* GSL v2.0 discussion
[not found] <533EE354.4050204@colorado.edu>
@ 2014-04-04 17:02 ` Patrick Alken
2014-04-04 17:41 ` Jean-François Caron
2014-04-04 20:31 ` Rhys Ulerich
0 siblings, 2 replies; 6+ messages in thread
From: Patrick Alken @ 2014-04-04 17:02 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: gsl-discuss
Hello all,
There have been a lot of new features added to GSL since the last
release 1.16, some of which have modified underlying data structures
(breaking binary compatibility) and even some API changes. For this
reason I don't want to make another 1.x release, but I know at the same
time many people were hoping that 2.0 would interface with advanced
linear algebra libraries (like libflame or lapack).
My current todo list before the next release is:
1) import interp2d code (mostly done just needs some further testing)
2) Hermite interpolation (shouldn't take long once I find some time)
Adding libflame or lapack to the todo list would delay the next release
significantly. But I want to open this discussion again (it has been
discussed several times previously on this list).
One method of doing this is to make 3 new libraries:
1) libgsllinalg - contains all the current GSL implementations of the
linear algebra routines
2) libgslflame - contains wrapper routines with the same interfaces that
gsl_linalg has now, but calls the relevant libflame routine
3) libgsllapack - contains wrapper routines with the same interfaces of
gsl_linalg, but calls the relevant lapack routine
This way the user can decide which linear algebra library they want at
link time, while maintaining a common API for everything. If the user
wants to use the current GSL routines, they would link with -lgsl
-lgslcblas -lgsllinalg
If they want libflame, they would link with -lgsl -lgslcblas -lgslflame
If they want lapack, they would link with -lgsl -lgslcblas -lgsllapack
A second method of doing this is to decide at compile time which linear
algebra library to use (ie: autoconf could detect if lapack or flame is
installed and then compile the library accordingly making the correct
calls to the lapack/flame routines). This has the advantage of keeping
the -lgsl -lgslcblas link libraries the same, the user would just need
to add -llapack or -lflame.
*Potential issues*
1. Workspace sizes
Many of the flame/lapack routines require workspaces of different sizes
than each other and the corresponding GSL routines. The easiest way to
handle this would be to dynamically allocate workspace inside the
wrapper functions of the gslflame and gsllapack libraries, which is not
too appealing.
Another way to handle it is to have gsl_linalg_alloc() routines for all
functions which would figure out the right workspace size for whatever
library you are using. This would require a lot of code changes for
current users, also not too appealing.
2. Errors
LAPACK tends to handle errors pretty well, and returns error codes from
each function which could be interpreted by the GSL wrapper and passed
on to the user.
libFLAME however seems to lack an error handling mechanism and calls
abort() when it encounters an error (I have not looked deeply into the
source but this is based on previous discussions on this list). Calling
abort() is a very poor way to handle this and GSL users could be
frustrated by this. I don't want to get into the business of
forking/rewriting the flame error handling stuff so I don't see any easy
solution to this.
3. Global state
This is another advantage of LAPACK over libflame - libflame requires a
global initialization call to initialize a small number of global
variables. This means that a) each wrapper function for libflame would
need to check if that memory is initialized and if not call the function
or b) GSL needs to provide a global init/free call. I don't like either
of these options. (a) is bad because there is no simple way for the user
to free that memory from their program. (b) is bad because global states
are just ugly and bad design imo.
4. Fortran vs C
One main disadvantage of LAPACK is the ordering of memory in fortran,
which would require transposing matrices prior to the lapack call, and
then transposing back afterward. This isn't such a big problem in terms
of efficiency but its still a headache.
I would like feedback from everyone on the following points:
1. Should we try to add lapack/flame interfaces for the 2.0 release or
wait until 3.0? I personally probably won't have a lot of time to work
on this for several months.
2. Is it better to select gsllinalg/lapack/flame at compile time or link
3. Whats the best way to handle the memory workspace requirements (add
_alloc functions to all gsl_linalg routines or dynamic allocation)?
4. What should we do about error handling in libflame? Just accept the
abort() behavior?
5. Is there a strong preference for doing wrappers for both lapack and
flame? Should we only interface to lapack, due to the difficulties with
flame (global state, abort() error handling)? Should we only interface
to flame due to its more modern design?
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* Re: GSL v2.0 discussion
2014-04-04 17:02 ` GSL v2.0 discussion Patrick Alken
@ 2014-04-04 17:41 ` Jean-François Caron
2014-04-04 20:31 ` Rhys Ulerich
1 sibling, 0 replies; 6+ messages in thread
From: Jean-François Caron @ 2014-04-04 17:41 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Patrick Alken; +Cc: gsl-discuss
> 1. Should we try to add lapack/flame interfaces for the 2.0 release or wait until 3.0?
Unless an individual specifically volunteers for this job, we should not delay.
> 2. Is it better to select gsllinalg/lapack/flame at compile time or link time?
Selecting at compile time sounds more reasonable. If a user really needs to use both LA libs with GSL, they should be advanced enough to be able to install parallel versions of GSL.
> 4. What should we do about error handling in libflame? Just accept the abort() behavior?
File a bug report with libflame?
> 5. Is there a strong preference for doing wrappers for both lapack and flame? Should we only interface to lapack, due to the difficulties with flame (global state, abort() error handling)? Should we only interface to flame due to its more modern design?
If only one of the libs was an option, I would vote for LAPACK, since it’s much more commonly used & well-known.
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* Re: GSL v2.0 discussion
2014-04-04 17:02 ` GSL v2.0 discussion Patrick Alken
2014-04-04 17:41 ` Jean-François Caron
@ 2014-04-04 20:31 ` Rhys Ulerich
2014-04-04 20:52 ` Patrick Alken
1 sibling, 1 reply; 6+ messages in thread
From: Rhys Ulerich @ 2014-04-04 20:31 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Patrick Alken; +Cc: gsl-discuss
Hi Patrick,
My TODOs for 2.0 include...
-- Merging some code for Konrad (the same Hermite stuff you mentioned)
-- Merging the two B-spline workspaces into one
On the libflame/LAPACK question you raise, and out-of-order response
to 5 before 1 though 4....
> 5. Is there a strong preference for doing wrappers for both lapack and
> flame? Should we only interface to lapack, due to the difficulties with
> flame (global state, abort() error handling)? Should we only interface to
> flame due to its more modern design?
Maintaining two sets of linear algebra backends is error prone and
will stretch our already thin time to hack on GSL. We might take an
intermediate approach and target
http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lapacke.html. That'll solve C-to-Fortran
linkage hell for legacy LAPACK (assuming vendors support it) and
aiming for the standard-ish API follows the GSL precedent of writing
to the CBLAS API. As libflame has a LAPACK-compatibility layer
("lapack2flame"), any LAPACKE "shim" permitting talking to a legacy
LAPACK would also permit talking to a fairly large subset of libflame.
Assuming success with that LAPACKE idea and a good driving use case,
we could marry GSL more closely with libflame down the road.
> 1. Should we try to add lapack/flame interfaces for the 2.0 release or wait
> until 3.0? I personally probably won't have a lot of time to work on this
> for several months.
Ditto here on the time crunch for a few months (stupid overdue
thesis). I'd aim for LAPACKE in 2.0 and, if needed, tighter libflame
in 3.0.
> 2. Is it better to select gsllinalg/lapack/flame at compile time or link
> time?
Link time, and presumably an invisible thing for us with LAPACKE
provided that the Autoconf infrastructure can find something sensible
for 'make check'
> 3. Whats the best way to handle the memory workspace requirements (add
> _alloc functions to all gsl_linalg routines or dynamic allocation)?
Use of high-level LAPACKE claims to handle workspace allocation. If
it becomes performance critical somewhere, we could manage it
internally and use the medium-level API along with explicit
> 4. What should we do about error handling in libflame? Just accept the
> abort() behavior?
If libflame's LAPACK-compatibility does not include proper error
handling and just calls abort(), well, that would be their problem to
fix if they claim compatibility.
Once upon a time I got Brian's permission to yank the gsl_error
infrastructure for libflame and submitted a patch. That can be dug up
if they want/need it.
- Rhys
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* Re: GSL v2.0 discussion
2014-04-04 20:31 ` Rhys Ulerich
@ 2014-04-04 20:52 ` Patrick Alken
2014-04-04 21:07 ` Patrick Alken
0 siblings, 1 reply; 6+ messages in thread
From: Patrick Alken @ 2014-04-04 20:52 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: gsl-discuss
On 04/04/2014 02:30 PM, Rhys Ulerich wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> -- Merging the two B-spline workspaces into one
This is already done - bspline_deriv_workspace is gone and everything is
now in bspline_workspace
> On the libflame/LAPACK question you raise, and out-of-order response
> to 5 before 1 though 4....
>> 5. Is there a strong preference for doing wrappers for both lapack and
>> flame? Should we only interface to lapack, due to the difficulties with
>> flame (global state, abort() error handling)? Should we only interface to
>> flame due to its more modern design?
> Maintaining two sets of linear algebra backends is error prone and
> will stretch our already thin time to hack on GSL. We might take an
> intermediate approach and target
> http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lapacke.html. That'll solve C-to-Fortran
> linkage hell for legacy LAPACK (assuming vendors support it) and
> aiming for the standard-ish API follows the GSL precedent of writing
> to the CBLAS API. As libflame has a LAPACK-compatibility layer
> ("lapack2flame"), any LAPACKE "shim" permitting talking to a legacy
> LAPACK would also permit talking to a fairly large subset of libflame.
I must say I do like the idea of doing a lapack interface only, and then
using the lapack2flame layer for libflame. Lapack is still the standard
library, and many research groups continue to actively contribute code
to lapack. Also last time I checked, libflame hasn't implemented the
nonsymmetric eigenvalue solver. Lapack has a very sophisticated
algorithm for this which would probably be a nightmare to port over to C
(I actually looked into this once).
I need to look into whether lapack2flame accepts LAPACKE calls or just
LAPACK calls (I don't see any reference to LAPACKE in the flame user
manual). In any case, lapack is usually installed by default on many
systems, whereas lapacke is probably not, so it may be worth supporting
lapack instead.
> Assuming success with that LAPACKE idea and a good driving use case,
we could marry GSL more closely with libflame down the road.
>> 1. Should we try to add lapack/flame interfaces for the 2.0 release or wait
>> until 3.0? I personally probably won't have a lot of time to work on this
>> for several months.
> Ditto here on the time crunch for a few months (stupid overdue
> thesis). I'd aim for LAPACKE in 2.0 and, if needed, tighter libflame
> in 3.0.
>> 2. Is it better to select gsllinalg/lapack/flame at compile time or link
>> time?
> Link time, and presumably an invisible thing for us with LAPACKE
> provided that the Autoconf infrastructure can find something sensible
> for 'make check'
One possible pain for link-time support is that it would break many
existing makefiles, since users would need to add an additional
-lgsllinalg or -lgsllapack to all GSL programs. This may not be such a
problem but its worth thinking about.
>> 3. Whats the best way to handle the memory workspace requirements (add
>> _alloc functions to all gsl_linalg routines or dynamic allocation)?
> Use of high-level LAPACKE claims to handle workspace allocation. If
> it becomes performance critical somewhere, we could manage it
> internally and use the medium-level API along with explicit
> management.
>> 4. What should we do about error handling in libflame? Just accept the
>> abort() behavior?
> If libflame's LAPACK-compatibility does not include proper error
> handling and just calls abort(), well, that would be their problem to
> fix if they claim compatibility.
> Once upon a time I got Brian's permission to yank the gsl_error
> infrastructure for libflame and submitted a patch. That can be dug up
> if they want/need it.
> - Rhys
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* Re: GSL v2.0 discussion
2014-04-04 20:52 ` Patrick Alken
@ 2014-04-04 21:07 ` Patrick Alken
2014-04-14 14:08 ` Rhys Ulerich
0 siblings, 1 reply; 6+ messages in thread
From: Patrick Alken @ 2014-04-04 21:07 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: gsl-discuss
On 04/04/2014 02:52 PM, Patrick Alken wrote:
> I need to look into whether lapack2flame accepts LAPACKE calls or just
> LAPACK calls (I don't see any reference to LAPACKE in the flame user
> manual). In any case, lapack is usually installed by default on many
> systems, whereas lapacke is probably not, so it may be worth supporting
> lapack instead.
Looking into this further it seems LAPACKE is included by default in
recent lapack installations, which is very nice. I like how LAPACKE
supports both row/column major matrix inputs - it seems this would make
things much easier for us and we still might be able to use lapack2flame
by linking with -llapacke but not -llapack?
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* Re: GSL v2.0 discussion
2014-04-04 21:07 ` Patrick Alken
@ 2014-04-14 14:08 ` Rhys Ulerich
0 siblings, 0 replies; 6+ messages in thread
From: Rhys Ulerich @ 2014-04-14 14:08 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: Patrick Alken; +Cc: gsl-discuss
From today's NA Digest (http://www.netlib.org/na-digest-html), a
tidbit that's of interest for the current discussion...
- Rhys
From: Field G. Van Zee field@cs.utexas.edu
Date: April 07, 2014
Subject: The union of libflame and LAPACK
Sponsored by an NSF Software Infrastructure for Sustained
Innovation grant, we have been developing a new, vertically
integrated dense linear algebra software stack. At the bottom of
this software stack is the BLAS-like Library Instantiation Software
(BLIS). Above this, targeting sequential and multithreaded
architectures is libflame. At the top of the stack is Elemental
for distributed memory architectures.
libflame targets roughly the same layer as does LAPACK, and now we
have incorporated the LAPACK code base into libflame. For those
operations where libflame has the native functionality, the LAPACK
code becomes an interface. For all other operations, the netlib
implementation provides that functionality. We affectionately call
this new union "flapack", which offers the following benefits:
1) The libflame implementation of LAPACK is entirely coded in C.
No Fortran libraries or compilers are required.
2) The libflame library builds upon the BLIS interface. This
interface, unlike the BLAS, allows for arbitrary row and column
stride. While some applications may benefit from this (e.g., those
that perform computation with slices of tensors), from a
development and maintainability point of view it allows more
functionality to be supported with less code.
3) The union of the two libraries allows users to benefit from both
the LAPACK and libflame code base, within one package.
4) "flapack" passes the LAPACK test suite on platforms where we
have tested this. (There is one exception of a test case that
involves packed matrices that we believe is not in general use.)
The library is available under a 3-clause BSD license at:
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2014-04-04 17:02 ` GSL v2.0 discussion Patrick Alken
2014-04-04 17:41 ` Jean-François Caron
2014-04-04 20:31 ` Rhys Ulerich
2014-04-04 20:52 ` Patrick Alken
2014-04-04 21:07 ` Patrick Alken
2014-04-14 14:08 ` Rhys Ulerich
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