Hello everobody I have tried to use the new gsl1.0 version with c++ Borland under windows'98 using the static libraries libgsl-bcc.lib and libgslcblas-bcc.lib. Anything seems to work fine during the compilation, but when I trie to run the program it gives me an error because it do not find the libgsl.dll library. In the zip file I downloaded it is a file called libgsl.dll.a, I have try to rename it to libgsl.dll as it is used in windows but the program now says that the libgsl.dll is corrupted. It seems as if the *-bcc.lib for Borland were import libraries and not static libraries because they need the dll libraries to work. The *.dll of the download have the *.dll.a termination and I am not able of using them under windows even changing the name to *.dll Please help Santiago Calderon