I am trying to install/compile/run GSL v. 1.0 in the Cygwin environment (most up-to-date version), gcc 2.95.3-5. This has created a series of various problems and I have not been successful so far. Cygwin is installed in c:\cygwin GSL libraries, include files etc in c:\cygwin\usr\bin etc, binaries in c:\cygwin\bin Testing by using example programs from the manual (pages referring to PDF format): Page 40: poly.c (finding roots of the polynomial) Page 162: random.c (testing a random number generator) Page 266: vanderpol.c (Vanderpol oscilator) Using the mingw installation. All programs compile well, but: a. poly.c executes with no problem b. random.c and vanderpol.c crash giving the message: 0 [main] A 86798653 handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION 1647 [main] A 86798653 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to RANDOM.EXE.stack dump I compile using simply gcc -o random.exe -c random.c -lgsl -lm I attach the programs. Any clues? In fact, I want to use random number generators and ODE solver in my project, and these two have not compiled well... Thanks for a response in advance. If there is a reasonable FAQ that covers the Cygwin installation, I would love to know where to find it. I tried to compile GSL from the source under Cygwin (./configure, make, make install) but run into horrific problems. -- Adam Kleczkowski Dept. Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge e-mail: adam@kleczkowski.net http://mathbio.com/ (work) http://kleczkowski.net/ (private)