G'day Linas, * linas [050907 17:18]: > On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 06:14:41PM +0300, Andris Pavenis was heard to remark: > > > > -TESTS = test > > - > > check_PROGRAMS = test > > > > test_SOURCES = test.c > > This is a really bad name for a unix prgram. For, on my machine > > which test > > returns > > /usr/bin/test I would not disagree too loudly on aesthetic grounds, but automake is smart enough to preface the check_PROGRAMS with a ./ (or at least enough of the directory tree) so there is no real problem in calling it test, true or even false (if you wanted to be _really_ nasty to the next generation of developers). All in all the naming is not really a worry. I'm surprised about the ordering of TESTS and check_PROGRAMS though... Cheers, S.