
         I have a RED HAT LINUX 7.3. I downloaded the gnats from the site.
        Gnats version downloaded is:gnats-3.999.2.tar.
        I extracted this and installed it on the machine running red hat linux 7.3.
        Then I downloaded the webinterface of Gnats: gnatsweb-2.9.3.tar. This too I extracted
        and then configured the apache web server. But if I try to run the web interface from a client
        machine (WINDOWS 2000), I am getting the following error:


(Due to the fact that your browser does not support Javascript, there is no way of telling whether it can accept cookies.) Unfortunately, Gnatsweb requires cookies to keep track of your login and other information. Please enable cookies before logging in.

host localhost, port 1529
connect: Connection refused


        Where have I gone wrong and how do I correct it? Please let me know.
        I am able to run the test page of Apache web server on my client machine (WINDOWS 2000).
        But if I give gnatsweb.pl, it is giving the above error.

        I had an earlier version of gnats which had "wwwgnats.pl". Is this changed in the present version (2.9.3)?

Thanks and Regards,
Ramesh Chandra