From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: To: Subject: gnatsweb/203: Can't call method "self_url" on an undefined value at line 2624 Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2001 05:24:00 -0000 Message-id: <> X-SW-Source: 2001-q2/msg00152.html List-Id: >Number: 203 >Category: gnatsweb >Synopsis: Can't call method "self_url" on an undefined value at line 2624 >Confidential: no >Severity: serious >Priority: medium >Responsible: unassigned >State: open >Class: sw-bug >Submitter-Id: net >Arrival-Date: Fri Jun 08 05:24:00 PDT 2001 >Closed-Date: >Last-Modified: >Originator: nearby checking often >Release: GNATSweb 2.8.1 >Organization: >Environment: GNATS 3.113.1, GNATSweb 2.8.1,, Perl 5.005_03, Slackware 3.9 Linux, Kernel 2.0.39, glibc1. (anything else needed/relevant?) >Description: ------------------------------------------------------------ root@Vectra:~/bugs/gnatsweb-2.8.1#cd .. && rm -rf gnatsweb-2.8.1 && tar -zxf gnatsweb-2.8.1.tar.gz && cd gnatsweb-2.8.1 && make test USERNAME=ayourk PASSWORD=xy-59jhg DATABASE=tabbs PERL='/usr/bin/perl' /usr/bin/perl Content-type: text/html

Software error:

Can't call method "self_url" on an undefined value at line 2624, <SOCK> chunk 2.

For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error message and the time and date of the error. [Fri Jun 8 06:55:58 2001] Can't call method "self_url" on an undefined value at line 2624, chunk 2. connect...........................................FAIL make: *** [test] Error 29 root@Vectra:~/bugs/gnatsweb-2.8.1# ------------------------------------------------------------ >How-To-Repeat: >Fix: >Release-Note: >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted: >>GNATS-adm Files: ------------------------------------------------------------ >addresses: ------------------------------------------------------------ >categories: pending:Category for faulty PRs:gnats-admin: # # Sample categories: # #doc:Documentation Bug:jeffrey:pesch #gcc:The GNU C compiler:wilson:tiemann #g++:The GNU C++ compiler:brendan:tiemann, mrs tabbs:Main Project:tabbs:ayourk #test:*Test Category:gnats-admin: ------------------------------------------------------------ >classes: sw-bug::Problem requiring a correction to software. doc-bug::Problem requiring a correction or improvement in documentation. support::A support problem or question. change-request::Suggested change in functionality. mistaken::Not a problem, bad PR submission. duplicate::Duplicate of another existing PR. ------------------------------------------------------------ >config: GNATS_ADDR="" GNATS_USER="gnats" GNATS_ADMIN="gnats-admin" GNATS_SITE="SRT-94" SUBMITTER="SRT-94" DEFAULT_RELEASE="tabbs" DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION="SRT-94" NOTIFY=1 ACKNOWLEDGE=1 DEFAULT_SUBMITTER="net" KEEP_RECEIVED_HEADERS=1 BDAY_START=0 BDAY_END=0 BWEEK_START=0 BWEEK_END=0 DEBUG_MODE=0 DEFINE_CATEGORY="tabbs" ------------------------------------------------------------ >gnatsd.access: ayourk:xy-59jhg:edit:tabbs *:*:view: ------------------------------------------------------------ >gnatsd.conf: localhost:edit: *:view: ------------------------------------------------------------ >responsible: ayourk:Aaron Yourk: tabbs:Main project:ayourk ------------------------------------------------------------ >states: open::Default state for a new problem report. analyzed::Problem examined, understood; difficulty of solution estimated. pending::Problem is being worked on. suspended::No solution yet, work on it also suspended for the time being. feedback::Problem solved, now awaiting originator's reaction to fix. closed:closed:This PR no longer active; it is resolved or otherwise defunct. ------------------------------------------------------------ >submitters: net:An Internet Submitter:none:-1:gnats-admin: test:Test Non-Submitter:test:1:gnats-admin: ------------------------------------------------------------ >/etc/gnats-db.conf: /usr/web/gnats/tabbs ------------------------------------------------------------ Please note, I left out the comment lines in the files for briefity.