From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: (qmail 30918 invoked by alias); 6 Nov 2002 03:23:01 -0000 Mailing-List: contact; run by ezmlm Precedence: bulk List-Subscribe: List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: , Sender: Received: (qmail 30904 invoked by uid 71); 6 Nov 2002 03:23:01 -0000 Resent-Date: 6 Nov 2002 03:23:01 -0000 Resent-Message-ID: <> Resent-From: (GNATS Filer) Resent-Cc: Resent-Reply-To:, Received: (qmail 28173 invoked by uid 61); 6 Nov 2002 03:17:42 -0000 Message-Id: <> Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 19:23:00 -0000 From: Reply-To: To: X-Send-Pr-Version: gnatsweb-2.9.3 ( Subject: insight/185: Breaks at wrong functions up the stack X-SW-Source: 2002-q4/txt/msg00001.txt.bz2 List-Id: >Number: 185 >Category: insight >Synopsis: Breaks at wrong functions up the stack >Confidential: no >Severity: serious >Priority: medium >Responsible: unassigned >State: open >Class: sw-bug >Submitter-Id: net >Arrival-Date: Tue Nov 05 19:23:00 PST 2002 >Closed-Date: >Last-Modified: >Originator: Sunil Alankar >Release: Insight-5.2.1 >Organization: >Environment: Linux/ Redhat 7.3 >Description: In the following test source, 1. Set a break point at function f1() (or at line 5) 2. run the program 3. When stopped at the breakpoint, issue 'finish' 4. issue 'continue' ; now stops at f1() 5. issue continue again. now stops at f2(). This is wrong It must only stop at f1() as that is the only breakpoint This error does not happen with bare gdb of the same version. #include void f1() { printf ("f1\n"); } void f2() { printf ("f2\n"); f1(); } int main() { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { f2(); } } >How-To-Repeat: Compile the test file t.cpp g++ -g t.cpp gdb a.out Follow the above steps >Fix: >Release-Note: >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted: ----gnatsweb-attachment---- Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="t.cpp" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="t.cpp" I2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGlvLmg+Cgp2b2lkIGYxKCkKewoJcHJpbnRmICgiZjFcbiIpOwp9Cgp2b2lk IGYyKCkKewoJcHJpbnRmICgiZjJcbiIpOwoJZjEoKTsKfQoKCmludCBtYWluKCkKewoKIGZvciAo aW50IGkgPSAwOyBpIDwgMjA7IGkrKykKIHsKCQoJZjIoKTsKIH0KCn0KCg==