We haven't talked much about how we want to manage the CVS repository or log entries. I've realized that the ChangeLog's have been maintained manually and that applications such as cvs2cl can not be used in the manner that matches GNU Coding Standards. [1]_ As such, we will have to require that any changes made to source files and documentation MUST be accompanied by a ChangeLog entry in the respective subdirectory. .. [1] http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards_40.html#SEC40 That being said, we don't need to require ChangeLog entries from patch submitters, but we do need to create the entry manually. It's possible to create templates for cvs log entries, but I'm not sure how much that will help us out. Perhaps we should note this in the documentation for GNATS developers. -- Chad Walstrom http://www.wookimus.net/ assert(expired(knowledge)); /* core dump */