From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: To: Subject: gnats/177: queue-pr is failing Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 06:24:00 -0000 Message-id: <> X-SW-Source: 2001-q2/msg00031.html List-Id: >Number: 177 >Category: gnats >Synopsis: queue-pr is failing >Confidential: no >Severity: critical >Priority: medium >Responsible: unassigned >State: open >Class: sw-bug >Submitter-Id: net >Arrival-Date: Wed Apr 18 06:24:00 PDT 2001 >Closed-Date: >Last-Modified: >Originator: >Release: unknown-1.0 >Organization: >Environment: >Description: I have configured two databases on my system and it works fine.I now have a third database, which to my mind has been working.It turns out that PRs created in this new database are sent to the $GNATS_ROOT/gnats-queue directory and never placed into the database.I have checked the config file and aliases file and both seem O.K. What can I try next ? >How-To-Repeat: >Fix: >Release-Note: >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted: