Brian Gough wrote: > BUG#8 -- inexact coefficients in rk8pd.c I finally got the reference article from Dormand and Prince (many thanks again Joonas). In fact, the article itself gives these false approximations and explicitly says "they were computed using a precision of about 24 significant digits and the rationals presented in table 2 are continued fractions accurate to 18 significant figures". I still think there is an error in the first and fourth elements of the b7 array, but this error was in the original article. I also think the real coefficients given in rksuite are more accurate, and since they thank Dormand and Prince for their help, I think they got the original coefficients from the authors. I don't know if all 30 significant figures given in rksuite are good or if only the first 24 ones are good. I will check this as time permit. For the moment, I propose the following patch, which only add some comments (corected order of the method, article reference) and correct two coefficients. I have just written it now to answer this mail, not tried it (and even no compiled it, so beware of typos ...) Luc