sharedlibrary command is empty. In case of issues I'm not able to do any debugging. All of these debug features work when I try to save DMTCP checkpoint. Unfortunately, since it is related to my work I cannot provide more detailed information but I will be grateful if you could provide me with some suggestions what could be a reason for the issue or how to debug the issue. Thanks, Best Regards, Piotr